Essential Studio for Universal Windows Platform Release Notes

October 3, 2019



  • #105883 , #134917, #170211, #239966, #244366, #F146503 - Provided support to create and apply custom table styles in a Word document.
  • #94996, #F116887, #137337, #137532, #147886, #159260, #163472, #182382, #183354, #140858, #197030, #199916, #201860, #212424, #232214, #234693 - Provided support to shape and Text box rotation in Word document.

Bug Fixes

  • #241691 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #240393 - Line numbers are now preserved properly when resaving the Word document.
  • #242018 - Text encoding issue has been resolved while opening a RTF format Word document.
  • #241885 - Line spacing is now preserved properly while converting a Word document into HTML.
  • #F143774 - Paragraphs are now preserved properly while performing horizontal cell merge in a Word document.
  • #241475 - Nested IF field result is now preserved properly while converting a Word document as a Text file.
  • #237339 - ActualFormatType is now considered as DOCX when creating a new Word document from scratch.
  • #239792 - Character format is applied properly in Inline content control while opening Word document.
  • #239895 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when updating the fields in the Word document.
  • #239579 - Text border is preserved properly when converting HTML to Word document.
  • #238722 - Character format is applied properly while updating document fields.
  • #F143772 - Nested bookmark is now preserved properly while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #245094 - The paragraph style name is now preserved properly in the StyleName property while parsing RTF format document.
  • #240020 - Images and tables are now preserved properly in HTML export when the system scaling value is other than 100%.
  • #245656 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #239089, #246062 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while replacing bookmark content in Word document.
  • #244946 - Font name is now updated properly while applying character format to the text range in Word document.
  • #244919 - The IndexOutOfBoundsException will no longer be thrown while updating document fields.
  • #244241 - Argument is not image byte array exception will no longer be thrown while updating alternate chunk.
  • #243623 - Bold is now preserved properly while converting HTML into a Word document.
  • #243595 - Negative values are now preserved properly while performing mail merge in a Word document.
  • #241184 - Image is preserved properly in content control when open and save the word document.
  • #F145109, #246061 - Bookmark contents are now replaced properly with the ReplaceBookmarkContent API.
  • #238451 - Underline is preserved in RTF to HTML conversion.
  • #F145124 - Hanging will no longer occur while deleting a bookmark contents.
  • List value is now updated properly when converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #247034 - Font name is preserved properly while resaving a Word document.
  • #246348 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while importing a Word document into another document.
  • #F146575 - Textbox formats are now applied properly while modifying an existing Word document.
  • #F142273 - Bookmark contents are removed properly while removing a bookmark content in a Word document.
  • #F142273 - Nested bookmark is now deleted properly while deleting a bookmark content in a Word document.
  • #F144828 - Bookmark contents are now replaced properly while replacing a content inside the table.
  • #228049 - GridBefore value is now preserved properly for RTF format document.


Bug Fixes

  • #245314 - The tabbed windows can be activated using the ActivateWindow method during run time.



  • #216603 - Added support for enhanced electronics signature ETSI CAdES.
  • #218411, 223453, F141588 - Added support for validating digital signatures in existing PDF document.
  • #187514, 182262, 153360, 103910 - Added support for finding the corrupted PDF document.
  • #233393 - Added support for setting LeaderOffset, EndLineStyle, and BeginLineStyle in PdfLineMeasureAnnotation.
  • #232955 - Added support for processing PDF, which contains encryption only for attachments in PDF.
  • #236552 - Added support for finding the header row using event handler.

Breaking Changes

  • Line ending styles default value has been changed to None from Square.

Bug Fixes

  • #245618 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer occur when saving the existing PDF document.
  • #245433 - Characters with super script will be preserved properly when rendering with Thai font.
  • #246397 - Document save performance with the SaveProgress event has been improved.
  • #237184 - Preservation and hanging issue will no longer occur when converting Word to PDF.
  • #244577 - PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation destination will be updated properly with provided X and Y position.
  • #244143 - Adjacent character removal in text redaction has been resolved.
  • #244220 - Logo image will be preserved properly in EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #242068 - Meta file will be rendered properly in EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #241580 - Tiling brush will be rendered properly in XPS to PDF conversion.
  • #243529 - Barcode will no longer have any extra blank space when rendering.
  • #246019 - Hanging issue will no longer occur when converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #244245 - Text and Icon values of PdfLoadedPopupAnnotation will be retrieved properly.
  • #240456 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when merging the particular documents.
  • #241481 – Free text annotation will no longer return invalid text.
  • #242049 – PdfAnnotation will be cleared properly while removing the annotations.
  • #238304 – Font name will be retrieved properly from the PdfLoadedAnnotation.
  • #239222, #239219 – Radio button page will be null if it is not added in the page.
  • #238725 – Inserting long text in PdfLightTable cell works properly.
  • #238603 – 3D annotations will be rendered properly with different Pdf3DRendermode.
  • #238517 – PdfFreeTextAnnotation color will be preserved properly.
  • #242310 – Signature information will be rendered properly when applying security.
  • #244368 – Radio button will be added to the existing PDF documents.
  • #242644 – Symbols will be encoded properly in Code 39 Extended and Code 93 Extended barcodes.
  • #242717 – PdfLayoutResult will return proper bounds when enabling auto tag.
  • #243273 – Radio button field will be flattened properly in all PDF pages.
  • #242335 – Text will be rendered properly when filling and flattening text with right alignment.
  • #241159 – Code 32 barcode is now preserved properly for the input text containing zero.
  • #238715 – Text will be rendered properly when converting a particular Word document to PDF.
  • #241580 – Tilling brush will be rendered in proper location on XPS to PDF conversion.
  • #241002 – The PDF document will no longer be corrupted when converting EMF to PDF.
  • #238709 – System out of memory exception will no longer be thrown when converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #245763 – Performance of Excel to PDF conversion has been improved.
  • #245556 – PDF A1B conformance will be preserved properly while updating document information.
  • #247297 – Bounds of the text box field will be returned properly.
  • #F144285 - Signature bounds will be retrieved properly from the existing PDF document.
  • #F145476 – Content inside the child grid will be wrapped properly.
  • #F145826 – Barcode will be generated properly with PdfCode93Barcode.
  • Added appearance stream for different style radio buttons.
  • Text size will be calculated based on the text box field height if it does not have font or size.
  • Underline will no longer be added for trailing white spaces when drawing text.
  • Fore color will be retrieved properly from the text box field.
  • PdfSignatureField name will be preserved properly.
  • Font size of the form field will be calculated based on the field size.
  • Back color and inner color will be preserved properly for PdfAnnotation.
  • Exception will no longer occur when updating the form field on existing PDF document.
  • The Null reference exception will no longer occur when flattening the form fields.
  • The performance of draw string is optimized.



  • #F145218 - Added support to insert the slide with PasteOptions in PowerPoint document.

Bug Fixes

  • #F145117 - Font size will be applied properly for second paragraph of table cell.
  • #243282 - Images are now preserved properly while performing clone and merge in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #237602 - Border will be preserved properly while saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #237602 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #245001 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #246453 - The KeyNotFoundException will no longer be thrown while cloning and removing the PowerPoint slide.
  • Custom Placeholders will be preserved properly in newly added PowerPoint slide.


Breaking Changes

  • The behavior of the ShowLeadingAndTrailingDays property has been changed. If it is True, the previous and next month dates will be shown, and if it is false, the previous and next month dates will not be shown.


Bug Fixes

  • #245040 - The Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup.XamlParseException will no longer be thrown in SetterValueBindingHelper class with Release-xml mode.


Behavior Changes

  • Selection will no longer be cleared while right-clicking over the resizer thumbs.


Bug fixes

  • #240022 - Exception no longer be thrown when loading the ImageEditor window on second time using CoreApplication.CreateNewView().Dispatcher.RunAsync.

  • #244813 - The selected shape will be resized properly when adding a shape in the OnPointerPressed event.

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the toolbar built-in FontFamily styles.


Bug Fixes

  • #F146074 - InputGestureText is displayed properly in submenu items.


Bug fixes

  • Now, the minus sign is ignored when setting the value of Minimum property greater than zero in SfNumericUpDown.



  • #244702 - Border support has been provided for FreeText annotation.

Bug Fixes

  • #237689 - Annotation orientation will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #238215 – Application will no longer be crashed when opening a password protected PDF document.
  • #241400 - Application will no longer be crashed while tapping the line annotation.
  • #241400 – Application will no longer be crashed when tapping an annotation.
  • #237528, #239481 - Now, text in the FreeText annotation will be preserved properly while printing the PDF document.
  • #243035 – The System.FormatException will no longer be thrown after deleting shape annotation.
  • #244703 - Now, FreeText and FreeText Callout annotations will be removed properly.
  • #244735 - Application will no longer throw System.FormatException while changing the text color of FreeText annotation.
  • #244339 – Application will no longer be crashed when resizing the print preview window.
  • #239481 – The free text annotation is now displayed properly.
  • #244702 – The FreeText annotation will be moved and resized when context menu is visible.
  • #237526 – The System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer occur while saving the PDF document with custom signature.
  • Form fields will lose focus property when tapped outside after editing.



  • #243464 - Added OptimizeRtfFileSize property in ExportSettings class to reduce the resultant file size while saving the document as RTF.
  • #239227 - Provided support to preserve the empty cell mark paragraph after nested table with zero height (hidden), like Microsoft Word.

Bug Fixes

  • #241353 - Table cell shading is now rendered properly.
  • #243443 - Remove hyperlink option now works properly after opening HTML file with hyperlink.
  • #241663 - Right border of a vertical merged cell is now rendered properly.
  • #239574 - Exception will no longer be thrown while performing select all (Ctrl + A) and delete contents using backspace key.
  • #244036, #246146 - No extra spaces added before the hyperlink display text while opening HTML file with hyperlink.
  • #239881 - Exception will no longer be thrown when height of table in header footer is greater than page height.
  • #241989 - Exception will no longer be thrown on disposing the previous document while opening document.
  • #238842 - The viewer is now properly interactive without scrolling to selected content while zooming.
  • #233913, #236783, #239205 - Merged cells in a table is now displayed with proper width.
  • #240669, #237042, #239300, #239879 - The nested tables with row properties header row, at least height type, allow break across pages are now rendered properly.
  • #238489 - The cell contents of nested table are now rendered properly based on its vertical alignment.
  • #245094, #246281 - Font family and font size of the text is now preserved properly after performing copy and paste operation.
  • #246146 - Field structure is preserved properly while deleting the hyperlink text.
  • #246169 - Exception will no longer be thrown while copying text (Ctrl + C) after exporting the document as HTML.
  • #246293 - The document title is now properly displayed as title of print dialog.
  • #246699 - Selection formatting from cursor position is now properly copied to the new paragraph on pressing enter key.
  • #245020 - Exception will no longer be thrown while scrolling the document with page height less than or equal to sum of top and bottom margins.
  • #246146 - Cursor navigation is now working properly on pressing right arrow key when cursor is placed at the end of hyperlink which is last item of paragraph.


Bug fixes

  • #246702,248797 - Now, NoResultFoundText works correctly when KeyDown is pressed.



  • #238012 - Unsupported font is now substituted by a font stream in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #238385 - Exporting Excel data to nested class is now supported.
  • #F147141 - Applying marker image with auto ratio is now supported.
  • Bindable attribute is implemented to skip a property on importing data from a collection.
  • Importing data from nested collection to Excel is now supported.

Breaking Changes

  • #238012 - AlternateFontStream property in SubstituteFontEventArgs class gets or sets the alternate font stream.
  • #238385 - ExportData<T>() method is added in IWorksheet, WorksheetImpl, ExternWorksheetImpl and WorksheetGroup classes to export worksheet data into the collection of CLR objects.
  • BindableAttribute() constructor in BindableAttribute class initializes a new instance that indicates whether a property is bindable.
  • Bindable property in BindableAttribute class specifies the bindable attribute for a property.
  • ImportData() method is added in IWorksheet, WorksheetImpl, ExternWorksheetImpl and WorksheetGroup classes to import data from class objects to a worksheet.
  • ExcelNestedDataLayoutOptions enum in enums class specifies how to fill the group field values while importing nested collection CLR objects.
  • ExcelNestedDataGroupOptions enum in enums class specifies whether the grouping is added with Collapse or Expand while importing nested collection CLR objects.
  • ExcelImportDataOptions class is added in IWorksheet class to specify import data options.
  • FirstRow property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies first row from where the data should be imported.
  • FirstColumn property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies first column from where the data should be imported.
  • IncludeHeader property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies whether class properties names must be imported or not.
  • IncludeHeaderParent property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies whether parent class properties names must be imported or not.
  • NestedDataLayoutOptions property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies how to fill the group field values while importing nested collection objects.
  • NestedDataGroupOptions property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies whether the grouping is added with Collapse or Expand while importing nested collection objects.
  • CollapseLevel property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies the group collapse level.

Bug Fixes

  • #230042, #231663 - Number and date time values are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #237114, #237576 - Line shapes are now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #244941, #245083 - Custom properties are now preserved properly on resaving the Excel document.
  • #240083 - Number alignment is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #235971 - Chart series type is now preserved properly while saving the workbook with combination chart.
  • #240200 - Pivot table background color is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240677 - Pivot chart is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240083 - Chart data points will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239969 - Argument exception will no longer be thrown on opening the Excel file containing external workbook.
  • #230937 - Excel document is now converted properly while using the OFFSET function.
  • #236370 - DateTime value is now returned correctly in UK culture.
  • #238322 - Pivot table row header is now preserved properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #236131 - PivotTable will no longer be crashed on refreshing the resaved Excel file.
  • #239384 - Performance delay will no longer occur while resaving the Excel document.
  • #237809 - Conditional format formula for specific text is now updated properly while copying cells.
  • #236873 - DisplayText is now returned correctly when accessing the date time using formula with DDDD number format.
  • #238626 - Creating table with invalid table name will throw an exception.
  • #236136 - PercentOfParent option is now set correctly while creating a pivot table.
  • #237114 - AutoShape text is now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239217 - Cell text with lesser than and greater than symbols are now preserved properly when converting the worksheet to HTML.
  • #236197 - Time value is now set correctly for 1904 enabled workbook.
  • #241751 - Checkboxes are now checked properly after resaving the Excel document.
  • #238322 - Grand totals of rows and columns are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #241336 - Excel document containing conditional formats will no longer be corrupted on inserting a row.
  • #237235 - Legend is now preserved properly on setting custom data label.
  • #240083 - Chart data point will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #242245 - Performance has been improved while opening the SpreadsheetXML file.
  • #241403 - Vertical text alignment now works properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242613 - Japanese characters are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242913 - Font name and font size will no longer be changed while opening the Excel document.
  • #244193 - Exception will no longer be thrown on converting the Excel document with date time to PDF.
  • #239659 - Checkbox when removed is now preserved properly.
  • #226622 - Cell value is now updated properly while coping a range from source to destination.
  • #239384 - Performance is improved while converting Excel document into PDF with conditional formatting.
  • #243118 - Exception will no longer be thrown on saving the document with form controls.
  • #244535 - Filter applied columns are now auto-fitted properly.
  • #243110 - Code name is now preserved properly for XLSX files.
  • #242235 - Alternative text for chart shape is now preserved properly on resaving the Excel document.
  • #245833 - Worksheet with autoshapes is now cloned properly.
  • #243737 - Conditional format styles are now copied properly while applying marker with jump arguments.
  • #240083 - Conditional format formula is now calculated correctly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #244284 - Table formatting issues will no longer occur on resaving the Excel file.
  • #240237 - Excel document with line shapes is now properly converted to PDF.
  • #248642 - Exception is no longer thrown on resaving the Excel document containing external range in chart series.
  • #243928 - Border style is applied when BeginUpdate and EndUpdate are invoked.
  • #240237 - Shape text rendering is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #247667 - Image will no longer shrunk on inserting multiple rows.
  • #243732 - Cell indent is now preserved properly when indent level is set in Excel to HTML conversion.
  • #245634 - Format exception is no longer thrown on opening the file in German culture.
  • #F144906 - Active worksheet is now unselected when multiple worksheets are selected in the Excel file.
  • #F145816 - Exception will no longer be thrown on saving the workbook after invoking IApplication.IsSupported() method.
  • #F146576 - Cell with indentation will no longer be missed in worksheet to image conversion.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown when getting intersect range from invalid named ranges.
  • Saving the input document as xlsx file after saving it as xml document will no longer be corrupted.
  • CalcEngine will no longer be reinitialized after performing Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Legend text color is now preserved properly on saving the Excel document.
  • Chart is now preserved properly on copying the worksheet using the AddCopy() method.
  • Output Excel file will no longer be corrupted when an empty pivot table is updated with data and saved using XlsIO.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown while using named range for page setup in XlsIO.
  • Formula is now correct on resaving the Excel document containing formula with external workbook reference.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown while converting the Excel document to PDF after resave.