Label format

24 May 20191 minute to read

You can customize the format of labels that is displayed in the pivot gauge control by using the labelFormatSettings property.

Following are the formats that can be applied to labels in the pivot gauge:

  • numberFormat - Allows you to change the number format of label values in the pivot gauge.
  • decimalPlaces - Allows you to set the number of digits that are displayed after the decimal point.
  • prefixText - Allows you to add a text at the beginning of the label.
  • suffixText - Allows you to add a text at the end of the label.

The number format for label values can be set to any of the following types:

  • Default
  • Currency
  • Percentage
  • Fraction
  • Scientific
  • Text
  • Notation
  • JS
  • $(function () {
          labelFormatSettings: { numberFormat: ej.PivotGauge.NumberFormat.Percentage, decimalPlaces: 2, prefixText: "#*", suffixText: "*#" },

    Label formats in JavaScript pivot gauge control