
13 Feb 20183 minutes to read

Legend is a control used to summarize the range of colors in HeatMap. This gives visual guideline for mapping between value and color.

Create Legend

  • Legend can be created with color mapping as shown below.

  • You can set size for heatmap legend using width and height properties.

  • JS
  • var colorMappingCollection = [
        { value: 0, color: "#fe0002", label: { text: "Poor" } },
        { value: 3, color: "#ffff01", label: { text: "Average" } },
        { value: 6, color: "#13ab11", label: { text: "Good" } },
        { value: 10, color: "#005ba2 ", label: { text: "Excellent" } }
        colorMappingCollection: colorMappingCollection,
        height: "50px",
        width: "75%"

    Resultant legend will be like following image.

    colorMapping of HeatMapLegend

    • The heatmap legend colorMappingCollection color property is used to specify the color for starting range of heatmap datasource.

    • The heatmap legend colorMappingCollection value property is used to specify the values for starting range of heatmap datasource.

    • You can place a text for heatmap legend using label text property and text can be customized with bold, italic, , textDecoration, fontSize, fontFamily and fontColor properties.

    • The heatmap legend showLabel property is used to show/hide the label.


    The heatmap legend control has support for the responsive behavior based on client browser’s width and height. To enable responsive, isResponsive property should be set as true.

    Legend Mode

    There are two type of legendMode.


  • JS
  • $("#heatmap_legend").ejHeatMapLegend({
        colorMappingCollection: colorMappingCollection,
        height: "50px",
        width: "75%",
        legendMode: ej.HeatMap.LegendMode.Gradient   


  • JS
  • $("#heatmap_legend").ejHeatMapLegend({
        colorMappingCollection: colorMappingCollection,
        height: "50px",
        width: "75%",
        legendMode: ej.HeatMap.LegendMode.List   


    There are 2 types of orientation available for legend and its applicable for both Gradient and List Mode.

    • Horizontal
    • Vertical


  • JS
  • $("#heatmap_legend").ejHeatMapLegend({
        colorMappingCollection: colorMappingCollection,
        height: "50px",
        width: "75%",
        legendMode: ej.HeatMap.LegendMode.List   


  • JS
  • $("#heatmap_legend").ejHeatMapLegend({
        colorMappingCollection: colorMappingCollection,
        height: "550px",
        width: "100px",
        orientation: ej.HeatMap.LegendOrientation.Vertical,
        legendMode: ej.HeatMap.LegendMode.List