Arrange tabs in .NET MAUI Tab View (SfTabView)

6 Oct 20217 minutes to read

.NET MAUI Tab View provides two modes that determine how the width of the tab is calculated on the tab bar while it gets populated. The options are Default and SizeToContent and can be achieved using TabWidthMode property.

Fixed bar

The width of the tab is divided equally based on the available control width. This enables a fixed tab bar that won’t allow tab scrolling even it contains any number of tabs. This can be achieved by setting the TabWidthMode as Default.


This mode is recommended when the tab count is not more than 4. More tabs in this mode may appear with the text being trimmed.

Tab Width Mode Default

Based on the text size

The width of a tab is set to fit the text or image that it contains by setting the TabWidthMode as SizeToContent. Scroll is enabled in this mode to access the items that are outside the visible area.

Tab Width Mode Size to fit

<ContentPage xmlns=""
             BackgroundColor="{DynamicResource SecondaryColor}">
         <tabView:SfTabView TabWidthMode="SizeToContent">
            <tabView:SfTabItem Header="Call">
                    <ListView RowHeight="50">
            <tabView:SfTabItem Header="Favorites">
                    <ListView RowHeight="50">
            <tabView:SfTabItem Header="Contacts">
                    <ListView RowHeight="50">
using Syncfusion.Maui.TabView;

namespace TabViewMauiSample
	public partial class TabView : ContentPage
        SfTabView tabView;
		public TabView ()
			InitializeComponent ();
            var tabView = new SfTabView();
            var tabItems = new TabItemCollection
                new SfTabItem()
                    Header = "Calls",
                    Content = new ListView()
                        //// code
                new SfTabItem()
                    Header = "Favorites",
                    Content = new ListView()
                        //// code
                new SfTabItem()
                    Header = "Contacts",
                    Content = new ListView()
                        //// code

            tabView.TabWidthMode = TabWidthMode.SizeToContent;
            tabView.Items = tabItems;
            this.Content = tabView;



View sample in GitHub