Colored it Control in Windows Forms DataBoundGrid

28 Apr 20211 minute to read

This page explains How to Use a ColorEdit Control in a Column and Retrieve its Value and more details.

How to Use a ColorEdit Control in a Column and Retrieve its Value

Set the CellType property in the cell style to “ColorEdit” and the text property to the appropriate value. To access a column’s style, use either GridDataBoundGrid.GridBoundColumns or GridDataBoundGrid.Binder.InternalColumn depending upon whether you have explicitly added the GridBoundColumns or not.

GridStyleInfo style = gridDataBoundGrid1.GridBoundColumns[1].StyleInfo;

//Sets control type.
style.CellType = "ColorEdit"; 

//Sets the initial value to Color.Aqua or to set a RGB color, use something like style.Text = "2, 12, 255"; 

//Sets initial value to
style.Text = "Aqua";       


//Retrieves a color object from this cell, use code such as
Color c = (Color)System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Color)).ConvertFromString(gridDataBoundGrid1[2, 2].Text);
Dim style As GridStyleInfo = gridDataBoundGrid1.GridBoundColumns(1).StyleInfo

'Sets control type.
style.CellType = "ColorEdit" 

'Sets the initial value to Color.Aqua or to set a RGB color, use something like  style.Text = "2, 12, 255"  

'Sets initial value to 
style.Text = "Aqua"      


'Retrieves a color object from this cell, use code such as
Dim c As Color = CType(System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(GetType(Color)).ConvertFromString(gridDataBoundGrid1(2, 2).Text), Color)