
6 Feb 20184 minutes to read

RadioButton ID

RadioButton id is not shown in the user interface. Here id denotes the id attribute of the root element of RadioButton control. This id value is unique. You can give id through element and through the id property. When you use two id for a single radio button at initialization, the element id is considered.

Set id for RadioButton control as follows.

  • $(function () {
                //set new id value as follows
                $("#Radio_Male").ejRadioButton({ name: "Gender", id: "male_type" });
                $("#Radio_Female").ejRadioButton({ name: "Gender", id: "female_type" });

    RadioButton Prefix id

    Id prefix value is appended to id value. It is used to mention the prefix for the wrapper’s id attribute. When you assign a value for idPrefix property, the older prefix id gets replaced by the new prefix id.

    Setting a new prefix id for RadioButton control is as follows.

  • $(function () {
                //set new idPrefix value as follows
                $("#Radio_Male").ejRadioButton({ name: "Gender", idPrefix:"sync"  });
                $("#Radio_Female").ejRadioButton({ name: "Gender", idPrefix:"sync"  });

    RadioButton Name

    The name setting tells you where a RadioButton belongs. When you select one button, all other buttons in the same group are unselected. You can have only one group of RadioButtons on each page.

    The name attribute is also used to identify form data after it has been submitted to the server, or for reference of form data using JavaScript on the client’s side. Only form elements with a name attribute have their values passed, when submitting a form.

    RadioButton Value

    The value setting defines what can be submitted when checked.

    For RadioButtons, the contents of the value property do not appear in the user interface. The value property only has meaning when submitting a form. If a radio button is in the checked state when the form is submitted, the name of the Radio button is sent along with the value of the value property, if the radio button is not checked, no information is sent.

    To identify, on the server side, which one was checked, give different values for radio buttons in the same group,

    Set name and value for each radio button control as follows.

  • $(function () {
                //set name and value for each radio button as follows
                $("#Radio_Male").ejRadioButton({ name: "Gender", value: "male"  });
                $("#Radio_Female").ejRadioButton({ name: "Gender", value: "female" });

    State persistence

    RadioButton widget provide options to maintain the selected value after you refresh the page by using enablePersistence property.

    Steps to use State persistence of the RadioButton

    The following steps explains you to use enablePersistence property.

  • HTML
  • <input type="radio" name="radioButton" id="radioButton"/>
  • // Use enablePersistence property to maintain selected value as follows.
        $(function () {
           $("#radioButton").ejRadioButton({ enablePersistence: true });

    Enable/Disable RadioButton

    RadioButton provides you an option to enable /disable the RadioButton. You can disable the ToggleButton by setting the “enabled” property value as false.

    The following steps explain you to enable/disable property in RadioButton .

  • HTML
  • <input type="radio" name="radioButton" id="radioButton"/>
        <label for="radioButton">Experienced</label>
  • // To enable/disable RadioButton controls use the following code example.
        //Enable RadioButton:
        $(function () {
             $("#radioButton").ejRadioButton ({ enabled: true });                                       
        //Disable RadioButton:
        $(function () {
            $("#radioButton").ejRadioButton ({ enabled: false });

    Execute the above code to render the following output.