Essential Studio for Universal Windows Platform Release Notes

August 31, 2017


Breaking Changes

  • WordDocument.Background.Type property will not return the value NoBackground, if show background in print layout view option is disabled and valid background is defined. In this case make use of new property WordDocument.Settings.DisplayBackgrounds to check whether show background in print layout view option is enabled or disabled.

Bug Fixes

  • #184513 - Formula fields are updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #183656 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while closing a particular Word document.
  • #183819 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while setting WMergeField.FieldName property.
  • #184348 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while parsing Word document which contains shapes.
  • #183627 - Document background color is preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #182050 - Page orientation will be preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.


Bug Fixes

  • #185884 - Empty page is not created, when merging particular PDF document.
  • #185705, 183560 - Text is now preserving properly, when converting particular XPS document to PDF.
  • #185722 - PDF document with Adobe flash is now merging properly.
  • #182001 - Form fields are not duplicated, when load and save the PDF document.
  • #185460 - Attachment collection is not empty, when loading a particular PDF document.
  • #185098 - Exception no longer occurs when merging particular PDF document.
  • #184712 - The document keywords are not duplicated when using commas along with keyword.
  • #184488 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when signing existing PDF document.
  • #183595 - ArgumentOutOfRange exception is no longer occurs when importing pages from a particular PDF document.
  • #182438 - Named destinations are now preserving properly, when adding to the existing PDF document.
  • #183375 - Exception will not be thrown when converting a particular XPS Document to PDF.
  • #182417 - Annotation are now removing properly from PdfLoadedPage.
  • Signature fields are not duplicating when loading and saving the signed PDF.
  • Form fields are not empty when loading and saving the PDF document.
  • PopUp annotation is preserving properly after flattening.



  • #182254 - Added support to render picture bullets while converting the PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #182254 - Added support to render the image with color transformations (Black and white - 25%, 50% and 75%) while converting the PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #178015 - Added support to render the image with gray scale while converting the PowerPoint slide to image.

Bug Fixes

  • #184967 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will not be thrown while cloning a PowerPoint slide with pie chart.
  • #182963 - FontSize property of Font class will now return the correct value.
  • #185046 - ArgumentException will not be thrown while converting the PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #185237 - The shape name will be preserved like Microsoft PowerPoint, while creating new slide from an existing layout slide.
  • #185236 - The shapes in the footer will be preserved properly while creating new slide from an existing layout slide.


Bug fixes

  • #181862 - COM Exception no longer thrown while navigating the datagrid control between multiple views.


Bug Fixes

  • #184787 - Node will not be disappeared when dragging from Stencil using touch.
  • #184787 - Node will be dragged smoothly using touch.
  • #179712 - Serialization on the Shape property will update the Geometry properly.


Bug fixes

  • #185264 – Catastrophic failure will no longer occur, when an element is dragged over the Kanban control.


Bug fixes

  • #185639 - SfMenu will no longer crash while use SfMenuItemSeparator as sub items of SfMenuItem.


Bug Fixes

  • #185367 - Setting AllowHyperlinkNavigation property to false will disable the hyperlink navigation in the PDF document.
  • #184234 - Application will no longer crash when the window is resized.
  • #184604 - Application will no longer crash when PDF documents are loaded and unloaded repeatedly.


Bug Fixes

  • #184964 - Now, paper orientation applied properly for report.


Bug Fixes

  • #184764 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown when typing text in Mobile device.
  • #185160 - COMException will be no longer thrown when custom template is used for SfRichTextBoxAdv control.
  • HTML tags font, strike and attributes font-size, line-height, padding are now preserved properly while loading HTML.


Bug Fixes

  • #179077 - Now, Appointments will be intersected properly when multiple appointments sharing are the same time periods in day, week and work week views.


Bug fixes

  • #182982 – RequestedTheme property will work properly.


Breaking changes

  • #185530, 185561 - Exposed an API Name to get OLE object name in IOleObject class.

Bug fixes

  • #182915 - Issue with borders being cleared while merging cells is fixed.
  • #183016 - Issue with cell text casing while setting number format is fixed.
  • #183332 - Issue with conditional format is not preserved which has formula as another worksheet range, is fixed.
  • #183361 - Marker color gets changed on resave is fixed.
  • #183369 - Exception is no longer thrown on assigning the scatter chart category axis properties.
  • #183445 - Exception is no longer thrown while inserting rows in XLS format file.
  • #183738 - Performance issue while opening Excel file with multiple charts is fixed.
  • #183799 - Issue while setting print title rows for binary files is fixed.
  • #183807 - CopyTo() method is not working properly after applying AutoFilters is fixed.
  • #184328 - Exception is no longer thrown while applying data validation through ListOfValues property.
  • #184407 - Index out of range exception is thrown while setting RTF text is resolved.
  • #184407 - Key not found exception is thrown while setting RTF text is resolved.
  • #184540 - Binary Excel file gets corrupted while copying range with conditional formats is fixed.
  • #184569 - Cell value with comma character is changed while saving in CSV format is fixed.
  • #184894 - Exception is no longer thrown while adding IconSet multiple times.
  • #185139 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while coping worksheet with EMF images.
  • #185527 - Application hanging issue while opening the Excel file with table is resolved.
  • #184160 - Issue with incorrect margin values on resave is fixed.
  • Sorting (descending order) is not working properly when filtering a column is fixed.
  • Issue with copy and paste of formatted cells is fixed.
  • Issue with IsBestFit property while accessing the SetColumnWithPixes method is fixed.
  • Stack overflow exception is no longer thrown while accessing RefersToRange property.
  • Argument exception is no longer thrown while copying one range to another range with styles.
  • Argument exception is no longer thrown when sorting filtered numbers in descending order.
  • The old and new cell values are validated on copy/paste through ValueChanged event.
  • AutoFit is now proper when text in the input file contains line feed and wrap text is set to false.
  • Performance issue in filtering when sheet has comments is fixed.
  • Exception is no longer thrown when coping the defined names between different workbooks.
  • Exception is no longer throw when cloning shape during AddCopy() method.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while accessing table range using formula token.
  • Calculated column formula is not updated during AddCopy() is fixed.
  • Null reference exception is no longer thrown while serializing conditional formats during AddCopy().
  • Issue with ColorRGB in Borders is fixed.