Frame type

24 May 20191 minute to read

Full circle

Full circle frame allows the pivot gauge to display in a circular shape. The frame type can be set by using the frameType property. By default, the frame type is “fullCircle”.

  • $("#PivotGauge1").ejPivotGauge({
            frame: { frameType: "fullCircle" }

    Shows full circle of pivot gauge widget

    Half circle

    The half circle frame allows the pivot gauge to display in a semi-circular shape. For this, the frame type should be set as “halfCircle” within the frameType property and should set the startAngle and sweepAngle for the pivot gauge in the scales property.

  • $("#PivotGauge1").ejPivotGauge({
            frame: {
                   frameType: 'halfcircle',
                   halfCircleFrameStartAngle: 180, halfCircleFrameEndAngle: 360
            scales: [{
                        startAngle: 180, sweepAngle: 180

    Shows half circle of pivot gauge widget