Cell Types in UWP CellGrid (SfCellGrid)

10 May 20218 minutes to read

SfCellGrid allows the inclusion of some special controls in the cells. This attribute of a grid cell is referred to as its Cell Type.

Setting cell type for a cell

To add the desired cell type in a cell, the CellType property can be used.

cellGrid.Model[2, 2].CellType = "CheckBox";
cellGrid.Model[2, 2].CellValue = true;

TextBox Cell Type

TextBox cells are the default cell type of SfCellGrid. TextBox cells displays text which can be edited when clicked.

cellGrid.Model[2, 3].CellType = "TextBox";
cellGrid.Model[2, 3].CellValue = "text";

Static Cell Type

Static cell type will display text that cannot be edited. It is possible to make the static cells as current cell but static cells cannot be activated for editing.

cellGrid.Model[2, 3].CellType = "Static";
cellGrid.Model[2, 3].CellValue = "text";

Header Cell Type

Header cells are as same as that of static cells. Header cell type is mainly used as header for rows and columns.
If a cell/row/column needs to be of type header, then make use of this cell type.

cellGrid.Model.ColStyles[1].CellType = "Header";
cellGrid.Model.ColStyles[1].Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightPink);

CheckBox Cell Type

CheckBox cell type displays a check box in the mentioned cell of SfCellGrid. The check box has three states: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate. It is possible to decide whether the check box should behave as a two-state check box or a three-state check box
by using the IsThreeState property.

cellGrid.Model[2, 2].CellType = "CheckBox";
cellGrid.Model[2, 2].IsThreeState = true;
cellGrid.Model[2, 2].CellValue = true;

ComboBox Cell Type

ComboBox cell type displays a combo box in the mentioned cell of SfCellGrid. A combo box is a component with a drop-down arrow that users click to display an associated list of choices.
This cell type allows you to choose the cell value from a drop-down list.

cellGrid.Model[2, 2].CellType = "ComboBox";
cellGrid.Model[2, 2].ComboBoxEdit.ItemSource = new List<int> {1,2,3,4,5,6 };

DateTime Cell Type

This cell type can be used to display the DateTime in the mentioned cell of SfCellGrid. Users can customize this date time cell by using DateTimeEdit property of GridStyleInfo class.

cellGrid.Model[2, 2].CellType = "DateTimeEdit";
cellGrid.Model[2, 2].CellValue = new DateTime(2016, 10, 9);
cellGrid.Model[2, 2].DateTimeEdit.AccentBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);

Below table describes the properties associated with DateTimeEdit,

Property Description
AccentBrush Gets or sets the color of the DateTime control in the cell.
MaxDate Gets or sets the Maximum date.
MinDate Gets or sets the Minimum date.
AllowInlineEditing Gets or sets the bool value. If true, editing will be enabled in the cell.
ShowDropDownButton Gets or sets the bool value. If true, dropdown button will be shown.
Format Gets or sets the DateTime format.
DropDownHeight Gets or sets the height of the DateTime dropdown window.
IsDropDownOpen Gets or sets the bool value. If true, the dropdown will be opened.
SelectorItemCount Gets or sets the number of items to be used in dropdown popup.
SelectorFormatString Gets or sets the format of DateTime selector.
InputScope Gets or sets the input scope of the on-screen keyboard.
SelectorItemSpacing Gets or sets the space between the items in dropdown popup.

Numeric Cell Type

This cell type can be used for restricting the numeric values entered in the cell. User can display different formats like currency format, scientific format, etc.,

cellGrid.Model[4, 5].CellType = "NumericEdit";
cellGrid.Model[4, 5].CellValue = 5;
cellGrid.Model[4, 5].NumericEdit.FormatString = "C";

Below table describes the properties associated with NumericEdit,

Property Description
MaxNumberOfDecimalDigits Gets or sets the number of decimal digits.
FormatString Gets or sets the number format.
Parsers Gets or sets the parsing mode.
PercentDisplayMode Gets or sets the percentage format type.

UpDown Cell Type

This cell type displays up and down repeat buttons to increment and decrement the values in the cell of SfCellGrid. User can display different formats like currency format, scientific format, etc.,

cellGrid.Model[5, 5].CellType = "UpDownEdit";
cellGrid.Model[5, 5].UpDownEdit.Minimum = 1;
cellGrid.Model[5, 5].UpDownEdit.Maximum = 5;
cellGrid.Model[5, 5].CellValue = 10;

Below table describes the properties associated with UpDownEdit,

Property Description
AccentBrush Gets or sets the color of the Up-Down control in the cell.
NumberOfDecimalDigits Gets or sets the number of decimal digits.
Maximum Gets or sets the Maximum value.
Minimum Gets or sets the Minimum value.
FormatString Gets or sets the number format.
Parsers Gets or sets the parsing mode.
PercentDisplayMode Gets or sets the percentage format type.
LargeChange Gets or sets the value which gets incremented when PageUp key is pressed and validation is done based on Maximum value.
AutoReverse Gets or sets the bool value. If true, while incrementing, the control will start from Minimum once it reaches the Maximum and vice-versa.
SmallChange Gets or sets the value which gets incremented or decremented on mouse wheel.
SpinButtonAlignment Gets or sets the spin button position in the UpDown control and can be changed relative to the `TextBox` based on SpinButtonsAlignment.
TextAlignment Gets or sets the alignment of the contents in the cell.

This cell type displays the hyperlink in the cell of SfCellGrid. This hyperlink cell type will be useful in navigating to browsers, other cells, mail. etc.,
The Url or the reference for the hyperlink cell will be given in the Hyperlink property.

cellGrid.Model[4, 5].CellType = "Hyperlink";
cellGrid.Model[4, 5].CellValue = "Google";
cellGrid.Model[4, 5].Hyperlink = "www.google.com";

DataTemplate Cell Type

This cell type is used to display the template-specified cell content. Users can load any WPF control in the display mode for all cells by setting CellItemTemplate and CellEditTemplate properties.

<DataTemplate x:Key="ButtonTemplate">
    <Button x:Name="Button"
cellGrid.Model[4, 5].CellType = "DataTemplate";
cellGrid.Model[4, 5].CellItemTemplate = this.Resources["ButtonTemplate"] as DataTemplate;

Formula Cell Type

This cell type is used to enter the formula in the cell of SfCellGrid. The formulas in the CellValue property must be preceded with “=” sign.

cellGrid.Model[4, 4].CellType = "FormulaCell";
cellGrid.Model[4, 4].CellValue = "=Sum(A1:A2)";

For more information regarding supported formulas in SfCellGrid, please refer here.