Essential Studio for JavaScript Release Notes(Beta)

March 13, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • #142405 - Modified the implicitly declared variables by specifying the .NET type explicitly.



  • #218167 - Provided the support to rotate the axis label based on different text anchor position.

Bug Fixes

  • #225792 - Now, RangeArea series will be rendered properly with empty point.
  • #142405 - Resolved the implicitly declared variables in global scope.


Bug Fixes

  • #227744 - An issue with dynamically enabling the blackoutDates property on the navigated event has been fixed.



  • #220289 - A new property, disableTimeRanges, has been introduced to disable a specific time range in the time pop-up for all dates.

  • #220288 - New properties, specialDates , highlightWeekend has been introduced to customize the special dates and to highlight the weekends in the calendar pop-up.



  • #219437 - Support to flip a node/connector in both horizontal and vertical directions is added.

Bug fixes

  • #153251 - Text node now renders properly in SVG mode.
  • #186056 - Issue with, “Connector position is misplaced when changes are undone in the swimlane shape” is fixed.
  • #225857 - When the lane’s header is modified at runtime, it updates properly.
  • #225671 - Now, able to drag the connector’s label if it is created at runtime.
  • #228679 - Issue with, “Trigger icon for intermediate events didn’t match BPMN standards” is fixed.
  • #F142957 - BPMN’s group node is now serialized properly even if serializationSetting’s preventDefaultValues property is set to true.


Bug Fixes

  • #226915 - Incremental search functionality is working properly.

  • #219380- The DropdownList pop-up will not close during a document scroll event.



  • #206486, #222896, #226182 - The Gantt control now provides support for quarter year and half year timeline views.

Bug Fixes

  • #226182 - Now it is possible to export the Gantt to PDF file in 24 hour working timescale without any issues.


Bug Fixes

  • #228939 - Resizing works fine when the grid is rendered with detail Template.
  • #228174 - Editing a cell in the newly added row in Batch edit mode does not scroll the Grid to right.
  • #226485 - Adding a new record in empty grid works fine, when Summary rows and Frozen rows are enabled.
  • #223940 - Styles are applied properly for the EditForm when compatibility theme is used.
  • #227418 - The data in the arguments of rowDeselected event contains corresponding data, when the header checkbox is unchecked.


Bug Fixes

  • #226219 – Now, the map is rendered properly on resizing.



  • #226761 – Exposed the new event ajaxRequestSuccess to notify the AJAX request success status.
  • #226632, #227289 - Added the new fields width and height in the signatureSettings property to customize the size of signature content.

Bug Fixes

  • #223562 - Text content of the PDF document are now rendered properly.
  • #225164 - Error will no longer occur while loading provided PDF document.
  • #225449 - Restriction summary is now preserved properly.
  • #225447 - Custom zoom value is now set properly during initial loading of a PDF document.
  • #226006 - The downloaded document name is same as the original document name, when document is loaded using the choose file from disk option.
  • #227921 - Now, the required form fields are displayed correctly.
  • #227777 - Exception will no longer occur on loading the provided PDF document.



  • #195204 – Provided support to change aggregation types dynamically with UI interaction via the pivot button context menu.



  • #204545, #225528 - Provided support to export pivot grid information without subtotals and grand totals.

    ejReportDesigner Preview


  • #140559 and #222739 – Provided list report item support to create free-form layout in reports.
  • #209470 - Provided custom code support.
  • #222739 and #139940 – Provided the necessary APIs to programmatically handle the data source and dataset options.
  • #222138 - Provided reordering support for report parameters.
  • Provided an option to order the layout of report items in the design area.

Bug Fixes

  • #229302 - Fixed the undefined issue with the headers property when uploading an image using the image manager.
  • #227493 – Now, expressions can be set for the subreport item in the visibility property.
  • #142413 - Fixed the report parameter layout tag creation issue when creating parameters in the report.
  • #226659 - Fixed the header color and column span properties’ serialization issue in the grid report item.
  • #226659 and #223252 - Fixed the issues with the textbox report item’s expression option.
  • #223797 - Fixed the image upload issue when the file name contains Unicode values.
  • #222796 - Fixed the summary row property disabling issue in the grid report item.
  • #226659 - Fixed the issue with populating the text alignment property in the grid report item.
  • #222888 - Resolved the console errors thrown when applying font sizes continuously for the selected text in the text box report item.
  • #221279 - Resolved the issue with inheriting the alternate row cell properties from the cell styles in the grid report item.
  • #221279 - Fixed the column resizing issue in the grid report item.
  • #223348 - Fixed the parameter type conversion failure in dataset query.


Bug Fixes

  • #224274 - Parameter label duplication occurring when navigating back from child to parent report has been resolved.
  • #228758 – Incorrect parameter value updated when printing reports has been resolved.
  • #227652 – Resolved the problem with dependent hidden parameter values not updated in preview of the Report Viewer.
  • Now, the subreport is loaded in the Report Viewer using the SubreportInitializationEventArgs ReportPath property.


Bug Fixes

  • #225333 - A CSS compatibility issue with the contextual tabs of the Ribbon control has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #226472 - An issue with applying format styles for the entire span node element has been fixed.

  • #228723 - White space characters will be considered in the max length count in the maxLength property of RTE.

  • Compatibility styles issue in mobile resolution has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #226369,#226370 - An issue with resizing of appointments on Scheduler timeline views, when the properties such as startHour, endHour and timeScale are defined together with specific values, has been fixed.
  • #225973 - An issue with rendering of appointments on Scheduler has been fixed, when the appointments are defined with same start and end date but different month value.
  • #222975 - An issue with recurrence rule string, while using BYDAY option altogether with FREQ=DAY repeat type has been fixed.
  • #224476 - An issue with generating recurring instances, while defining recurrence rule simply as FREQ=WEEKLY has been fixed.
  • #224465 - The cellHover event is triggering properly now, when the work cells are customized with workCellsTemplateId.
  • #219100 - The appointments created during the Daylight Savings Time will now render properly in custom Scheduler views.



  • Provided import/export support for charts with Trendlines.
  • Provided support to highlight the invalid data while updating the value in validation applied cells.
  • Provided custom format support for negative numbers.
  • Provided cellSave event support, whenever the cell value changed in the spreadsheet.
  • Provided the performance improvements while scrolling with applied freeze pane.
  • Provided support for add table references in name manager collection while importing.

Bug Fixes

  • #224240, #228995 - Issue with Spreadsheet layout misaligned while applying comments for invisible rows is fixed.
  • #223667 - Export the excel file with the picture having Left and Top value as zero, throws exception is fixed.
  • #224838 - Issue with Import the List options not properly shown in data validation is fixed.
  • #224632 - Issue with copy paste for cell range with wrap text is not working properly is fixed.
  • #223877 - Issue with Format while adding the big number in nl-NL culture is fixed.
  • #F142405 - Issue with implicitly declared variables are fixed.
  • #226266 - Issue with copy paste the external data into the Spreadsheet in MAC OS is fixed.
  • #222400 - Issue with X-axis overflow while importing chart with formula range is fixed.
  • #F142794 - Issue with number format with thousand separators not properly exported is fixed.
  • #226266 - loadFromJSON method throws script error while loading JSON with freeze pane is fixed.
  • #223020 - Sum of date returns zero in spreadsheet issue is fixed.
  • #220840 - Formats did not update properly while importing the negative values with color is fixed.
  • #222047 - The decimal and thousand separators applied values are not auto recognized properly in nl-NL culture is fixed.
  • #223877 - Thousand separator issue in formula calculation for nl-NL culture is fixed.
  • #224211 - Destination format not maintained while pasting using paste values only option is fixed.
  • #227937 - Provided multiSelection method for selecting multiple ranges.


Bug Fixes

  • #225333 - Icon alignment issues have been resolved.



  • #F99670, #185459, #194756, #197860 - Added support for custom table styles in Excel.
  • #128585, #132019, #224861 - Provided support to format unique and duplicate values in conditional formatting.
  • #199594, #199992, #206375, #206374, #209766, #F139259, #218497, #225207 - Provided support for chart to image/PDF conversion in .NET Standard.
  • #222797 - Added support for complex script rendering in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Provided support for PDF conformance level in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Added support for Excel 2019 version in XlsIO.

Breaking Changes

  • #F99670, #185459, #194756, #197860 - The TableStyles property is added in IWorkbook interface to get the table styles collection for adding custom table styles.
  • #128585, #132019, #224861 - The Unique and Duplicate types are included in ExcelCFType enumeration to highlight the cells with unique and duplicate values using conditional formatting feature.
  • #199594, #199992, #206375, #206374, #209766, #F139259, #218497, #225207 - Added ExportChartImageOptions property and ConvertToPDF() and ConvertToImage() methods in IXlsIORenderer class and SaveAsImage() method in IChart interface.
  • #222797 - AutoDetectComplexScript has been added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to support complex script rendering in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Enumeration PdfConformanceLevel is added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to set conformance level in PDF document that is converted from Excel.
  • Type Xlsx is added in ExcelVersion enumeration to represent Excel version 2019 and above.

Bug Fixes

  • #222397, #222732 - Table with query is now preserved properly on invoking Table.Refresh().
  • #223856, #224976 - File will no longer be corrupted while copying a range with multiple list objects.
  • #226454 - The IndexOutOfRange exception will no longer be thrown while converting Excel document into PDF with header and footer.
  • #224770 - Exception will no longer be thrown while exporting worksheet data into data table.
  • #223667 - Exception will no longer be thrown if chart’s data range column is deleted.
  • #225065 - Currency number format is now properly detected in XlsIO generated Excel file.
  • #224023 - Exception thrown while opening an XlsIO re-saved document with group shape has been resolved.
  • #223946 - Conditional format is now preserved properly while saving the workbook multiple times.
  • #223839 - Infinite recursive loop on modifying and saving Excel document with improper chart series indices has been resolved.
  • #224024 - Not implemented exception thrown while opening an Excel document with external formula range in check box has been fixed.
  • #223448 - Pivot table field settings are now preserved properly on resaving the Excel file.
  • #223167 - Custom time format [h]:mm:ss is now detected automatically.
  • #223376 - Exception occurs while saving the Excel document with OLE object has been resolved.
  • #223226 - The NullReferenceException thrown when converting an Excel file to HTML has been fixed.
  • #223041 - Data validation formula is now preserved properly while saving the Excel document as XML.
  • #221229 - Issue with pivot field values due to improper pivot field data format has been resolved.
  • #214445 - Table.Refresh() is now working properly with ODBC connection.
  • #223918 - Conditional format is now preserved properly on converting Excel document to PDF.
  • #223859 - Hyperlink is now set properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #221079 - Exception thrown if print-title row height is higher in Excel to PDF conversion has been fixed.
  • #221693 - The Parameter invalid exception thrown while converting Excel document to PDF has been fixed.
  • #222797 - Incorrect Thai font in Excel to PDF conversion has been fixed.
  • #222156 - Improper number detection with invariant culture has been fixed.
  • #F141101 - Issue with incorrect parsing of comments has been resolved.
  • Issue with incorrect conditional formatting operator type in resaved Excel document has been fixed.
  • Setting a table column header name will no longer corrupt the Excel document.
  • DataBar color is now applied properly for negative values.
  • External formula is now applied properly in .NET Standard.
  • Shapes rendering issue for curved shapes in Presentation to Image conversion has been fixed.