Essential Studio for JavaScript Release Notes (Beta)

September 11, 2018
Starting with version 16.2 (2018 Vol 2), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information


Bug Fixes

  • #207488 - Issue with iterating Array using ‘for-in’ while extend the Array prototype is fixed.
  • #208317 - Redefined the ‘en-US’ culture localization texts.
  • #211621 - Added ComboBox component in the Theme Studio application.


Bug fixes

  • #211227, #F139302 - Issue with predicates in multicolumn search has been fixed.
  • #F137661 - Restricted triggering change event multiple times when click on the showResetIcon.
  • #212615, #210356 - Prevented unwanted post raises on autocomplete when the remote datasource is used.



  • #189112 - Provided support to add the named ranges with scope.

Bug fixes

  • #212264 - The Round formula is computed properly for decimal values with digit grouping symbol (,).


Bug fixes

  • #205762 - Now, chart will render properly, after binding to dataSource with null value.
  • #207489 - axisLabelClick is now triggering when labelIntersectAction is rotate45.
  • #210910 - Now, chart will render properly, after binding values to primaryYAxis through set model.
  • #212513 - Passing y values as string to dataSource is now working properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #212045 - Value field in getItemData method now returns proper value when the value contains zero.
  • #f135840 - In unobtrusive mode, console error is no longer thrown when a value is selected.


Bug Fixes

  • #214414 - Sorting is now prevented in dataManager when all the values of the field are null.



  • #209242 - Gradient support for node border color is added.
  • #211102 - Support to avoid segment overlapping when executing the automatic tree layout with multiple parents is added.

Bug Fixes

  • #200014 – Connector’s docking position is now updated properly with BPMN shapes after performing save and load functionality.
  • #205079 - Node’s position is now retained in serialization when changing the position after executing the layout functionality.
  • #F137613 - Node’s label position is now updated properly in overview when interacting with the node in the diagram.
  • #206449 - Diagram gets shrink when executing the print method is fixed.
  • #200014 - Now able to create connection from the BPMNSubProcess’s event after performing save and load functionality.
  • #F138007 - An Exception issue has been resolved when serializationSetting’s preventDefaultValues is set to true and loading the diagram twice.
  • #208346 - An Exception issue has been resolved when loading the diagram and the model’s selectedItems is set to null.
  • #210260 - Connector drawing tool is now activated properly when the port’s shape is set to path.
  • #206476 - Scroll bar is now updated to the bottom most position of the diagram and now able to see all the elements in the diagram.
  • #207275 - Tooltip is not visible when performing the interaction nodes within the lanes is fixed.
  • #208346 - The node’s borderColor property is now updated properly for BPMN Events.
  • #209908 - The node’s minWidth and minHeight properties of the values are set to 100 when dragging the nodes outside of swimlane and performing save and load operation twice is fixed.
  • #211413 - In Firefox browser, when exporting the diagram to an image, the label is now positioned properly.
  • #211415 - Now able to create the connection between BPMN shapes within the swimlane by using the connector tool.
  • #211447 - Connector’s docking position is now updated properly when changing the BPMN task type and resizing the swimlane.
  • #187159 - Connector’s decorator position is now updated properly when the line routing feature is enabled and the layout’s spacing is set to odd numbers.
  • #212770 - Panning needs to be stopped after executing the fitToPage method is fixed.
  • #213632 - Undo/redo is now working properly for swimlane resizing functionality.


Bug Fixes

  • ##210844 - Value set using scope variable is now selected in multiselect visual mode with checkbox.
  • #211044 - - Console error is no longer thrown when drop down list is rendered with empty dataSource and loadOnDemand set to true.


Bug Fixes

  • #212199 - Drop down tree no longer overrides the FileExplorer’s tree view subcomponent.


Bug Fixes

  • #209781 – Provided support to sort different date formats in the file explorer component.
  • #210162 – Issue in showing waiting popup while using large files in the file explorer component has been fixed.
  • #211663 – After clicking, no option in the replace confirmation dialog of file explorer, this dialog is not opened again while uploading the same file, issue is fixed.



  • #154668, #188887 - The Gantt control now supports histogram view for resource allocation. User can track the resource allocation in the project using the resource histogram view.
  • #169548, #194187, #197377 - Now it is possible to display the unscheduled tasks in Gantt.
  • #208948, #F138124 - Now it is possible to highlight the working time range and non-working time range in Gantt.
  • #206384 - In Gantt dialog, the resource tab and predecessor tab UI design has been optimized to improve user experience.
  • #205709 - Now it is possible to update the date value of the task which has task dependencies, using updateRecordByTaskId method.

Bug Fixes

  • #208330 - Now it is possible to use EJ2 context menu and EJ1 Gantt components in the same page without any issues.
  • #213487 - Issue in updating custom column values with updateRecordByTaskId method has been fixed.
  • #213037 - Alignment issue with Gantt timeline header has been fixed.
  • #208134 - Issue with custom fields in edit dialog of resource view in Gantt has been fixed.
  • #F138054 - Now it is possible to update the header format of the hour timescale dynamically without any issues.
  • #207114 - Issue in custom dropdown control in Gantt edit dialog with dropdown data as integer value has been fixed.
  • #206486, #F137757 - Issue in exporting parent task with a milestone as child item has been fixed.
  • #212778 - Issue in PDF export with task dependencies and milestones enabled has been fixed.
  • Issue in displaying tasks with duration value as 0 in resource view Gantt has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #213111 - Frozen columns work fine when allowResizeToFit is enabled.
  • #213287 - Boolean column works fine for hierarchy grid with batch editing.
  • #209249 - Decimal key works fine in custom filter textbox when a column is configured to show zero decimals.
  • #207173 - OK button in Excel filter works fine when checkboxes are unchecked and checked after scrolling the checkbox list.
  • #213251 - Grid works fine when one of the column names is defined as items.



  • #189927, #177568, #203750, #207002, #F129307, #F134895 - Provided support to change the swimlane header’s row text based on swimlaneKey value mapping in swimlane headers . Also, provided support for show/hide empty swimlane in the Kanban board.

Bug Fixes

  • #208657 - The issue with adding new data to an empty data source and enabled context menu has been resolved.
  • #F138877 - Issue with shrink header alignment at enableRTL mode has fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #210196 - Issue with getIndexByText on getting item has fixed in addItem method.



  • Support has been provided to customize the data labels using properties.

Bug Fixes

  • #208865 - Sublayer in the OpenStreetMap is now being zoomed properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #197921 - Issue with displaying ‘-‘ value in the ‘&’ mask of the ‘mask edit’ has been fixed.



  • #204928, #166056, #162399, #178537, #194227, #196818, #197343, #198839, #202013 - The CCITTFax decoder filter images are rendered properly in Google Chrome and Firefox browser using the PDF viewer control.
  • #211097 – Exposed an API to customize the location to save the temporary files.
  • #183772, #197611 , #203405- Improved the performance of scrolling and pinch zooming in PDF viewer control.

Bug Fixes

  • #207860 - Exception will no longer be thrown while exporting the pages of PDF document as images..
  • #206571, #207989 - Contents of the PDF document are now rendered properly in PDF viewer.
  • #206569 - Text contents of the PDF document are now rendered properly in PDF viewer.
  • #208837 - Table borders are now rendered properly in PDF viewer.
  • #204717 - The question mark content is now rendered properly in PDF viewer.
  • #206825 - Now, the extracted image color is same as the original image color.
  • #207455 - Position of the check boxes and the radio buttons are now preserved properly in Internet Explorer (IE).
  • #204631 - Text contents of the PDF document are now rendered properly in the PDF viewer control.
  • #206267, #208585 - Downloaded file size is now same as the size of the original document.
  • #203897 - Now, the application does not hang while loading the provided PDF document in the PDF viewer control.
  • #208885 - Now, the position of the annotations and signatures are maintained properly in the downloaded document.
  • #205565, #210823 - Text contents of the PDF document are now rendered properly in the PDF viewer control.
  • #211766 - Size of the form fields are now maintained properly in the PDF viewer control.
  • #209771 - The extra character is not added anymore in the extracted text.


Bug fixes

  • #210966 - After enabling memberEditorPaging property and on performing filter operation, checked state is maintain properly.
  • #209265 - Passing custom name to service method drillThroughDataTable work properly.



  • #194095 - Sorting support has been provided to order the members inside Member Editor.



  • Support has been provided to hide the intersecting labels.
  • Support has been provided to include or exclude the first day of the next month in the selected data.

    ejReportDesigner Preview


  • #202004 - Provided an option to switch report’s unit type. Now, users can switch the following unit types:
    • Inches
    • Centimeters
    • Pixels
    • Points
    • Millimeters
    • Picas
  • Provided an option to enable/disable auto preview in query designer.

  • Provided dataset parameter support.

Bug fixes

  • #206358 - Fixed the error that occurred when creating dataset using stored procedure with temporary tables.



  • #200906 - Provided support to render range bar chart type reports.
  • #203061 - Provided ParameterHelper to create custom parameter block in user application.

Bug Fixes

  • #138473 - The header report item overlapping to body content in print preview has been resolved.
  • #210506, 210688 - Now, multiple nested grouping toggle exports properly to Excel when the initial toggle state of a parent group is hidden.
  • #210669 - Resolved non html tag markup text rendering problem in reportviewer.
  • #198150 - Now, child parameter values are updated properly when multi-valued parent parameter is changed.
  • #210648 - Incorrect resource text of reportviewer toolbar elements has been replaced with correct contents for Pt-BR culture.
  • #206918 - Rendering problem in PDF export when data region report item is used inside a rectangle has been resolved.
  • #204628 - The exception in PDF export when textbox report item contains HTML content has been resolved.
  • #212581 - Resolved empty document generation when exporting report with chart report item.
  • #209336 - Now, interactive sorting icon renders properly with tablix header when text alignment is right.


Bug Fixes

  • #206465 - Table height is now set properly in edit table dialog.
  • #212831 - Alignment icons in RTE is now updated based on the content in IE browser.
  • #210668 - Inserted hyperlink no longer reverts the font family back to default font.


Bug Fixes

  • #211417 - Missing localized text of scheduler has been added for all the cultures.
  • #213334 - Dropping of appointments on appropriate resources will work properly in horizontal orientation.
  • #211460 - Error in immediate creation of a normal appointment after adding spanned appointment to the scheduler has been fixed.
  • #211642 - Cell selection has been retained properly, when moving the cursor in and out of the scheduler layout.
  • #209625 - The issue occurred while editing single occurrence of a series multiple times has been fixed.
  • #209440, #212066 - An issue while dragging an appointment in the same cell has been fixed.
  • #207851 - Duplication of appointments has been prevented, when setting the dataSource through set model.
  • #205362 - Appointments can be rendered properly on the exact resource rows, while dropping it on the scheduler loaded with more number of resources.
  • #205720 - The issue with quick drag-and-drop of appointments across the time range has been fixed.
  • #205720 - The issue with drag-and-drop of appointments that spans across two months has been fixed.
  • #205720 - The issue while deleting recurrence appointment, on calling the refreshAppointments public method has been fixed.
  • #205804 - The issue with accessing quick Pop-up window on schedule click has been fixed.
  • #208317 - Localized text, spelling, and other grammatical errors of scheduler text has been corrected.
  • #209440 - An issue with wrong drag-and-drop behavior of appointments, when partially hiding behind the scheduler view port edges has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #212784 – Added action type argument in expandCollapse and beforeExpandCollapse event.


Bug Fixes

  • #210163 - Issue with scrolling by keyboard navigation in switched sheets is fixed.
  • #208485 - Issue with RangeSettings is not updated while updating the datasource using updateRange() method is fixed.
  • #203073, 209468 - Issue with formula update on short date, long date and general type in ‘es-ES’ culture is fixed.
  • #208579 - Issue with binding sheet columns property on initial rendering is fixed.
  • #207723 - Issue with horizontal scrollbar not moving left, while pressing left key after applying freeze top row is fixed.
  • #207039 - Issue with blank rows created while scrolling and resizing the Spreadsheet to maximum height is fixed.
  • #205304 - Issue in format applied formula cell not aligned properly and bad number formatting exception with format string {0:0.0000 €c} for zero value is fixed.
  • #211244 - Issue in “args.cancel” property, for context menu beforeOpen event is fixed.
  • #210394 - Issue in merge cells, when text is aligned to right is fixed.
  • #214042 - Issue with cellClick event is not triggered in merge cells has been fixed.
  • #212055 - Improved celltype functionality when enable allowAutoCellType property.
  • #207162 - Provided support for summary type (Count, Min, Max and Product) in pivot table.
  • #197620 - Provided support for handling unknown formula in excel file on importing.
  • #204530 - Provided support for formula cell reference update used with conditional operators in autofill.
  • #204532 - Provided support for insert and delete in cell types.
  • #211245 - Provided support for keyboard shortcuts, on allowKeyboardNavigation is set as false.
  • #213497 - Provided actionBegin event for insert and delete operations.
  • #189112 - Provided support for sheets scope option in NameManager.


Bug Fixes

  • #208638 - The tab header no longer flickers when hovering over the tab scroll icon after closing a tab item.
  • \210749 - Added Refresh method for refreshing tab using API.


Bug Fixes

  • #211362 - Issue with typing letters in mobile devices has been fixed.



  • #206811, #212562 - Now it is possible to search records along with its parent record.
  • #188259, #195994 - Batch edit and batch save support has been implemented in TreeGrid.

Bug Fixes

  • #205681 - Issue in updating data source with total summary rows has been fixed.
  • #211707 - Issue with column resizing action in Firefox browser has been fixed.



  • #203297 - Provided an option to prevent parent node from expanding while adding a node in the tree view control.

Bug Fixes

  • #209252 - The issue in selecting TreeView nodes in the TreeView template has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #210162 - Element rendered as waiting popup now requires ID attribute.