Measures in UWP Bullet Graph (SfBulletGraph)

10 May 20212 minutes to read

Featured measure is used to display the primary data, or the current value of the data that you are measuring. It should usually be encoded as a bar.

Customizing Featured Measure

The value of the featured measure of the bullet graph is set by the FeaturedMeasure property. By setting the FeaturedMeasureBarStroke property, the stroke of the feature measure bar can be customized. The thickness of the featured measure bar is modified by using FeaturedMeasureBarStrokeThickness.

<syncfusion:SfBulletGraph FeaturedMeasure="5" FeaturedMeasureBarStroke="Red"
SfBulletGraph bullet = new SfBulletGraph();
    bullet.FeaturedMeasure = 5;
    bullet.FeaturedMeasureBarStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
    bullet.FeaturedMeasureBarStrokeThickness = 10;


Comparative Measure

Comparative measure should be less visually dominant than the featured measure. It should always be encoded as a short line that runs perpendicular to the orientation of the graph. A good example would be a target for YTD revenue. Whenever the featured measure intersects a comparative measure, the comparative measure should appear behind the featured measure.

Customizing Comparative Measure

The value of the comparative measure is set by using the ComparativeMeasure property. By setting the ComparativeMeasureSymbolStroke property, the stroke of the comparative measure symbol is customized. The thickness of the comparative measure symbol is modified by using ComparativeMeasureSymbolStrokeThickness.

<syncfusion:SfBulletGraph ComparativeMeasure="7"
SfBulletGraph bullet = new SfBulletGraph();
    bullet.ComparativeMeasure = 7;
    bullet.ComparativeMeasureSymbolStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
    bullet.ComparativeMeasureSymbolStrokeThickness = 10;
