Report Parameter

Report parameters filter report data that is retrieved from a data source. When you cannot filter data at the data source, you can use parameters to filter report data after it is retrieved. You can also sort and group data in a report based on report parameters. For example, by including parameters for a start and end date in a query, you can specify a date range that limits the data retrieved from the data source. An additional parameters can be created to filter the data after it is retrieved from the data source

Create report parameter

Create a parameter manually using the parameter configuration panel.

The following steps describe the properties that can be set for each parameter:

  • Name: By default, manually-created parameters name are similar to ReportParameter1. Any name can be given as desired to identify it within the report.

  • Prompt: The text that appears next to the parameter on the report viewer toolbar.

  • Data type: A report parameter must be one of the following data types:

    • Boolean

    • DateTime

    • Integer

    • Float

    • Text

  • Allow blank value: Select this option to specify the value of the parameter as an empty string or a blank value.

    If you specify valid values for a parameter, and you want a blank value to be one of the valid values, you must include it as one of the values that you specify. Selecting this option does not automatically include a blank value for available values.

  • Allow null value: Select this option, if the value of the parameter can be a null.

    If you specify valid values for a parameter, and you want null to be one of the valid values, you must include null as one of the values that you specify. Selecting this option does not automatically include the null value for available values.

  • Allow multiple values: Select this option if the value for the parameter can be multiple values. Null values are not allowed.

  • Visible: Select this option to display the report parameter at the top of the report while running the report. This option allows you to select parameter values at run time.

  • Hidden: Select this option to hide the report parameter in the published report. The report parameter values can still be set on a report URL, in a subscription definition, or on the Report Server.

  • Internal: Select this option to hide the report parameter. In the published report, the report parameter can only be viewed in the report definition.

  • Available values: If you have specified available values for a parameter, the valid values always appear as a drop-down list.

    Specify value: Select this option to enter a static list of parameter values from which the user can choose. If you select this option, a list in which you can type values and labels appears.

    Query: Select query option to provide a dynamic list of parameter values from which the user can choose. This list is obtained from a data source. If you select query, three fields appear in which you can define the query information.

    • Label: Appears only when Specify Value is selected. Type a label that is displayed to the user. When the user clicks the label in the list, the value specified in Value is retained for the parameter.

    • Value: Appears only when Specify Value is selected. Type a value that will be retained for the parameter.

    • Dataset: Appears only when Query Value is selected. Select this field to retrieve the list of parameters. Datasets can be defined using the data view. For more information, refer Create Dataset.

    • Value field: Appears only when Query Value is selected. Select this field to obtain a list of available values, for example, EmployeeID. The available fields are retrieved from the list of column or field names in the dataset.

    • Label field: Appears only when Query is selected. Select this field to obtain a list of labels to display to the user for the values, for example, EmployeeName. The available fields are retrieved from the list of column or field names in the dataset.

  • Default values: When each parameter has a default value, the report runs automatically on first view.

    Specify Value: Select Specify Value to enter a static default value or a set of default values for the parameter. If you select Specify Value, a text box appears in which you can type a value or set of values.

    Query: Select Query Value to retrieve the default value or set of default values from the data source. If you select Query, two fields appear in which you can define query information.

    • Dataset: Appears only when Query Value is selected. Select the dataset to retrieve the default value or the set of default values for the parameter. Datasets can be defined using the data view. For more information, refer Create Dataset.

    • Value field: Appears only when Query Value is selected. Select this field to obtain the default value or set of default values. The available fields are retrieved from the list of column or field names in the dataset.

  • None: Select None if you do not want to provide the default or available value for the parameter.

Add parameter

Click Parametericon in the configuration panel to launch the Parameter configuration.

Parameter Data Pane

In the Parameter configuration panel, click the New Parameter button.

New Parameter

Now, the following wizard will be displayed.

New Parameter Fields

In Name field, type SalesPersonID.

In Prompt field, type SalesPersonID: .

Verify that the data type is integer.

Click Assign Value to set available and default values.

Now, the above action will launch Parameter dialog, where you can set the available and default values for the parameter.

Parameter Dialog

Add available values

Click the Available Value tab.

  • Click Specify value to manually provide the list of values, and optionally, name the labels for values.

    Parameter Specify Available Value

  • Click Add and then enter the value in the Value text box, and optionally, the label in the Label text box. If you do not provide the label, the value is used.

    Parameter Specify Add

  • You can write an expression for the value by clicking the icon which is right after to Value textbox.

Repeat this step for as many values as you want to provide. The order of items you see in this list determines the order. You can see the order in the drop-down list.

  • Click Query Value to provide the name of an existing dataset that retrieves the values for this parameter.

    Parameter Query

    In Dataset, choose the name of the dataset.

    In Value field, choose the name of the field that provides parameter values.

    In Label field, choose the name of the field that provides the friendly names for the parameter. If there is no separate field for friendly names, choose the same field as you chose for the Value field.

When you preview the report, you see a drop-down list of available values for the parameter.

Add default values

By default, the dialog will be launched with Available Value tab. To switch over to Default Value tab, click the Default Value.

Default None

  • To manually provide a value or list of values, click Specify value.

    Default Values Specify

  • Click Add and then enter the value in the Value text box.

    Default Values Add

  • You can write an expression for the value by clicking the icon which is right after to Value textbox.

For multi value parameters, repeat this step for as many values as you want to provide. The order of items in the list determines the order. You can see the order in the drop-down list.

  • To provide the name of the existing dataset that retrieves the values, click Query Value.

    Default Query

    In Dataset, choose the name of the dataset.

    In Value field, choose the name of the field that provides parameter values.

  • Click ok.

Note: To add multi value parameters, you must check Allow multiple values option.

Reorder item

To change the order of an item in the list, click and hold the icon in the left corner of Label text box, and then drag the item to higher or lower position in the list.

Parameter Specify Drag

The position of dragged item is shown as below:

Default Specify Add

Save parameter

  • Click Save in the parameter wizard.

    Parameter Final Save

The parameter will be listed under Parameter panel in the report like below.

Parameter Save List

Now, the Parameter has been create successfully with the Web Report Designer.

To remove available values for the report parameter

  • Click Assign Value, the parameters dialog box opens.

  • Select the Available Value tab.

  • Choose None.

  • Click OK.

When you preview the report, the drop-down list of available values for the parameter no longer appears.

To remove default values for the report parameter

  • Click Assign Value, the parameters dialog box opens.

  • Select the Default Value tab.

  • Choose None.

  • Click ok.

Edit parameter

In the configuration panel, click the Parameters icon. Hover the cursor on the parameter which you want to edit from the list of parameters.

Parameter Edit Icon

Click the highlighted icon in the above image, will display the context menu. Choose Edit from the context menu, the report parameter wizard opens.

Parameter Edit Context

Now, you can edit the parameter properties.

Delete parameter

  • In the configuration panel, click the Parameters icon. Hover the cursor on the parameter which you want to delete from the list of parameters.

    Parameter Edit Icon

  • Click the highlighted icon in the above image, will display the context menu.

    Parameter Delete Menu

  • Choose Delete from the context menu, it will launch the confirmation dialog like below.

    Delete Parameter

  • Click Yes button will remove the parameter from the report parameter list.

When your report readers have questions about a report, it helps to know which parameter values are chosen by them. You can preserve user-selected values for each parameter in the report, so as to display the parameters in a textbox in the page footer.

  • From the parameter configuration panel, drag the parameter @SalesPersonID to the footer.

    Parameter Drag Footer

  • It displays a text box with <<Expr>>. Select the <<Expr>> text and right-click the <<Expr>>

    Param Textbox Menu

  • Click Expression.

    The expression dialog box opens, you can edit the expression value in the text area.

    Parameter Expression Dialog

  • Click ok.

You can also display parameter on the page Header and Body