Essential Studio for JavaScript Release Notes



  • #186483 – Support has been provided for smooth animation in column type series.
  • #183813, #182965 – Support has been provided for template in trackball feature.
  • Support has been provided for label intersect actions such as Trim, Wrap, MultipleRows, and Hide in 3D axis.
  • Support has been provided for Spline, RangeColumn, Scatter and StackingArea type series in polar and radar.

Bug Fixes

  • #192226 - Now, data will be returned only for the selection enabled series in range selection.
  • #188357 - Now, scatter series will render properly with null points.
  • #193509 - Now, data label is rendering properly without collision.
  • #193235, 193488 - Now, chart series is rendering properly with zero in 1st point.
  • #188776 - Edge label placement's shift is now working properly without colliding the axis labels.
  • F133511 - Assigning the axis name with whitespace to the series is now working properly.
  • #194711 - Offset property in dataLabel is now working properly for 3D chart.
  • #191062, 191974 - Now, chart is rendering properly on resize, without increasing the height.
  • #193840 - Now, chart is updating properly with new data source through legend click.
  • #195541 - Crosshair tooltip is now working properly for bar type series.


Bug fixes

  • #198921 - Touch event not working for HTML content defined in the HTMLNode is fixed.
  • #136190 - When selecting multiple nodes along with connectors and perform resizing, its not proper when connector docking changed is fixed.
  • #200014 - When loading the older version of diagram and connector’s connected between BPMN nodes not docked properly is fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #200437 – Provided API to render Pivot controls with or without default values in absence of measures.


  • #170603, #137191, #195510, #198184 - Provided support to render PivotChart control with multiple axis.


Bug fixes

  • #200546 - Member name gets updated properly while save and re-opening the report.
  • #200437 – PivotChart works properly while binding MDX query in OlapDataManager class.
  • #199698 – PivotClient renders properly while enabling isResponsive property to true.
  • #F136290 – Provided caption text support for member editor dialog items.


Bug fixes

  • #200083 - Expand and collapse works properly while enabling advanced filter option.