How to get or set the dock ability for a control?

9 Dec 20191 minute to read

The current dock ability for the controls can be retrieved or set using the below methods.

Methods Description
GetDockAbility Retrieves the dock ability of the control. The parameter is,


- Indicates the docked control for which DockAbility has to be obtained.
SetDockAbility Sets the dock ability of the control.


- Indicates the docked control for which DockAbility need to be set.
//Getting the Dock Ability


//Setting the Dock Ability

this.dockingManager1.SetDockAbility(this.panel2, "Bottom, Horizontal");
'Getting the Dock Ability


'Setting the Dock Ability

Me.dockingManager1.SetDockAbility(Me.panel2, "Bottom, Horizontal")