
8 Nov 20191 minute to read

Operations that are done by context menu can also be performed using Schedule commands. The following actions of context menu can be handled by executing schedule commands in the application.

  • Adding new appointment
  • Editing appointment
  • Deleting appointment
  • Copying appointment
  • Pasting appointment


By triggering AddNewCommand of ScheduleCommands, the editor window can be opened with all the field with empty value based on last selected date time, without using any UI. After that you can specify the required value and save the appointment.

  • C#
  • ScheduleCommands.AddNewCommand.Execute(this.Schedule);


    By triggering EditCommand of ScheduleCommands, the editor window can be opened with all the field with the last selected appointment detail, without using any UI. After that you can modify the required value and save the appointment.

  • C#
  • ScheduleCommands.EditCommand.Execute(this.Schedule);


    By triggering CopyCommand of ScheduleCommands, last selected schedule appointment in schedule can be copied.

  • C#
  • ScheduleCommands.CopyCommand.Execute(this.Schedule);


    By triggering PasteCommand of ScheduleCommands, last copied schedule appointment can be pasted in SfSchedule.

  • C#
  • ScheduleCommands.PasteCommand.Execute(this.Schedule);