Getting Started with UWP Pivot Client (SfPivotClient)

10 May 202122 minutes to read


To start with v16.2.0.x, if you refer to Syncfusion assemblies from a trial setup or NuGet feed, include a license key in your projects. Refer to this link to learn about registering Syncfusion license key in your UWP application to use the components.

This section explains the steps required to create a simple SfPivotClient control bound to the relational data source such as IList, IEnumerable, etc.

Initializing SfPivotClient control

  1. Open Visual Studio IDE and select File > New > Project to open a new project dialog.

  2. Select Installed > Templates > Visual C# > Windows > Universal > Blank APP(Universal Windows) to create a new UWP application and name the project as “SfPivotClientDemo”.

The target version/minimum version dialog appears, in which you can change the target version of the application to “Windows 10 (10.0; Build 10240)”.

The SfPivotClient control can be initialized and added to the application through the following ways:

  1. Designer.
  2. XAML.
  3. Code-behind.

Adding control through designer

  1. Double-click the MainPage.xaml from the solution explorer to open it in the design view.

  2. Click the toolbox and drag the SfPivotClient control from the “Syncfusion Controls for UWP XAML” group to drop it on the middle of the design canvas.

Now, the SfPivotClient control will be added to the designer as follows.


Adding control through XAML

The SfPivotClient control can be added to the project by referring assemblies or extension SDK as described below.

Assembly reference

  1. Right-click the project in the solution explorer and select Add > Reference… to add the required assemblies.

  2. Then, click Browse to select the following assemblies from the installed location and click OK.

  • Syncfusion.Data.UWP
  • Syncfusion.Olap.UWP
  • Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfBusyIndicator.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfCellGrid.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfChart.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfColorPickers.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfGrid.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfGridCommon.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfInput.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotChart.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotChartConverter.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotClient.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotGrid.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotGridConverter.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotShared.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfShared.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfTabControl.UWP


You can find these libraries under the following location.
<Installed Drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\<Version>\Assemblies for Universal Windows\10.0

Extension SDK reference

  1. Right-click the project in the solution explorer and select Add > Reference… > Universal Windows > Extensions > Syncfusion Controls for UWP XAML.

  2. After adding the required reference, add the following namespace in the MainPage.xaml file.

  1. Then, add the SfPivotClient control to the grid by using the namespace specified in the following code snippet.

        <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">

Adding control through code-behind

The SfPivotClient control can be added to the project by referring assemblies or extension SDK as described below.

Assembly reference

  1. Right-click the project in the solution explorer and select Add > Reference… to add the required assemblies.

  2. Then, click Browse to select the following assemblies from the installed location and click OK.

  • Syncfusion.Data.UWP
  • Syncfusion.Olap.UWP
  • Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfBusyIndicator.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfCellGrid.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfChart.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfColorPickers.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfGrid.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfGridCommon.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfInput.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotChart.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotChartConverter.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotClient.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotGrid.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotGridConverter.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfPivotShared.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfShared.UWP
  • Syncfusion.SfTabControl.UWP


You can find these libraries under the following location.
<Installed Drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\<Version>\Assemblies for Universal Windows\10.0

Extension SDK reference

  1. Right-click the project in the solution explorer and select Add > Reference… > Universal Windows > Extensions > Syncfusion Controls for UWP XAML.

  2. After adding the required reference, open the MainPage.xaml file and name the grid “RootGrid” to refer it in the code-behind.


        <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}" x:Name="RootGrid">
  1. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file and include the namespace “Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.PivotClient”.

  2. Then, initialize the SfPivotClient control in the constructor and add it to the grid as illustrated below.

using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.PivotClient;

namespace SfPivotClientDemo
    /// <summary>
    /// An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        public MainPage()
            SfPivotClient PivotClient = new SfPivotClient();
Imports Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls
Imports Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.PivotClient

Namespace SfPivotClientDemo

    Public NotInheritable Partial Class MainPage
        Inherits Page

        Public Sub New()
            Dim PivotClient As SfPivotClient = New SfPivotClient()
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Binding relational data to SfPivotClient control

Creating relational data through view model

After initializing the SfPivotClient control, right-click the project in the solution explorer and select Add > New Item… > Class to create a new class file. Then, name the class ProductSalesViewModel and click OK.

The following code snippet illustrates how to define the relational data for the SfPivotClient control.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace SfPivotClientDemo
    public class ProductSalesViewModel
        private ProductSalesCollection productSales;

        public ProductSalesCollection ProductSales
            get { return this.productSales; }
            set { this.productSales = value; }

        public ProductSalesViewModel()
            this.productSales = GetSalesData();

        public static ProductSalesCollection GetSalesData()
            // Geography
            string[] countries = new string[] { "Germany", "Canada", "United States" };

            // Time
            string[] dates = new string[] { "FY 2008", "FY 2009", "FY 2010", "FY 2012" };

            // Products
            string[] products = new string[] { "Bike", "Car" };
            Random r = new Random(123345);

            int numberOfRecords = 1000;
            ProductSalesCollection listOfProductSales = new ProductSalesCollection();
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++)
                ProductSale sales = new ProductSale();
                sales.Country = countries[r.Next(1, countries.GetLength(0))];
                sales.Amount = (3000 * r.Next(1, 12));
                sales.Date = dates[r.Next(r.Next(dates.GetLength(0) + 1))];
                sales.Product = products[r.Next(r.Next(products.GetLength(0) + 1))];
            return listOfProductSales;

    public class ProductSale
        public string Product { get; set; }
        public string Date { get; set; }
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public double Amount { get; set; }

    public class ProductSalesCollection : ObservableCollection<ProductSale>
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel

Namespace SfPivotClientDemo

    Public Class ProductSalesViewModel

        Private productSales As ProductSalesCollection

        Public Property ProductSales As ProductSalesCollection
                Return Me.productSales
            End Get

            Set(ByVal value As ProductSalesCollection)
                Me.productSales = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Sub New()
            Me.productSales = GetSalesData()
        End Sub

        Public Shared Function GetSalesData() As ProductSalesCollection
            Dim countries As String() = New String() {"Germany", "Canada", "United States"}
            Dim dates As String() = New String() {"FY 2008", "FY 2009", "FY 2010", "FY 2012"}
            Dim products As String() = New String() {"Bike", "Car"}
            Dim r As Random = New Random(123345)
            Dim numberOfRecords As Integer = 1000
            Dim listOfProductSales As ProductSalesCollection = New ProductSalesCollection()
            For i As Integer = 0 To numberOfRecords - 1
                Dim sales As ProductSale = New ProductSale()
                sales.Country = countries(r.[Next](1, countries.GetLength(0)))
                sales.Amount =(3000 * r.[Next](1, 12))
                sales.Date = dates(r.[Next](r.[Next](dates.GetLength(0) + 1)))
                sales.Product = products(r.[Next](r.[Next](products.GetLength(0) + 1)))

            Return listOfProductSales
        End Function
    End Class

    Public Class ProductSale
        Public Property Product As String
        Public Property Date As String
        Public Property Country As String
        Public Property Amount As Double
    End Class

    Public Class ProductSalesCollection
        Inherits ObservableCollection(Of ProductSale)
    End Class
End Namespace

Defining items source, pivot rows, pivot columns, and pivot calculations for SfPivotClient control

Relational data can be bound to the SfPivotClient control by using the ItemsSource property through any of the following ways:

  • XAML
  • Code-behind

Through XAML

The relational data mentioned in the ProductSalesViewModel is bound to the SfPivotClient control with the help of DataContext. In addition to this, the PivotRows, PivotColumns, and PivotCalculations should be assigned to the SfPivotClient for populating data in the specific axes.

<Page xmlns=""

        <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">

            <PivotClient:SfPivotClient ItemsSource="{Binding ProductSales}">
                    <pivot:PivotItem FieldCaption="Product" FieldMappingName="Product" TotalHeader="Total"/>
                    <pivot:PivotItem FieldCaption="Country" FieldMappingName="Country" TotalHeader="Total"/>
                    <pivot:PivotItem FieldCaption="Date" FieldMappingName="Date" TotalHeader="Total"/>
                    <pivot:PivotComputationInfo FieldCaption="Amount" FieldName="Amount" Format="#.##" SummaryType="DoubleTotalSum"/>


Through code-behind

The following code snippet illustrates how to bind data to the SfPivotClient control in code-behind.

using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP;
using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.PivotClient;

namespace SfPivotClientDemo
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        public MainPage()

            ProductSalesViewModel productSalesViewModel = new ProductSalesViewModel();

            SfPivotClient pivotClient = new SfPivotClient();

            // Assigning ItemsSource to PivotClient
            pivotClient.ItemsSource = productSalesViewModel.ProductSales;

            // Adding PivotColumns to SfPivotClient
            pivotClient.PivotColumns.Add(new Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP.PivotItem { FieldMappingName = "Product", TotalHeader = "Total" });
            pivotClient.PivotColumns.Add(new Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP.PivotItem { FieldMappingName = "Country", TotalHeader = "Country" });

            // Adding PivotRows to SfPivotClient
            pivotClient.PivotRows.Add(new Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP.PivotItem { FieldMappingName = "Date", TotalHeader = "Date" });

            // Adding PivotCalculations to SfPivotClient
            pivotClient.PivotCalculations.Add(new PivotComputationInfo { FieldName = "Amount", Format = "#.##", SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleTotalSum });

Imports Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls
Imports Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP
Imports Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.PivotClient

Namespace SfPivotClientDemo
    Public NotInheritable Partial Class MainPage
        Inherits Page
        Public Sub New()

            Dim productSalesViewModel As New ProductSalesViewModel()

            Dim pivotClient As New SfPivotClient()

            ' Assigning ItemsSource to PivotClient
            pivotClient.ItemsSource = productSalesViewModel.ProductSales

            ' Adding PivotColumns to SfPivotClient
            pivotClient.PivotColumns.Add(New Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP.PivotItem With {.FieldMappingName = "Product", .TotalHeader = "Total"})
            pivotClient.PivotColumns.Add(New Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP.PivotItem With {.FieldMappingName = "Country", .TotalHeader = "Country"})

            ' Adding PivotRows to SfPivotClient
            pivotClient.PivotRows.Add(New Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP.PivotItem With {.FieldMappingName = "Date", .TotalHeader = "Date"})

            ' Adding PivotCalculations to SfPivotClient
            pivotClient.PivotCalculations.Add(New PivotComputationInfo With {.FieldName = "Amount", .Format = "#.##", .SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleTotalSum})

        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Finally, run the application to generate the following output.
