Rendering Type in UWP Smith Chart (SfSmithChart)

10 May 20211 minute to read

SfSmithChart plots the transmission line in two different ways by using RenderingType property. The two ways are given below.


In impedance smith chart, normalized resistance circles and normalized reactance curves are drawn from right to left. Axis label ranges are start from left to right.

Impedance is the default rendering type of SmithChart.

<syncfusion:SfSmithChart RenderingType="Impedance">
SfSmithChart chart = new SfSmithChart();
chart.RenderingType = RenderingType.Impedance;

SmithChart Impedance Chart


In Admittance smith chart, normalized resistance circles and normalized reactance curves are drawn from left to right. Axis label ranges are start from right to left.

<syncfusion:SfSmithChart RenderingType="Admittance">
SfSmithChart chart = new SfSmithChart();
chart.RenderingType = RenderingType.Admittance;

SmithChart Admittance Chart