
SfReportViewer control provides the capability to view RDL/RDLC or SSRS reports within Universal Windows Platform application. All interactions are touch friendly and provides users a delightful experience viewing reports on tablets. It has support to bind DataSources/Parameters to the Reports and also supports exporting, paging, zooming and printing the report.

Key features

  • RDL Specification - Supports RDL Specification for SQL Server 2008 and RDL Specification for SQL Server 2008 R2 only. You can refer MSDN for list of available specifications - msdn.microsoft.com/library/dd297486(SQL.100).
  • Data sources - You can use advanced Database server data sources such as SQL, Oracle, Azure, XML, Business object and SQL Server compact Data Sources.
  • Charts - Shows all basic types of Charts that are available in Microsoft RDL reports.
  • Tablix - Shows the summaries and simple tables.
  • Gauge - Shows measurement values by using expression values.
  • Textbox - Shows textbox data with expression support.
  • Report Parameter - View the report based on report parameter value.
  • Expression - You can use expression to handle reports.
  • Printing - Prints the assigned document.
  • Customization - You can customize the control appearance.