Setting Dimension

24 Nov 20174 minutes to read

The dimension normally refers to the height and width of the element. With Scheduler, it is possible to set 2 kinds of dimensions.

  • Scheduler dimension (Scheduler control height and width)
  • Cell dimension (Scheduler cells height and width)

Scheduler Dimension

The height and width properties can be defined to set the outer dimension of the Scheduler control.

  • HTML
  • var dManager = [{
        Id: 100,
        Subject: "Research on Sky Miracles",
        StartTime: new Date(2015, 04, 05, 9, 00),
        EndTime: new Date(2015, 04, 05, 10, 30),
        OwnerId: 3,
        RoomId: 2
    var Scheduler = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            return (
                <EJ.Schedule id="Schedule1" width="70%" height="500px" currentDate={new Date(2017, 5, 5)} appointmentSetings-dataSource={dManager}>
    ReactDOM.render(<Scheduler />, document.getElementById('schedule-default'));


    The height and width properties accepts both pixel and percentage values.

    Scheduler Cell Dimensions

    Cell Height

    The cellHeight property allows the Scheduler to set the height of the cells in pixels. The appointment height in vertical mode changes accordingly as per the cell size within which it renders.

  • HTML
  • var dManager = [{
        Id: 100,
        Subject: "Research on Sky Miracles",
        StartTime: new Date(2015, 04, 05, 9, 00),
        EndTime: new Date(2015, 04, 05, 10, 30)
    var Scheduler = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            return (
                <EJ.Schedule id="Schedule1" cellHeight="40px" currentDate={new Date(2017, 5, 5)} appointmentSetings-dataSource={dManager}>
    ReactDOM.render(<Scheduler />, document.getElementById('schedule-default'));


    In desktop mode, the default height value of the cells is set to 20px, whereas for mobile mode – the Scheduler cells are rendered with 40px by default.

    Cell Auto-Height

    The height of the cells specifically in timeline view can be made to adjust automatically based on its exceeding appointment count. It is controlled by an API named showOverflowButton which accepts true or false value, denoting whether to enable/disable the cell auto-height adjusting option. To enable this option, set the value of showOverflowButton as false whereas its default value is true.

    In Vertical view, the same functionality is made applicable only in the Month View whereas in Horizontal mode, it is applicable in all the views.

  • HTML
  • var dManager = [{
        Id: 100,
        Subject: "Wild Discovery",
        StartTime: new Date(2015, 11, 2, 9, 00),
        EndTime: new Date(2015, 11, 2, 10, 30),
        Location: "CHINA"
    var Scheduler = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            return (
                <EJ.Schedule id="Schedule1" width="100%" height="525px" showOverflowButton={false} currentView={ej.Schedule.CurrentView.Month} currentDate={new Date(2017, 5, 5)} appointmentSetings-dataSource={dManager}>
    ReactDOM.render(<Scheduler />, document.getElementById('schedule-default'));

    Cell Width

    The cellWidth property allows the Scheduler to set the width of the cells in pixels. The appointment width adjusts based on the cell width of the Scheduler.

  • HTML
  • var dManager = [{
        Id: 100,
        Subject: "Research on Sky Miracles",
        StartTime: new Date(2015, 11, 2, 9, 00),
        EndTime: new Date(2015, 11, 2, 10, 30)
    var Scheduler = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            return (
                <EJ.Schedule id="Schedule1" cellWidth="97px" showOverflowButton={false} currentView={ej.Schedule.CurrentView.Month} currentDate={new Date(2017, 5, 5)} appointmentSetings-dataSource={dManager}>
    ReactDOM.render(<Scheduler />, document.getElementById('schedule-default'));


    When the cellHeight and cellWidth properties are set with some specific pixel values, the cell size does not adapt to the responsive behavior of the Scheduler while resizing it in desktop/mobile mode.