Advanced Features in Windows Forms Currency Textbox (CurrencyTextbox)

3 Oct 20233 minutes to read

Clipboard Support

The CurrencyTextBox control also provides support for clipboard operations that are compatible with currency data. The ClipMode property specifies if formatting characters are to be copied to the clipboard.

this.currencyTextBox1.ClipMode = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.CurrencyClipModes.ExcludeFormatting;
Me.currencyTextBox1.ClipMode = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.CurrencyClipModes.ExcludeFormatting

Clipboard Support

Overflow Indicator

You can display an indicator in the textbox, when the currency value is displayed, beyond its boundaries. We can also display tooltip for the overflow indicator. The tooltip text is specified in OverflowIndicatorToolTipText. Set ShowOverflowIndicator property to true to enable this feature. Set ShowOverflowIndicatorToolTip property to true to display the tooltip text.

this.currencyTextBox1.OverflowIndicatorToolTipText = "Overflow";

this.currencyTextBox1.ShowOverflowIndicator = true;

this.currencyTextBox1.ShowOverflowIndicatorToolTip = true;
Me.currencyTextBox1.OverflowIndicatorToolTipText = "Overflow"

Me.currencyTextBox1.ShowOverflowIndicator = True

Me.currencyTextBox1.ShowOverflowIndicatorToolTip = True

Overflow indicator


The CurrencyTextBox class is globalization aware and uses System.Globalization.CultureInfo for locale-specific information. You can set the control’s culture to any installed culture through its culture property.


this.currencyTextBox1.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ar-SA");

this.currencyTextBox1.CurrentCultureRefresh = true;

this.currencyTextBox1.SpecialCultureValue = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.SpecialCultureValues.None;
Me.currencyTextBox1.Culture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ar-SA")

Me.currencyTextBox1.CurrentCultureRefresh = True

Me.currencyTextBox1.SpecialCultureValue = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.SpecialCultureValues.None

User Override for Culture

CurrencyTextBox Properties


UseUserOverride Specifies if the NumberFormatInfo used for formatting will use the User overrides for the culture.
this.currencyTextBox1.UseUserOverride = false;

this.currencyTextBox1.Culture = new CultureInfo(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID,this.currencyTextBox1.UseUserOverride);
Me.currencyTextBox1.UseUserOverride = False

Me.currencyTextBox1.Culture = New CultureInfo(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID,Me.currencyTextBox1.UseUserOverride)

Culture name

The culture name can be displayed in the different format according to the specified culture value. Refer the following table in detail.

CurrencyTextBox.Culture Properties


DisplayName Gets the culture name in the format "<language full>(<country/region full>)" in the language of the localized version of the .NET Framework.
EnglishName Gets the culture name in the format "<language full>(<country/region full>)" in English.
NativeName Gets the culture name in the format "<language full>(<country/region full>)" in the language that the culture is set to display.
ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName Gets the three letter code for the language as specified in the windows API.

The following figure illustrates this when the culture is ‘en-US’.

this.label11.Text = this.currencyTextBox1.Culture.DisplayName;

this.label12.Text  = this.currencyTextBox1.Culture.EnglishName;

this.label13.Text  = this.currencyTextBox1.Culture.NativeName;

this.label14.Text  = this.currencyTextBox1.Culture.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName;
Me.label11.Text = Me.currencyTextBox1.Culture.DisplayName

Me.label12.Text = Me.currencyTextBox1.Culture.EnglishName

Me.label13.Text = Me.currencyTextBox1.Culture.NativeName

Me.label14.Text = Me.currencyTextBox1.Culture.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName

Culture name