Events in UWP Gantt (SfGantt)

10 May 20213 minutes to read


Occurs when editing is started in grid cell. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Item: Gets the editing task item.
  • MappingName: Gets the current cell mapping name.
  • Cancel: Sets the value to True to cancel the editing.


Occurs when editing is completed in grid cell. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Item: Gets the edited task item.
  • MappingName: Gets the current cell mapping name.
  • OldItem: Gets the old details of the edited task.


Occurs when a task is selected through mouse or touch interaction. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Item: Gets the selected task item.
  • Index: Gets the selected index.


Occurs when a task is selected through mouse or touch interaction. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Item: Gets the selected task item.
  • Index: Gets the selected index.


Occurs when a task is going to be expanded. This event contains the following argument.

  • Item: Gets the parent task of the expanding item.


Occurs when a task is expanded. This event contains the following argument.

  • Item: Gets the parent task of the expanded item.


Occurs when a task is going to be collapsed. This event contains the following argument.

  • Item: Gets the parent task of the item that is going to be collapsed.


Occurs when a task is collapsed. This event contains the following argument.

  • Item: Gets the parent task of the collapsed item.


Occurs when the link is established between two tasks through mouse or touch interaction. This event contains the following arguments:

  • StartTask: Gets the start task of the relation.
  • EndTask: Gets the end task of the relation.
  • Relationship: Gets the type of the relation as StartToStart (SS), StartToFinish (SF), FinishToFinish (FF), or FinishToStart (FS).


Occurs when dragging the progress bar through mouse or touch interaction. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Task: Gets the task when the progress value is being changed.
  • NewValue: Gets the current value of the progress.


Occurs when the taskbar is being dragged. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Task: Gets the task when the progress value has been changed.
  • OldValue: Gets the previous progress value.
  • NewValue: Gets the current progress value.


Occurs when the taskbar is going to be dragged. This event contains the following argument.

  • Task: Gets the task that is dragged.


Occurs when the taskbar is being dragged. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Task: Gets the task that is dragged.
  • NewStartDate: Gets the current start date of the task bar.
  • NewFinishDate: Gets the current finish date of the task bar.


Occurs when the taskbar dragging is completed. This event contains the following argument.


Occurs when the taskbar resizing is started. This event contains the following arguments:


Occurs when the taskbar is resized. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Task: Gets the task that is resized.
  • ResizingDirection: Gets the direction in resized task.
  • ModifiedValue: Gets the current start date or finish date based on the resizing direction.


Occurs when the taskbar resizing is completed. This event contains the following arguments:


Occurs when a task is generated in the view. This event contains the following arguments:

  • Task: Gets the task that has been added.

See also

How to disable editing for a specific cell in gantt