Responsive Layout

14 Dec 201715 minutes to read

Responsive Layout is aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). You can achieve Responsive Layout by using default functionality of Toolbar with isResponsive as true and also you need to give Toolbar width as in percentage value and add ej.responsive.css file in this sample. CDN link for the responsive CSS file is as follows.

Add the above css link in the code sample.        

Add the following code example in your HTML page.

  • HTML
  • <div class="control">
            <!—list of toolbar items-->
            <div id="ToolbarItem">
                    <li id="OtherFormat" title="Convert PDF files to Word or Excel Online..">
                        <div class="PdfDocument e-icon convertToOthers "></div>
                    <li id="PDFOnline" title="Convert files to PDF Online">
                        <div class="PdfDocument e-icon convertToPdf "></div>
                    <li id="Signature" title="Sign, add text or send a document for signature">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon signature "></div>
                    <li id="Save" title="Save file ( Ctrl+S )">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon save "></div>
                    <li id="Print" title="Print file ( Ctrl+P ) ">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon print "></div>
                    <li id="Message" title="Message">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon msg "></div>
                    <li id="Previous" title="Show previous page ( Left Arrow )">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon previous "></div>
                    <li id="Next" title="Show next page ( Right Arrow )">
                        <div class="PdfDocument e-icon next "></div>
                    <li id="page">
                        <div class="PdfDocument">
                            <input type="text" value="1" />
                    <li id="count">
                        <span>/ 1</span>
                    <li id="ZoomOut" title="Zoom Out">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon zoomOut "></div>
                    <li id="ZoomIn" title="Zoom In">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon zoomIn "></div>
                    <li id="ZoomValue">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument">
                            <input type="text" id="selectPercent" />
                    <li id="FitFull" title="Fit one full page to window">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon fitOne "></div>
                    <li id="StickyNote" title="Add stick note ( Ctrl+6 ) ">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon sticky "></div>
                    <li id="ReadMode" title="View File in Read Mode">
                        <div class=" PdfDocument e-icon readMode "></div>
  • CSS
  • <style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
        .e-tooltxt .PdfDocument.e-icon {
            background-image: url('');
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            display: block;
            height: 30px;
            width: 30px;
        .e-tooltxt .PdfDocument.e-icon:hover {
            background-image: url('');
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.convertToOthers {
            background-position: -349px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.convertToPdf {
            background-position: -527px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.signature {
            background-position: 2px 0px;
            background-position: -87px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.msg {
            background-position: -483px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.previous {
            background-position: -395px 0px;
            background-position: -439px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.zoomIn {
            background-position: -175px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.zoomOut {
            background-position: -219px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.fitOne {
            background-position: -264px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.sticky {
            background-position: -131px -1px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.readMode {
            background-position: -308px 0px;
        .PdfDocument.e-icon.print {
            background-position: -43px 0px;
        #ZoomValue .PdfDocument {
            width: 90px;
        #page .PdfDocument input {
            text-align: center;
            width: 20px;
            height: 21px;
        #count span {
            width: 30px;
            height: 30px;
            position: relative;
            top: 2px;
            text-align: center;
            vertical-align: middle;
  • JS
  • $(function () {
                width: "600px", // width of the Toolbar
                height: "33px", // height of the Toolbar
                isResponsive: true // responsive support for toolbar
            var percentList = ["10%", "25%", "50%", "100%", "400%", "800%", "1600%", "3200%", "6400%"];
                width: "90px",
                height: "27px",
                dataSource: percentList, // Assign List of Dropdown value to data Source
                value: "100%" // Initialize drop down value.

    Execute the above code to render the following output.


    We can set the responsiveType property to inline to display the overflown toolbar items as inline toolbar.

  • JS
  • $(function () {
                width: "600px", // width of the Toolbar
                isResponsive: true // responsive support for toolbar
                responsiveType:"inline"//responsive Type API to display overflow items as inline toolbar.

    While setting inline responsiveType the following output will be displayed.


    We can set the responsiveType property to popup to display the overflown toolbar items as popup.

  • JS
  • $(function () {
                width: "600px", // width of the Toolbar
                height: "33px", // height of the Toolbar
                isResponsive: true // responsive support for toolbar
                responsiveType:"popup"//responsive Type API to display overflow items as popup.

    While setting popup as responsiveType the following output will be displayed.