Freeze Headers in UWP Pivot Grid (SfPivotGrid)

10 May 20211 minute to read

The SfPivotGrid provides built-in support to freeze the column and row headers. This can be achieved by setting the FreezeHeaders property of SfPivotGrid to true.

Refer to the following code snippet to enable FreezeHeaders.

<syncfusion:SfPivotGrid x:Name="PivotGrid1" **FreezeHeaders="True"**/>
// To freeze SfPivotGrid Headers
this.PivotGrid1.FreezeHeaders = true;
' To freeze SfPivotGrid Headers
Me.PivotGrid1.FreezeHeaders = True

This is illustrated in the following screenshot.


A demo sample is available in the following location.

{system drive}:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<Version Number>\Samples\UWP\SampleBrowser\PivotGrid\PivotGrid\View\GettingStarted.xaml