Ranges in UWP Bullet Graph (SfBulletGraph)

10 May 20215 minutes to read

Ranges for a bullet graph are a collection of qualitative ranges. A qualitative range is a visual element which ends at a specified RangeEnd at the start of the previous range’s RangeEnd. The qualitative ranges are arranged according to each RangeEnd value.

Customizing Range

The width of the ranges can be customized by setting the QualitativeRangesSize property. By changing RangeStroke of the qualitative range, the stroke of the range can be personalized. By setting the RangeOpacity of the qualitative range the opacity of the range is modified.

<syncfusion:SfBulletGraph QualitativeRangesSize="30" >
                <syncfusion:QualitativeRange RangeEnd="4.5" 
                <syncfusion:QualitativeRange RangeEnd="7.5" 
                <syncfusion:QualitativeRange RangeEnd="10" 
SfBulletGraph bullet = new SfBulletGraph();
            bullet.QualitativeRangesSize = 30;
            bullet.QualitativeRanges.Add(new QualitativeRange()
                RangeEnd = 4.5,
                RangeOpacity = 1,
                RangeStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
            bullet.QualitativeRanges.Add(new QualitativeRange()
                RangeEnd = 7.5,
                RangeOpacity = 1,
                RangeStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow)
            bullet.QualitativeRanges.Add(new QualitativeRange()
                RangeEnd = 10,
                RangeOpacity = 1,
                RangeStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green)

Output image of customized range

Binding RangeStroke to Ticks and Labels

By setting BindWithRangeStrokeToLabels, the stroke of the labels is set related to the stroke of the specified ranges. Similarly, by setting BindWithRangeStrokeToTicks, the stroke of the ticks is set related to the stroke of the specified ranges.

<syncfusion:SfBulletGraph BindRangeStrokeToLabels="True"
SfBulletGraph bullet = new SfBulletGraph();
    bullet.BindRangeStrokeToLabels = true;
    bullet.BindRangeStrokeToTicks = true;

Output image of range stroke

See also

How to refresh bullet graph with dynamic data