Getting started with PHP Grid

22 Feb 202214 minutes to read

This section explains briefly about how to create a Grid in your application with PHP, and also explains about how to enable basic grid operations like Paging, Filtering, Grouping and Summary. The following screenshot illustrates the Grid control.

PHP Grid Getting started

Adding JavaScript and CSS references

The grid control has the following list of external JavaScript dependencies.

  • [jQuery]( “”) 1.7.1 and later versions
  • [jsRender]( “”) - to render the templates

To get started, you can use the ej.web.all.min.js file that encapsulates all the Syncfusion controls and frameworks in one single file. So the complete boilerplate code is

  • HTML
  • <!-- Essential Studio for JavaScript theme reference -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <!-- Essential Studio for JavaScript script references -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""> </script>
    <!-- Add your custom scripts here -->

    For themes, you can use the ej.web.all.min.css CDN link from the code example given. To add the themes in your application, please refer to [this link]( “”).

    Create Grid

    Create a Grid control by instantiating the PHP wrapper class available in EJ namespace as shown below.

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents("Data.json"), true);
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    $column=new EJ\Grid\Column();
    echo $grid -> dataSource($Json)->allowPaging(true)->columns($gridColumns)->render();

    PHP Grid

    Data Binding

    Data binding in the grid is achieved by assigning an array of objects to the dataSourceproperty. Refer to the following code example.

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents("Data.json"), true);
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    $dataManager  = new EJ\DataManager(); 
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    echo $grid -> dataSource( $Json)->columns($gridColumns)->allowPaging(true)->render();

    PHP Grid Data Binding

    Enable Filtering

    Filtering can be enabled by setting the allowFiltering to true. By default, the filter bar row is displayed to perform filtering, you can change the filter type by using the filterSettings.filterType attribute.

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents("Data.json"), true);
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    $filter =new EJ\Grid\FilterSetting();
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    echo $grid -> dataSource( $Json)->columns($gridColumns)->allowFiltering(true)->filterSettings($filter->filterType("excel"))->render();

    PHP Grid Enable Filtering

    Enable Grouping

    Grouping can be enabled by setting the allowGrouping to true. Columns can be grouped dynamically by drag and drop the grid column header to the group drop area.

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents("Data.json"), true);
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    $column=new EJ\Grid\Column();
    echo $grid -> dataSource($Json)->allowPaging(true)->allowGrouping(true)->columns($gridColumns)->render();

    PHP Grid Enable Grouping

    Refer to the following code example for initial grouping.

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents("Data.json"), true);
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    $column=new EJ\Grid\Column();
    echo $grid -> dataSource($Json)->allowPaging(true)->allowGrouping(true)->columns($gridColumns)->groupedColumns($groupColumns)->render();

    PHP Grid Getting Started

    Add Summaries

    Summaries can be added by setting the showSummary to true and adding required summary rows and columns in the summaryRows property. For demonstration, Freight column’s sum value is displayed as summary.

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents("Data.json"), true);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    $summaryrow=new EJ\Grid\SummaryRow();
    $summarycol=new EJ\Grid\SummaryColumn();
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    echo $grid -> dataSource( $Json)->allowPaging(true)->columns($gridColumns)->summaryRows($sumrow1)->showSummary(true)->render();

    PHP Grid Add Summaries

    Enable Editing

    We can edit the grid row by double clicking row or by selecting the required row and clicking on edit icon in a toolbar. Similarly, you can add new record to grid by clicking on insert icon in toolbar. Save and Cancel while on edit mode is possible using respective toolbar icon in grid. Deletion of the record is possible by selecting the required row and clicking on Delete icon in toolbar.

    We can enable editing property via editSettings property by enabling the required operation like allowAdding, allowDeleting, allowEditing.

    We can add toolbarItems via toolbarSettings by setting the showToolbar as a true. we can also include required items which wants to displayed in toolbar like add, edit, delete,update and cancel .

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents("Data.json"), true);
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid("Grid");
    $edit =new EJ\Grid\EditSetting();
    $toolbarItems = array("add","edit","delete","update","cancel");
    $toolbar= new EJ\Grid\ToolbarSetting();
    echo $grid -> dataSource($Json)->allowPaging(true)->columns($gridColumns)->editSettings($edit->allowEditing(true)->allowDeleting(true)->allowAdding(true))->toolbarSettings($toolbar->showToolbar(true)->toolbarItems($toolbarItems))->render();

    PHP Grid Enable Editing

    Enable Selection

    By default, we have enabled selection for grid rows. We can enable the multi row selection by setting the selectionType as multiple.

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class='cols-sample-area'>
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents('Data.json'), true);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid('Grid');
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    $selection = new EJ\Grid\SelectionSetting();
    echo $grid -> dataSource($Json)->columns($gridColumns)->allowPaging(true)->selectionSettings($selection)->selectionType('multiple')->render();

    Enable Sorting

    Sorting can be enabled by setting the allowSorting as true

  • PHP
  • <?php
    require_once '..\EJ\AutoLoad.php';
    <div class='cols-sample-area'>
    /* the datasource is referred from Data.json */
    $Json = json_decode(file_get_contents('Data.json'), true);
    $grid =  new EJ\Grid('Grid');
    $col1 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col2 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col3 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col4 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $col5 = new EJ\Grid\Column();
    $gridColumns = array($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4,$col5);
    echo $grid -> dataSource($Json)->allowPaging(true)->columns($gridColumns)->allowSorting(true)->render();