TreeGrid Printing

13 Feb 20183 minutes to read

TreeGrid provides support to print the contents. To print the TreeGrid the print toolbar item must be added to the toolbarItems property. The below code example shows how to enable print in TreeGrid.

  • JS
  • <div id="TreeGridContainer"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            toolbarSettings: {
                showToolbar: true,
                toolbarItems: [

    The print preview window will be opened by clicking on this toolbar icon.

    It is possible to set the printMode in the pageSettings property to give printing preference, as to print current page alone or all the pages in case of paging enabled in TreeGrid. The following code example explains this.

  • JS
  • <div id="TreeGridContainer"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            toolbarSettings: {
                showToolbar: true,
                toolbarItems: [
            allowPaging: true,
            pageSettings: {
                printMode: ej.TreeGrid.PrintMode.CurrentPage

    In this case only the visible records in the current page will be send to printing.

    beforePrint Event

    The beforePrint event will be triggered once after printing initiated in TreeGrid. This event contains the TreeGrid element which is going to be printing. The following code explains this.

  • JS
  • <div id="TreeGridContainer"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            toolbarSettings: {
                showToolbar: true,
                toolbarItems: [
            beforePrint: function(args) {
                // will be triggered before printing the TreeGrid