Essential Studio for Universal Windows Platform Release Notes

December 27, 2016


Bug Fixes

  • #167218- Now the UI of Editor controls matches with MS Editor controls.


Bug Fixes

  • #165843 - List number preservation issue has been resolved while importing a particular Word document.
  • #167934 - TextFormField is now preserved properly while replacing a bookmark contents.
  • #168028 - IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #167568, #167582 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #167600 - ArgumentException will no longer thrown while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #167568 - File is no longer corrupted while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #166885 - StackOverflowException will no longer thrown while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #167189 - IndexOutofRangeException will no longer thrown while retrieving the bookmark content.


Bug Fixes

  • 'PdfGrid’ cells are now preserved properly based on the column span.
  • #166940- NullReferenceException is no longer be thrown while drawing text to the particular PDF document.
  • #168422- ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while drawing text in particular ‘PdfLoadedDocument’ instance.
  • # 165345, 168250- Form field values has been preserved properly while filling with large text.
  • #168281- Syntax issue is no longer thrown in preflight with the particular PDF document created.
  • #167608- Text is now preserved properly when flattening the form fields.
  • #168228- Text positions are now properly preserved when flattening the form fields.
  • #167014- ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while flattening the PDF form fields.
  • #168225- Bookmark destination is now preserved properly while loading the PDF document.
  • #166308- Texts are now preserved properly while drawing using MS Mincho font.
  • #166940- Exception no longer occurs while drawing text to the particular PDF document.

Predictive Analytics


  • #167299 - Added support to provide localization information using CultureInfo property in the PMMLEvaluator class.


Breaking Changes

  • #167997 - The property InvertIfNegative is now added into IOfficeChartSerie interface.

Bug Fixes

  • #168870 - Bubble size is now updated properly in charts while creating the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #168101 - Data range will be now updated properly while adding data to an existing chart in a PowerPoint presentation.
  • #167717 - The application will no longer become unresponsive while opening a particular PowerPoint presentation with tables.


Bug fixes

  • #167935- Binding error no longer occurs on setting DataContext in an application.


Bug fixes

  • #167351, #167686, #168091 – Now the Default SelectedDateCell will be highlighted in initial load time.

  • #167351, #167686, #168091 – Applied Color customizations will be maintained, when Refresh function is invoked.

  • #167351, #167686, #168091 – DayCellLoaded event will be raised properly.

  • #167351, #167686, #168091 – Now the Background property applied on unique DayCell properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #167287 - COUNTIF formula is now calculated properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #167455 - Designer exception will no longer be thrown while using SfDateTimeRangeNavigator inside the Expander control.

  • #168884 - Now, Trackball axis label will update properly with real time data.

  • #168533 - Now,ToolTip XData property will update properly in LineSeries.


Bug Fixes

  • #163767 - Now, CircularGauge EndValue visibility issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #166621 - Now, Win32 exception raises when dynamically added item issue has been fixed.



  • #169193 - Provided support to calculate the available size based on ScrollViewer.
  • #167525 - Provided support to load images in CheckBox filter instead of images path.

Bug fixes

  • #167567 - Cell value updated properly when DataGrid is bound to dictionary Collection.


Bug Fixes

  • #168593 - Connector Decorator is aligned in the center of TargetPoint when StrokeThickness is higher.
  • #169371 - Null reference exception will not occur when we Drag and Drop the Groups from Stencil.
  • #168406 - Exception will not throw when we draw a Connector using QuickCommand.


Bug fixes

  • #168479 - Card will be removed properly, when it’s corresponding item removed from the underlying collection bound to ItemsSource.


Bug fixes

  • #167412 - No longer casting exception and Data Binding issue occurs in SfMenu with Hierarchical DataTemplate.


Bug Fixes

  • #166214 - Now, FormatString is applied at the time of loading when control is not focused.


Bug Fixes

  • #166512 - Argument out of range exception is no longer been thrown while switching between normal view to thumbnail view in SfPdfViewer control.



  • #168006 - Added GetRect method in TextPosition class to retrieve the bounding box of the current text position.

Bug Fixes

  • #168582 - Selection using API is now working properly.
  • #168739 - Selecting hyperlink using double click/tap, now selects the entire field properly.
  • #168739 - Pasting hyperlink is now working properly.
  • #167957 - Now the attribute values of hyperlink and list elements are properly preserved within double quotes in the exported HTML.
  • #167678 - RowFormat cannot be set on an object of type Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.RichTextBoxAdv.TableRowAdv exception is no longer thrown while opening Word document.
  • #167720 - Retrieving character format for selection is now working properly.
  • #168141 - ArgumentNullException is no longer thrown in pointer pressed and pointer released events.
  • #168374 - Selection is no longer cleared while right tapping on the selected contents.
  • #168621 - Retrieving list format for selection is now working properly.
  • #168249 - Table row is now displayed properly while opening the particular Word document.
  • Word documents with nested field codes are now opened properly.
  • URI text inserted in upper case are now converted to hyperlink properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #167904, #169551 - Now, Schedule NonWorkingHours hiding issue has been fixed.

  • #168388 - Now, Schedule intersected appointment arranging issue in WeekView has been fixed.

  • #167910 - Now, Binding expression warning in CurrentScheduleType property has been cleared.

  • #167973 - Now, Recurrence date collection while passing the rule with NoEndDate issue has been fixed.

  • #167973 - Now, Schedule Memory leak issue has been fixed in DayView and WeekView.

  • #167610 - Now, Schedule appointment brush not removing while dragging an appointment issue has been fixed.


Breaking changes

  • Delimeter property name has been changed to Delimiter correcting the typo mistake in the API.



  • Support to set the column width based on certain logic has been provided. Some options are SizeToCell, SizeToHeader, Auto, etc.
  • Provided support for clipboard operations such as cut, copy and paste the data within control and between other applications such as Notepad, Excel.
  • Support to freeze the columns in view at the left side like in excel has been provided.
  • Support to bind dynamic data object has been provided.

Breaking Changes

  • In TreeGridSelectedRowsCollection class, Contains method has been renamed as ContainsObject.


Bug fixes

  • #166572 - Issues with RTF text in Korean culture is fixed.
  • #166760 - Exception while parsing pivot cache definition is no longer thrown.
  • #166820 - Exception while parsing conditional formats with invalid formula is no longer thrown.
  • #167141 - File corruption issue while resaving a workbook with improper attribute has been fixed.
  • #167392 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing Excel document with dialog sheets.
  • #167478 - Exception is no longer thrown while assigning value in Russian culture.
  • #167592 - Creation of duplicate cell value while assigning value to a single cell has been fixed.
  • #167735 - Corruption issue with shapes having multiple = characters is fixed.
  • #167754 - Moving ranges will also move comment shapes to proper location.
  • #167812 - Parse exception is no longer thrown while resaving Excel document with invalid named ranges in conditional formats.
  • #167857 - Not a legal OleAut date exception is no longer thrown while accessing display text with switching arguments in different cultures.
  • #167940 - Exception is no longer thrown while measuring size of an empty string in a cell.
  • #168768 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while invoking EnableSheetCalculations twice.
  • #167944, #167945 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing a binary Excel document with invalid extended format index.
  • #168804 - Argument null exception is no longer thrown while applying template markers in different cultures.