What are the events fired when the group is collapsing or collapsed

9 Dec 20191 minute to read

Following are the events triggered when the group is collapsing or collapsed.

  • C#
  • //Shows the GroupCollapsing event.
    private void gridGroupingControl1_GroupCollapsing(object sender, Syncfusion.Grouping.GroupEventArgs e)
    //Shows all the records in the group, which is being collapsed.
    foreach(Record r in e.Group.Records)
        Console.WriteLine("Collapsing event "+r.Info);
    //Shows the GroupCollapsed event.
    private void gridGroupingControl1_GroupCollapsed(object sender, Syncfusion.Grouping.GroupEventArgs e)
    //Shows all the records in the group which has collapsed.
        foreach(Record r in e.Group.Records)
            Console.WriteLine("Collapsed event "+r.Info);
  • VB.NET
  • 'Shows the GroupCollapsed events.
     Private Sub gridGroupingControl1_GroupCollapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Syncfusion.Grouping.GroupEventArgs) Handles 
        For Each r As Record In e.Group.Records
            Console.WriteLine("Collapsed event " + r.Info)
        Next r
    End Sub
    'Shows the GroupCollapsing events.
      Private Sub gridGroupingControl1_GroupCollapsing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Syncfusion.Grouping.GroupEventArgs) Handles 
        For Each r As Record In e.Group.Records
            Console.WriteLine("Collapsing event " + r.Info)
        Next r
    End Sub