Selecting Items in UWP Accordion (SfAccordion)

10 May 202112 minutes to read

Items can be selected programmatically using the properties SelectedIndex, SelectedItem and SelectedItems.

Selecting Item using SelectedIndex

SelectedIndex property is used to select an item using its index. It contains the index of most recently selected item in case of OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore SelectionModes.

Selecting Item using SelectedItem

SelectedItem property is used to select an item using its instance. It contains the instance of most recently selected item in case of OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore SelectionModes.

Retrieving the Selected Items

SelectedItems property contains a collection of selected items instances for all the SelectionModes. It is a read only property and it cannot be set.

Retrieving the Selected Item Indices

SelectedIndices property contains a collection of selected items indices for all the SelectionModes. It is a read only property and it cannot be set.

Here is an example showing the functioning of these properties in which items are selected in run time by touch:



<TextBlock x:Name="selectedItem"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="selectedIndex"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="selectedItems"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="selectedIndices"/>

<layout:SfAccordion SelectionMode="ZeroOrMore" x:Name="accordion"

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="WPF" Content="Essential Studio for WPF"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="Silverlight" Content="Essential Studio for Silverlight"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="WinRT" Content="Essential Studio for WinRT"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="Windows Phone" Content="Essential Studio for Windows Phone"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="Universal" Content="Essential Studio for Universal"/>



private void accordion_SelectedItemsChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)


string items = string.Empty;

string indices = string.Empty;

foreach (var item in accordion.SelectedItems)

items += (item as SfAccordionItem).Header + " , ";            

foreach (var item in accordion.SelectedIndices)

indices += item + " , ";

selectedItem.Text = "SelectedItem is : " + (accordion.SelectedItem as SfAccordionItem).Header;

selectedIndex.Text = "SelectedIndex is : " + accordion.SelectedIndex;

selectedItems.Text = "SelectedItems are : " + items;

selectedIndices.Text = "SelectedIndices are : " + indices;

Option Infer On

Private Sub accordion_SelectedItemsChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)

Dim items As String = String.Empty

Dim indices As String = String.Empty

For Each item In accordion.SelectedItems

items &= (TryCast(item, SfAccordionItem)).Header & " , "
Next item

For Each item In accordion.SelectedIndices

indices &= item & " , "
Next item

selectedItem.Text = "SelectedItem is : " & (TryCast(accordion.SelectedItem, SfAccordionItem)).Header

selectedIndex.Text = "SelectedIndex is : " & accordion.SelectedIndex

selectedItems.Text = "SelectedItems are : " & items

selectedIndices.Text = "SelectedIndices are : " & indices

End Sub


Selecting Item using IsSelected

SfAccordionItem has a property IsSelected that determines whether the item is expanded or collapsed. More than one accordion item can have IsSelected as true based on the SelectionMode.

  • IsSelected=true – Item is expanded
  • IsSelected=false – Item is collapsed

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="Linda" IsSelected="true" Content="Description about Linda">

SfAccordion accordion = new SfAccordion();

accordion.Items.Add(new SfAccordionItem() { Header = "Linda",
Content = "Description about Linda" , IsSelected = true });
Dim accordion As New SfAccordion()

accordion.Items.Add(New SfAccordionItem() With {
	.Header = "Linda",
	.Content = "Description about Linda",
	.IsSelected = True

Here is an example showing the behavior of this property by binding SfAccordionItem.IsSelected property to CheckBox.IsChecked property in Two-way.



<CheckBox Content="WPF" IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=wpf,Path=IsSelected,Mode=TwoWay}"/>

<CheckBox Content="Silverlight" IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=silverlight,Path=IsSelected,Mode=TwoWay}"/>

<CheckBox Content="WinRT" IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=winrt,Path=IsSelected,Mode=TwoWay}"/>

<CheckBox Content="Windows Phone" IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=phone,Path=IsSelected,Mode=TwoWay}"/>

<CheckBox Content="Universal" IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=universal,Path=IsSelected,Mode=TwoWay}"/>

<layout:SfAccordion SelectionMode="ZeroOrMore">

<layout:SfAccordionItem x:Name="wpf"  Header="WPF" Content="Essential Studio for WPF"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem x:Name="silverlight" Header="Silverlight" 

Content="Essential Studio for Silverlight"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem x:Name="winrt" Header="WinRT" Content="Essential Studio for WinRT"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem x:Name="phone" IsSelected="true" Header="Windows Phone" 

Content="Essential Studio for Windows Phone"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem x:Name="universal" Header="Universal" 

Content="Essential Studio for Universal"/>





Checking the Lock State of an Item

SfAccordionItem provides a read-only property IsLocked to check whether an item is locked or not. An accordion item is said to be locked when it cannot be unselected/collapsed.
For example: In One SelectionMode, the selected item cannot be collapsed directly by clicking on its header, it is locked. It can be unlocked by selecting another accordion item, now the newly selected item is locked.

Select All Items

SfAccordion provides a method SelectAll() to select all the items. In One and ZeroOrOne SelectionModes, only the last item is selected.


Unselect All Items

SfAccordion provides a method UnselectAll() to unselect all the items. In One SelectionMode, there is no change in calling this method. In OneOrMore SelectionMode, the element which has higher index remains selected whereas others are unselected.


Notifying Selected Item Change

SelectedItemChanged event is fired whenever an item is expanded or collapsed. The arguments of the event are

S.No Argument Item expanded Item collapsed
1 OldStartingIndex -1 Index of collapsed item
2 OldItems null Instance of collapsed
3 NewStartingIndex SelectedIndex -1
4 NewItems SelectedItem null

Here is an example to demonstrate the values of event arguments:



<TextBlock x:Name="oldStartingIndex"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="oldItems"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="newStartingIndex"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="newItems"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="selectedIndex"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="selectedItem"/>   
<layout:SfAccordion SelectionMode="ZeroOrMore" x:Name="accordion"

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="WPF" Content="Essential Studio for WPF"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="Silverlight" 

Content="Essential Studio for Silverlight"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="WinRT" Content="Essential Studio for WinRT"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="Windows Phone" Content="Essential Studio for Windows Phone"/>

<layout:SfAccordionItem Header="Universal" Content="Essential Studio for Universal"/>



private void accordion_SelectedItemsChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)

string oldie = string.Empty;

string newbie = string.Empty;

if (e.OldItems != null)

foreach (var item in e.OldItems)

oldie += (item as SfAccordionItem).Header + " , ";



oldie = "null";

if (e.NewItems != null)

foreach (var item in e.NewItems)

newbie += (item as SfAccordionItem).Header + " , ";


newbie = "null";

oldStartingIndex.Text = "OldStartingIndex is : " + e.OldStartingIndex;

newStartingIndex.Text = "NewStartingIndex is : " + e.NewStartingIndex;

selectedIndex.Text = "SelectedIndex is : " + accordion.SelectedIndex;

selectedItem.Text = "SelectedItem is : " + ((accordion.SelectedItem == null)? "null":(accordion.SelectedItem as SfAccordionItem).Header);

oldItems.Text = "OldItems are : " + oldie;

newItems.Text = "NewItems are : " + newbie;
Option Infer On

Private Sub accordion_SelectedItemsChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)

Dim oldie As String = String.Empty

Dim newbie As String = String.Empty

If e.OldItems IsNot Nothing Then

For Each item In e.OldItems

oldie &= (TryCast(item, SfAccordionItem)).Header & " , "
Next item


oldie = "null"
End If

If e.NewItems IsNot Nothing Then

For Each item In e.NewItems

newbie &= (TryCast(item, SfAccordionItem)).Header & " , "
Next item


newbie = "null"
End If

oldStartingIndex.Text = "OldStartingIndex is : " & e.OldStartingIndex

newStartingIndex.Text = "NewStartingIndex is : " & e.NewStartingIndex

selectedIndex.Text = "SelectedIndex is : " & accordion.SelectedIndex

selectedItem.Text = "SelectedItem is : " & (If(accordion.SelectedItem Is Nothing, "null", (TryCast(accordion.SelectedItem, SfAccordionItem)).Header))

oldItems.Text = "OldItems are : " & oldie

newItems.Text = "NewItems are : " & newbie

End Sub

Expand the item with header Windows Phone


Collapse the item with header Windows Phone


Notifying an Item Selection

SfAccordionItem.Selected event is fired whenever the item is selected/expanded.

<layout:SfAccordionItem x:Name="wpf" Selected="Selected"
                        Header="WPF" Content="Essential Studio for WPF"/>
private void Selected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Private Sub Selected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)

End Sub

Notifying an Item Un-selection

SfAccordionItem.Unselected event is fired whenever the item is unselected/collapsed.

<layout:SfAccordionItem x:Name="wpf" Unselected="Unselected"
                        Header="WPF" Content="Essential Studio for WPF"/>
private void Unselected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Private Sub Unselected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)

End Sub

Notifying Selection Change

SelectionChanged event fires when an item is selected and unselected. It behaves same as that of SelectedItemChanged event.
The difference between these two events are the event argument parameters. The parameters of SelectionChanged event are AddedItems and RemovedItems.Added items have the list of recently selected items whereas RemovedItems have the list of recently unselected items.