Release Notes

New Feature

  • Wireframe icons are included in Metro Studio.
  • Undo/Redo support has been provided while editing the icon.
  • #145523 – Metro Studio automatic update check can be enable/disable in application level.
  • #I108557, #I108030, #I107806, #I99527, #I94043, #I114328, #I117072 – Provided support to export icons in SVG format.

Bug Fixes

  • #131642 - Search operation in MetroStudio has been working correctly.
  • #139912 - Export window will display with recent export location.
  • #F118674, #I137714, #I144103 - SVG icon get cropped while adding it to CSS has been fixed.
  • #F118271 - ViewBox attribute has been included for SVG icons.
  • #153110 – While exporting the icon, warning will be show if there is an existing icon in same name.

Create a support incident

If you are still not able to find the information that you are looking for in the self-help resources above, then please contact us by creating a support ticket.