
20 Mar 20183 minutes to read

EjSunburstChart provides highlighting support for the points on mouse hover. To enable the highlighting , set the enable property to true in the highlightSettings.

  • JS
  • $("#chart").ejSunburstChart({
              highlightSettings: { enable: true },         

    Highlight Display mode

    You can customize the highlighted segment appearance by using color or opacity. You can choose between color or opacity using the type property in the highlight Settings.

    • HighlightByColor – To display the highlighted segment appearance using color.
    • HighlightByOpacity – To display the highlighted segment appearance using opacity.
  • JS
  • $("#chart").ejSunburstChart({
              highlightSettings: { enable: true, type:"color",color:"red" },         

    Highlight Mode

    Sunburst chart provides multiple options to represent the highlighted categories. You can highlight the segment categories by using the mode property in highlightSettings

    • Child – To highlight the child of selected parent.
    • All – To highlight the entire categories in group.
    • Parent – To highlight the parent of selected child.
    • Single - To highlight single item in the category.


    The following code shows how to set the highlight type as child

  • JS
  • $("#chart").ejSunburstChart({
              highlightSettings: { enable: true,mode:"child"},         


    The parent mode can be enabled by using the below code

  • JS
  • $("#chart").ejSunburstChart({
              highlightSettings: { enable: true,mode:"parent"},         


    To highlight the particular segment, the point mode of the highlight settings is used.

  • JS
  • $("#chart").ejSunburstChart({
              highlightSettings: { enable: true,mode:"point"},         


    The following code snippet is used for the all mode of highlight settings

  • JS
  • $("#chart").ejSunburstChart({
              highlightSettings: { enable: true,mode:"all"},         

    Click here to view the online demo sample of Highlight in the Sunburst Chart