Getting Started

25 Oct 20162 minutes to read

This section helps to get started of the Rotator control in a PHP application.

Create a Rotator

The following steps guide you to add a Rotator control.

Refer the common PHP Getting Started Documentation to create a PHP application and add necessary scripts and styles for rendering Essential PHP controls.

Create a simple Rotator control object by creating an object for the Rotator referring the below code, here the class EJ\Rotator object is created by using ‘new’ keyword. Define its properties and use render() method for rendering the control. We need to call the rendering element in echo statement.

  • PHP
  • <?php
            require_once 'EJ\AutoLoad.php';
            $rotator=new EJ\Rotator("defaultrotator");
            echo $rotator->slideWidth("600")->slideHeight("300")->render();

    This will render an empty Rotator control on executing.

    Configure data

    To configure images for Rotator control, define data in an array and map corresponding fields to it.

  • PHP
  • <?php
        require_once 'EJ\AutoLoad.php';
        $data=array(  array ( "text"=> "Colorful Night", "url"=> "" ),
        array ( "text"=> "Technology", "url"=> "" ),
        array ( "text"=> "Nature", "url"=> "" ),
        array ( "text"=> "Snow Fall", "url"=> "" ),
        array ( "text"=> "Credit Card", "url"=> "" ),
        array ( "text"=> "Beautiful Bird", "url"=> "" ),
        array ( "text"=> "Amazing Sculptures", "url"=> "" ));
        $rotator=new EJ\Rotator("defaultrotator");
        echo $rotator->dataSource($data)->fields($fields)->frameSpace("0px")->slideWidth("600")->slideHeight("300")->showPlayButton(true)->render();

    Note: You can find the Rotator properties from the API reference document