Excel-Like Filtering and Sorting in UWP Pivot Client (SfPivotClient)

10 May 20211 minute to read

The SfPivotClient control supports Excel-like filtering and sorting that is applied to a pivot item. You can enable or disable the Excel-like sorting and filtering support in the SfPivotClient by setting the AllowMultiFunctionalSortFilter property.

Refer to the following code snippet to enable Excel-like filtering and sorting.

<syncfusion:SfPivotClient x:Name="pivotClient" AllowMultiFunctionalSortFilter="True" />
this.pivotClient.AllowMultiFunctionalSortFilter = true;
Me.pivotClient.AllowMultiFunctionalSortFilter = True


Multi-functional features

Sort A to Z

This allows you to sort the corresponding pivot item in the ascending order.

Sort Z to A

This allows you to sort the corresponding pivot item in the descending order.

More sort options

This allows you to sort the corresponding pivot item based on the grand total of the pivot calculation field.

Clear filters

This allows you to clear all the filter changes that are applied to the corresponding pivot item and bring back the SfPivotClient to the normal state.

Label filters

This allows you to filter the SfPivotClient based on labels of the pivot item field and this can be achieved by using various options that are listed below:

  • Equals.
  • Does Not Equal.
  • Begins With.
  • Does Not Begin With.
  • Ends with.
  • Does Not End With.
  • Contains.
  • Does Not Contain.
  • Greater Than.
  • Greater Than or Equal To.
  • Less than.
  • Less than or Equal To.
  • Between.
  • Not Between.


Label filter dialog for filtering “Canada” in Country


SfPivotClient applied with label filter

Value filters

This allows you to filter the SfPivotClient based on values of the pivot item field and this can be achieved by using various options that are listed below:

  • Equals.
  • Does Not Equal.
  • Greater Than.
  • Greater Than or Equal To.
  • Less than.
  • Less than or Equal To.
  • Between.
  • Not Between.
  • Top 10.


Value filter dialog for filtering “France” using its Quantity value “398”


SfPivotClient applied with value filter