Essential Studio for JavaScript Release Notes (Beta)
June 27, 2019
Bug Fixes
- #233820 – Sorting with an external function works fine with the itemTemplate property.
Bug Fixes
- #228989 - The issue with the dependent connector is not redrawn properly when nudging has been resolved.
- #231803 - The issue with connector is not docked to node properly when executing the layout with multiple parents and orientation is set to left-to-right has been resolved.
- #232205 - The exception that occurred when expand/collapse the layout with multiple parents enabled has been fixed.
- Now, the event triggers when the diagram connector label contains
constraints. - #145126 - The exception that occurred when rendering multiple parent layouts has now been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#237302 - Console error thrown when focus dropdownlist(using tab key) with loadOnDemand and press any key has been resolved
#236223 – DataSource can be set through setModel during initial rendering with loadOnDemand set to “true”.
Bug Fixes
- #232061 - Issue in tooltip for manually scheduled task with localization has been fixed.
- #235539 - Issue with filterColumn method has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- #229036, #228969, #230522, #231071, #231248 – Checkbox selection is maintained properly while scrolling the data in enableVirtualization.
- #233422 – RecordDoubleClick event is triggered properly for tap event.
- #236921 – AutoHide feature working fine, when we set different scrollerSize.
- #237429 – RowData is updated properly, when we resize the enableVirtualization Grid.
Bug Fixes
- #233491 – An issue with classes not removing while destroying kanban control has been fixed.
- #230310 – Auto-Scroll is now enabled on dragging the card to bottom of the page.
Bug Fixes
- #231710 - The open and close events are now triggered properly for ejmDatePicker.
Bug Fixes
- #237541 – Menu items inside hamburger menu can be hide using the hideItems method.
- #228936 – Removed the temporary file stored in the temp folder when calling the Unload() method.
- #F143902 – Provided support for saving the XFA form fields.
Bug Fixes
- #221804 - Height of the PDF Viewer control is now maintained properly when using inside the tab control.
- #232759 - Form fields are now rendered in proper position for the provided PDF document.
- #233028 - Selection is now maintained properly, when double clicking outside the PDF Viewer container.
- #234653 – Tab order of the form fields will now be maintained properly.
- #230427 – An option has been provided to select/unselect current items by default, while searching in member editor dialog.
- #160856, #184889 – Show/hide subtotals for particular hierarchies in OLAP data source.
- ##229377 – Performance improvement has been done when subtotals are hidden in all use cases.
- #I226705, #I229289 - Provided the API
to change the Report Viewer height based on the report content size.
Bug Fixes
- #I228758 - The Incorrect parameter value updated when printing reports issue has been resolved.
- #I229259 - Now, the image report item in Tablix corner cell is placed at proper position in PDF export even data count is more than one.
- #I229342 - Now, the page number resets properly in the Report Viewer toolbar while performing group toggle.
- #I227126 - Resolved the issue
function returns false for array collection of values. - #IF135701, #I228634 - Resolved the issue
API option is not working for Report Viewer. - #I212480 - Resolved the issue “Report Viewer returns Invalid Expression when Interval part is capitalized in
function”. - #I229391 - Resolved the
expression returns #Error in the Syncfusion Report Viewer. - #I226039 - Resolved the issue “Tablix cell content cut when you click drill down action in the Syncfusion Report Viewer”.
- #I226039 - Resolved the Unhandled exception that occurred when you export as PDF.
- #I229265 - The Incorrect hidden parameter values updated when change the dependent parameter values in parameter block has been resolved.
- #I228035 - The Incorrect dependent parameter labels are loading before choosing the value for the parent parameter has been resolved.
- #I219541 - Resolved the issue “chart labels values are not aligned properly along with major tick marks”.
- #I229265 - Resolved the issue “column width is reduced when multiple corner cells are added to tablix report item.
- #I226039 - Resolved the issue “Tablix cell content rendered outside of the rectangle report item when perform a toggle action in the Syncfusion Report Viewer”.
- #I230791 - The Aggregate function returns incorrect value when the scope is not provided in expression has been resolved.
- #I230396 - Report not loading when passing parameters from code behind while using intermediate service issue has been resolved.
- #I230990 - Inner tablix column width is not equal to parent tablix column width as in design issue has been resolved.
- #I230948 - Resolved serialization problem in Report Viewer when the chart title hidden property value is specified as expression.
- #I227904 - Resolved scope exception when report variables used inside aggregate function.
- #I226039 - Now, the chart will be rendered properly in Report Viewer if chart category field contains a null value.
- #I230719 - The NRE thrown when rendering a report with image report item inside inner tablix has been fixed.
- #I226039 - The issue “Tablix no row message is not displayed when Virtualization is enabled” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - The issue “Preparing exporting document message is displayed while using drill down in report viewer” has been resolved.
- #I234161 - The issue “
database connection string with|DataDirectory|
is not working in report viewer” has been resolved. - #I230996 - The issue “Default value for parameter is not selected in UI when field name has space” has been resolved.
- #I228020 - The issue “Tablix visibility not working when set visibility from the conditional parameter” has been resolved.
- #I204093 - The issue “Print preview not loading new report and it shows old report in preview” has been resolved.
- #I229342 - The “Given key is not present in the dictionary” exception occurs while performing drill down action in Report Viewer has been resolved.
- #I229391 - The issue “Selected parameters not displayed properly in report viewer” has been resolved.
- #I229264 - The issue “Tablix column width is increased in report preview when it contains group with merge cell” has been resolved.
- #I228758 - The issue “Printing reports with dynamic parameter values shows print preview with initial parameter value” has been resolved.
- #I224640 - The issue “Parameter values are not updated when passing the value from main report to subreport” has been resolved
- #I177283 - The issue “Column chart data labels overlap in report viewer has been resolved.
- #I233726 - The issue “Export action not occurs when changing the report dynamically” has been resolved.
- #I234240 - Resolved the #ERROR displayed inside tablix and text box item when export the report to PDF format.
- #I232451 - The issue “Tablix report item is not rendered when export the report to Word format in print layout” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - The issue “Single text run paragraph alignment is not applied in Excel export” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - The issue “Duplicate chart data is rendered inside tablix in Excel export” has been resolved.
- #I232807 - The issue “Tablix report item headers positions are rendered incorrectly in report viewer” has been resolved.
- #I224640 - The issue “
height is not increased when placed inside tablix row” has been resolved. - #I232259 - Resolved the text box overlap issue occurs when two text boxes positioned closely.
- #I226039 - The issue “No chart coordinate is created for single record in Excel export” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - The issue “Incorrect chart graph value is created in Excel export then compare viewer” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - The issue “Tablix month group header summary filed data is missing in Excel export” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - The issue “Tablix cell model column span is wrongly calculated if report has table with inner child” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - The issue “Excel export crash when the table has column static group header” has been resolved.
- #I226039 - Resolved the Unhandled exception occurred when export the report as Excel.
- #I228579 - The issue “Toolbar options are not rendered properly in re-sized window state of Angular Report Viewer” has been resolved.
- #I224253 - The issue “NRE raised while changing
of parameter report dynamically in Angular ReportViewer” has been resolved. - #I227652 - The issue “Dependent hidden parameter displays missing a value error in initial preview of Report Viewer” has been resolved.
- #I227785 - Resolved the Login failed error thrown when subreport credentials is set through web API.
- #I229289 - The issue “Data source credential pop-up showing when pass the credential at controller side” has been resolved.
- #I229289 - The issue “Report Viewer height is not rendered based on content size when expand the toggle button with
enabled” has been resolved. - #I228625, I228311 - The issue “Shared data source name and its credentials not retrieved in Report Viewer” has been resolved.
- #I232958 - The issue “
is not working when the child report does not have any parameters” has been resolved. - #I231384, I232457 - The issue “External images are not loaded when preview the SSRS report in Report Viewer” has been resolved.
- #I230719 - The issue “Invalid expression exception occurs when null value passed to one of the field in arithmetic operations in Report Viewer” has been resolved.
- #I212480 - The issue “IFF function evaluation does not consider the flag values (0, 1)” has been resolved.
- #I231759 - The issue “Tablix row height is increased in Report Viewer when compared to design size” has been resolved.
- #I231384 - The issue “External images not rendering in ASP.NET Core Report Viewer” has been resolved.
- #I229607 - The issue “
expression value changes continuously when refresh the report in Report Viewer” has been resolved. - #I229244 - The issue “Line report item not rendered in Report Viewer with exact size value” has been resolved.
- #F142783, #I229320 - The issue “NRE raised when Report Viewer is initially loaded in print layout” has been resolved.
- #F142716 - The issue “NRE raises when Nothing is specified as scope for
aggregate” has been resolved. - #I227371 - The issue “SQL datasource report is not rendered in Report Viewer when loaded with .NET Framework 4.7.2” has been resolved.
- #I227785, #I228839 - The issue “Sub report is not loaded from 2017 SSRS in Report Viewer” has been resolved.
- #I225629 - The issue “Image inside code module is not exported when export to any format through Report Viewer” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- #238299 - Recurrence appointments are now rendered correctly if
property is enabled. - #233845 - An issue with rendering appointments with same start and end time in month view if
property is enabled has been fixed. - #144786 - The respective appointment details will be properly passed in the
event on initial load of Scheduler. - #233856 - An issue with two appointments rendering with same start and end time has been fixed.
- #234094 - Appointment split for longer duration in same date range of horizontal custom view has been prevented now.
- #229858, #224377 - Appointments moving out of the Scheduler when drag the appointment to the edges in horizontal orientation has been prevented.
Bug Fixes
- #235929 – Content will be scrolled correctly while clicking on the scroller icons after page scroll.
- Provided support for Insert/Delete option in Discontinuous named range.
- Provided support for maintain the Page Setup while importing and exporting.
- Provided method for getVisibleCellDetails.
- Provided support for import/export in formulas contains sheet name with special characters.
Breaking Changes
- #234116 - Modified the Dropdownlist CellType options which is used as a parameter of addCellType method.
Bug Fixes
- #230507 - Issue with the ContextMenu enum type not available in API documentation is fixed.
- #234499 - Issue with exporting after drag and drop the comment applied empty cell is fixed.
- #233403 - Issue with copy paste functionality misbehaves for list validation cells is fixed.
- #232027 - Issue with formula in cell address with the prefix of negative symbol throws script error is fixed.
- #230885 - Name manager formula returns wrong value after row insert is fixed.
- #230374 - Range wrongly selected for navigated sheet while editing the formula is fixed.
- #230507 - Formula returns wrong value for percentage values is fixed.
- #233198 - Wrap text not properly applied for formula applied cells while importing is fixed.
- #231781 - DataSource not updated while deleting cell data is fixed
- #231010 - Comment not positioned properly while importing excel with hidden Columns is fixed
- #229902 - Formula is not recalculated while changing the dependent cell in copied sheets is fixed
- #231581 - Created Interface for object type parameters in public methods
- #231581 - CustomCellType enum type not available in API documentation is fixed
- #232269 - Discontinuous chart with dataRange property as null throws exception while exporting is fixed
- #229066 - Horizontal scrolling misbehaves in touch pad event is fixed.
- #232298 - Fortify scan issues in Spreadsheet is fixed.
- #234694 - Issue with to highlight the text in a cell is fixed.
- #223549 - Issue with Formula based conditional formatting in Row-wise and column wise is fixed.
- #234741 - Wrap text applied for /n contain cells while importing issue is fixed
- #234741 - Issue with cross tab formula not working properly for sheet name contains special character is fixed
- #232269 - Import the Exported file in a spreadsheet and then edit and saved in the same file rangeName string cannot be an empty issue is fixed.
- #238271 - Issue with to apply increase or decrease decimal for a cell with formula is fixed.
- #239024 - Importing pivot table in a Spreadsheet throws script error when Ribbon is a disabled issue is fixed.
- #236663 - Script error throws while inserting the row in list validation applied cell issue is fixed.
Bug Fixes
- #229086 – Issue with excel filter menu positioning in bootstrap theme has been fixed.
- #235342 – Issue while focusing checkbox while navigating cells using tab key has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- #236325 - Node order is now returned correctly while using the getTreeData(id) method after drag and drop of TreeView nodes.