Getting Started with TypesScript CheckBox
3 Sep 20218 minutes to read
This section discloses the details on how to render and configure a CheckBox component in a TypeScript application.
Create your first CheckBox
Create a TypeScript application and refer the dependent modules, script and CSS with the help of given getting started document.
In the index.HTML file, add the input element for rendering CheckBox component as given below.
Hobbies <br /><br />
<ej-checkbox id="Checkbox1"></ej-checkbox>
<label for="Checkbox1">Music</label>
<ej-checkbox id="Checkbox2"> </ej-checkbox>
<label for="Checkbox2">Sports</label>
<ej-checkbox id="Checkbox3"> </ej-checkbox>
<label for="Checkbox3">Bike Riding</label>
</table><br /><br />
Favorite Search Engines<br /><br />
<ej-checkbox id="Checkbox4"> </ej-checkbox>
<label for="Checkbox4">Google</label>
<ej-checkbox id="Checkbox5"> </ej-checkbox>
<label for="Checkbox5">Yahoo</label>
<ej-checkbox id="Checkbox6"> </ej-checkbox>
<label for="Checkbox6">Bing</label>
- Create a TypeScript file named “app.ts” file and refer the required definition files as given below.
/// <reference path="tsfiles/jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="tsfiles/ej.web.all.d.ts" />
- Now, initialize the CheckBox component by using ej.CheckBox method.
/// <reference path="jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="ej.web.all.d.ts" />
module AppComponent {
$(function () {
new ej.CheckBox($("#Checkbox1"), {
value: "Music", name: "Hobbies", size: "small",
enableTriState: true, checked: true
new ej.CheckBox($("#Checkbox2"), {
value: "sports", name: "Hobbies", size: "small",
enableTriState: true, checkState: "indeterminate"
new ej.CheckBox($("#Checkbox3"), {
value: "Bike riding", name: "Hobbies", size: "small",
enableTriState: true
new ej.CheckBox($("#Checkbox4"), {
value: "Google", name: "SearchEngines", size: "medium",
enableTriState: true, checked: true
new ej.CheckBox($("#Checkbox5"), {
value: "Yahoo", name: "SearchEngines", size: "medium",
enableTriState: true, checkState: "indeterminate"
new ej.CheckBox($("#Checkbox6"), {
value: "Bing", name: "SearchEngines", size: "medium",
enableTriState: true
Run the application
To run the application, navigate the project folder and open command prompt window and execute the following command.
This command compiles the app.ts file to generate a JS file named app.js file.
Refer the app.js file in index.html and browse the html file to see the following output.