Data binding in JavaScript DropDownTree

7 Jun 202324 minutes to read

Define a JSON array and initialize the widget with the treeViewSettings property. Specify the column names in the fields property of the treeViewSettings.


The columns are bounded automatically when the fields are specified with the default names like id, text, etc…

  • HTML
  • <input type="text" id="localList" />
  • $(function() {
         // declaration
         var localData = [{
                 id: 1,
                 name: "Discover Music",
                 hasChild: true,
                 expanded: true
                 id: 2,
                 pid: 1,
                 name: "Hot Singles"
                 id: 3,
                 pid: 1,
                 name: "Rising Artists"
                 id: 4,
                 pid: 1,
                 name: "Live Music"
                 id: 6,
                 pid: 1,
                 name: "Best of 2013 So Far"
                 id: 7,
                 name: "Sales and Events",
                 hasChild: true,
                 expanded: true
                 id: 8,
                 pid: 7,
                 name: "100 Albums - $5 Each"
                 id: 9,
                 pid: 7,
                 name: "Hip-Hop and R&B Sale"
                 id: 10,
                 pid: 7,
                 name: "CD Deals"
                 id: 11,
                 name: "Categories",
                 hasChild: true
                 id: 12,
                 pid: 11,
                 name: "Songs"
                 id: 13,
                 pid: 11,
                 name: "Bestselling Albums"
                 id: 14,
                 pid: 11,
                 name: "New Releases"
                 id: 15,
                 pid: 11,
                 name: "Bestselling Songs"
                 id: 16,
                 name: "MP3 Albums",
                 hasChild: true
                 id: 17,
                 pid: 16,
                 name: "Rock"
                 id: 18,
                 pid: 16,
                 name: "Gospel"
                 id: 19,
                 pid: 16,
                 name: "Latin Music"
                 id: 20,
                 pid: 16,
                 name: "Jazz"
                 id: 21,
                 name: "More in Music",
                 hasChild: true
                 id: 22,
                 pid: 21,
                 name: "Music Trade-In"
                 id: 23,
                 pid: 21,
                 name: "Redeem a Gift Card"
                 id: 24,
                 pid: 21,
                 name: "Band T-Shirts"
                 id: 25,
                 pid: 21,
                 name: "Mobile MVC"
             treeViewSettings: {
                 fields: {
                     id: "id",
                     parentId: "pid",
                     text: "name",
                     hasChild: "hasChild",
                     dataSource: localData,
                     expanded: "expanded"
             watermarkText: "Please select",

    JavaScript DropDownTree data binding


    Images for this sample are available in (installed location)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\24.2.3\JavaScript\samples\web\themes\images

    I> The htmlAttributes and imageAttributes should have JSON type values and samples for spriteCSSClass field available here.

    The JSON array to the fields property can also be provided as an instance of the ej.DataManager. When the JSON array is passed as an instance of ej.DataManager, the ej.JsonAdaptor will be used to manipulate the DropDownTree data source. The following code explains this behavior,

  • HTML
  • <input type="text" id="localList" />
  • $(function() {
        // declaration
        var localData = [{
                id: 1,
                name: "Discover Music",
                hasChild: true,
                expanded: true
                id: 2,
                pid: 1,
                name: "Hot Singles"
                id: 3,
                pid: 1,
                name: "Rising Artists"
                id: 4,
                pid: 1,
                name: "Live Music"
                id: 6,
                pid: 1,
                name: "Best of 2013 So Far"
                id: 7,
                name: "Sales and Events",
                hasChild: true,
                expanded: true
                id: 8,
                pid: 7,
                name: "100 Albums - $5 Each"
                id: 9,
                pid: 7,
                name: "Hip-Hop and R&B Sale"
                id: 10,
                pid: 7,
                name: "CD Deals"
                id: 11,
                name: "Categories",
                hasChild: true
                id: 12,
                pid: 11,
                name: "Songs"
                id: 13,
                pid: 11,
                name: "Bestselling Albums"
                id: 14,
                pid: 11,
                name: "New Releases"
                id: 15,
                pid: 11,
                name: "Bestselling Songs"
                id: 16,
                name: "MP3 Albums",
                hasChild: true
                id: 17,
                pid: 16,
                name: "Rock"
                id: 18,
                pid: 16,
                name: "Gospel"
                id: 19,
                pid: 16,
                name: "Latin Music"
                id: 20,
                pid: 16,
                name: "Jazz"
                id: 21,
                name: "More in Music",
                hasChild: true
                id: 22,
                pid: 21,
                name: "Music Trade-In"
                id: 23,
                pid: 21,
                name: "Redeem a Gift Card"
                id: 24,
                pid: 21,
                name: "Band T-Shirts"
                id: 25,
                pid: 21,
                name: "Mobile MVC"
            treeViewSettings: {
                fields: {
                    id: "id",
                    parentId: "pid",
                    text: "name",
                    hasChild: "hasChild",
                    dataSource: ej.DataManager(localData),
                    expanded: "expanded"
            watermarkText: "Please select",

    Binding Remote Data Service

    To bind remote data to the DropDownTree, assign service data as an instance of ejDataManager to the fields property of treeViewSettings.


    OData is a standardized protocol for creating and consuming data. Provide OData service URL directly to the “ej.DataManager” class, and then you can assign it to the DropDownTree “dataSource”.

  • HTML
  • <input type="text" id="selectCar" />
  • var dataManger = ej.DataManager({
        url: "",
        adaptor: new ej.ODataAdaptor(),
        crossDomain: true
    // Query creation
    var query = ej.Query().from("Categories").select("CategoryID,CategoryName").take(3);
    $(function() {
            watermarkText: "Select a car",
            width: "50%",
            treeViewSettings: {
                fields: {
                    dataSource: dataManger,
                    query: query,
                    id: "CategoryID",
                    text: "CategoryName",
                    child: {
                        dataSource: dataManger,
                        tableName: "Products",
                        parentId: "CategoryID",
                        text: "ProductName"

    OData Version 4

    The OData v4 is an improved version of OData protocols, and the data manager can also retrieve and consume data from ODatav4 services.

    By using URL property of “ej.DataManager”, bind OData Version 4 Service link and specify adaptor as ej.ODataV4Adaptor.

  • HTML
  • <input type="text" id="dropdown1" />
  • var dataManger = ej.DataManager({
        url: "",
        adaptor: new ej.ODataV4Adaptor(),
        crossDomain: true
    // Query creation
    var query = ej.Query().from("Categories").select("CategoryID,CategoryName").take(3);
    $(function() {
            watermarkText: "Select a car",
            width: "50%",
            treeViewSettings: {
                fields: {
                    dataSource: dataManger,
                    query: query,
                    id: "CategoryID",
                    text: "CategoryName",
                    child: {
                        dataSource: dataManger,
                        tableName: "Products",
                        parentId: "CategoryID",
                        text: "ProductName"


    Events associated with remote data binding is listed here.

    WebAPI Binding

    Using ej.WebApiAdaptor, bind WebApi services data to DropDownTree.

  • HTML
  • <input type="text" id="selectCar" />
  • // DataManager creation
       var dataManager = ej.DataManager({
           url: "",
           crossDomain: true,
           adaptor: new ej.WebApiAdaptor()
       // Query creation
       var query = ej.Query().from("Categories").select("CategoryID,CategoryName").take(3);
       $(function() {
               watermarkText: "Select a car",
               width: "50%",
               treeViewSettings: {
                   fields: {
                       dataSource: dataManager,
                       id: "id",
                       text: "name",
                       parentId: "pid",

    JavaScript DropDownTree data binding webapi

    Other Restful web services

    The Custom Adaptor concept of “ej.DataManager” allows you to customize or generate your own adaptor used to process “query” and “result” data.
    When using remote data binding, the adaptor of “ej.DataManager” plays a vital role in processing queries to make them suitable to send along with data request and also process the response data from the server.

  • HTML
  • <input type="text" id="remoteList" />
  • var localData = [{
            id: 1,
            name: "Discover Music",
            hasChild: true,
            expanded: true
            id: 2,
            pid: 1,
            name: "Hot Singles"
            id: 3,
            pid: 1,
            name: "Rising Artists"
            id: 4,
            pid: 1,
            name: "Live Music"
            id: 6,
            pid: 1,
            name: "Best of 2013 So Far"
            id: 7,
            name: "Sales and Events",
            hasChild: true,
            expanded: true
            id: 8,
            pid: 7,
            name: "100 Albums - $5 Each"
            id: 9,
            pid: 7,
            name: "Hip-Hop and R&B Sale"
            id: 10,
            pid: 7,
            name: "CD Deals"
            id: 11,
            name: "Categories",
            hasChild: true
            id: 12,
            pid: 11,
            name: "Songs"
            id: 13,
            pid: 11,
            name: "Bestselling Albums"
            id: 14,
            pid: 11,
            name: "New Releases"
            id: 15,
            pid: 11,
            name: "Bestselling Songs"
            id: 16,
            name: "MP3 Albums",
            hasChild: true
            id: 17,
            pid: 16,
            name: "Rock"
            id: 18,
            pid: 16,
            name: "Gospel"
            id: 19,
            pid: 16,
            name: "Latin Music"
            id: 20,
            pid: 16,
            name: "Jazz"
            id: 21,
            name: "More in Music",
            hasChild: true
            id: 22,
            pid: 21,
            name: "Music Trade-In"
            id: 23,
            pid: 21,
            name: "Redeem a Gift Card"
            id: 24,
            pid: 21,
            name: "Band T-Shirts"
    var customAdaptor = new ej.Adaptor().extend({
        insert: function(dataObj, data) {
            return dataObj.dataSource.json.push(data);
        processQuery: ej.JsonAdaptor.prototype.processQuery
        // reused process query from JSON adaptor
    var dataManager = new ej.DataManager(localData);
    // assigning custom adaptor to datamanager
    dataManager.adaptor = new customAdaptor();
    // insert from custom adaptor usage
        id: 29,
        pid: 1,
        name: `Gospel`
    $(function() {
            watermarkText: "Please select",
            width: "100%",
            treeViewSettings: {
                fields: {
                    dataSource: dataManager,
                    id: "id",
                    parentId: "pid",
                    text: "name",
                    hasChild: "hasChild"

    JavaScript DropDownTree data binding custom