Legend in UWP Map (SfMaps)

10 May 202111 minutes to read

A legend is a key to symbolism used on a map, usually containing swatches of symbols with descriptions. It provides valuable information for interpreting what the map is showing you, and can be represented in various colors and shapes based on the data.

Visibility of Legend

Legends are visible only by setting the LegendVisibility property of the Visibility type as Visible in the ShapeFileLayer.

Positioning of Legend

Map legends can be positioned by setting the LegendPosition property in ShapeFileLayer. Also, the legend can be positioned based on the margin values for the x axis and the y axis with the help of the LegendPositionX and LegendPositionY properties available in ShapeFileLayer. For positioning the legend based on margins corresponding to a map, LegendPosition must be set with value of Default.

Property Type Description
LegendPosition LegendPosition (enum) Gets or sets the standard position for the legend.
LegendPositionX Double Gets or sets the margin value for the x axis.
LegendPositionY Double Gets or sets the margin value for the y axis.

Header for Legends

A header for the legend can be added by setting the LegendHeader property of the string type.

Categories of Legend

Legends are categorized as two types:

  • Legends for shape layers.
  • Legends for bubbles.

These can be set using the LegendType property of the type LegendType.

Legends for Shapes

Layer shape type legends can be different shapes for the legend. The shapes can be set using the LegendIcon, of the LegendIcon type.

  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:SfMap>
                        LegendType="Layers" LegendHeader="LegendHeader"
                        LegendColumnSplit="2" LegendPositionX="10"
                        LegendPositionY="200" LegendVisibility="Visible"
                        LegendIcon="Rectangle" ItemsSource="{Binding Countries1}" ShapeIDPath="NAME"  
                        ShapeIDTableField="NAME" Uri="LegendSample.ShapeFile.world1.shp">
                            <syncfusion:ShapeSetting ShapeFill="#E5E5E5" ShapeStroke="#C1C1C1" ShapeStrokeThickness="0.5" ShapeValuePath="Population" >
                                    <syncfusion:ShapeFillSetting AutoFillColors="False">
                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7F20BCEE" From="100000000"  To="1000000000"/>
                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FA7CE38" From="10000000" To="100000000"/>
                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FF1B21A" From="1000000" To="10000000"/>
                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7F1DA249" From="10000" To="100000"/>
                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FEB737C" From="1000" To="10000"/>
                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FED2D95" From="0" To="1000"/>


    Legends for Bubbles

    Bubble type legends are always bubbles with varying sizes. The size of the bubbles is obtained from the SizeRatio from the BubbleMarkerSetting.

  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:SfMap>
                     <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer LegendType="Bubble" LegendHeader="LegendHeader" LegendColumnSplit="2" LegendPositionX="10"                    LegendPositionY="200" LegendVisibility="Visible"                    LegendIcon="Rectangle" ItemsSource="{Binding Countries1}"                          ShapeIDPath="NAME" ShapeIDTableField="NAME" Uri="LegendSample.ShapeFile.world1.shp">                  
                                            <syncfusion:BubbleMarkerSetting AutoFillColor="False" MaxSize="50" MinSize="20" StrokeThickness="0" ValuePath="Population">
                                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7F20BCEE" From="100000000"  To="1000000000"/>        
                                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FA7CE38" From="10000000" To="100000000"/>                                        
                                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FF1B21A" From="1000000" To="10000000"/>
                                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7F1DA249" From="10000" To="100000"/>                                        
                                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FEB737C" From="1000" To="10000"/>      
                                                            <syncfusion:RangeColorMapping Color="#7FED2D95" From="0" To="1000"/>                                    


    Arranging the Legends

    Legends are arranged in matrix format. The number of columns in the arranging matrix can be set by setting the LegendColumnSplit property of the int type.