
This property is used to define the target Id for Navigation Drawer. The drawer opens while you click on the specified target element.

  • HTML
  • <button id="drawerTarget" style="top:200px;left:600px;position:absolute"></button>
            <div id="navpane">

    Add the following code in the script tag.

  • /// <reference path="tsfiles/jquery.d.ts" />
    /// <reference path="tsfiles/ej.web.all.d.ts" />
    module NavigationDrawerComponent {
        $(function () {
            var navigationdrawerInstance = new ej.NavigationDrawer($("#navpane"), {
                    position: "fixed",
                    targetId: "drawerTarget",
                    enableListView: true,
                    listViewSettings: { width: 300 }
             var buttonInstance = new ej.ejButton($("#drawerTarget),{
                  text:"Open Drawer"
             }) ;

    The following screenshots illustrates the output.

    Before target click

    After target click