Expression Fields in UWP Pivot Client (SfPivotClient)

10 May 20211 minute to read

The SfPivotClient supports adding expression field at runtime by using the expression field dialog.

Adding an expression field

  1. To add a new expression field, click Expression Field in the client toolbar. The expression field dialog opens.


  1. Define the Field Name for the expression field.

  2. You can define the expression based on the existing calculation items and numerical operators using the Expression field.

  3. You can define the format for the required field by using the Format String field. For example, ‘C’ for Currency, ‘P’ for Percentage, and ‘N’ for Numeric.

  4. You can change the summary type value by using the Summary Type drop-down. The default value of summary type is ‘Count’.


  1. Then, click OK to populate the values in the SfPivotClient.
