
[POST] /WCF/PivotClient/Initialize

It fetches the data required to render the PivotClient control initially.

URL parameters

Parameter Description
action It holds the current action name as string
customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side
clientParams It contains the information about the control for initial rendering

Response information

Code: 200

Content-Type: application/json

Response: serialized JSON string

Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> Initialize(string action, string customObject, string clientParams)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = null;
        dynamic customData = serializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(customObject.ToString());
        var cultureIDInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US").LCID;
        if (customData is Dictionary<string, object> && customData.ContainsKey("Language"))
            cultureIDInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((customData["Language"])).LCID;
        connectionString = connectionString.Replace("" + cultureIDInfoval + "", "" + cultureIDInfo + "");
        cultureIDInfoval = cultureIDInfo;
        DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        DataManager.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(cultureIDInfo);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, clientParams);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/InitializeGrid

    It fetches the data required to render the PivotGrid control inside PivotClient.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    gridLayout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control
    customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> InitializeGrid(string action, string currentReport, string gridLayout, string customObject)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        if (DataManager.ConnectionString.ToLower().Replace(" ", String.Empty).Split(';', '=').Contains("localeidentifier"))
            DataManager.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(cultureIDInfoval);
            DataManager.OverrideDefaultFormatStrings = true;
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, gridLayout);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/InitializeChart

    It fetches the data required to render the PivotChart control inside PivotClient.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> InitializeChart(string action, string currentReport, string customObject)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return chartHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/InitializeTreeMap

    It fetches the data required to render the PivotTreeMap control inside PivotClient.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> InitializeTreeMap(string action, string currentReport, string customObject)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return treemapHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/DrillChart

    It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotChart on drilling.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    drilledSeries It contains the name of the drilled member
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection as compressed string

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> DrillChart(string action, string drilledSeries, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return chartHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, drilledSeries);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/DrillTreeMap

    It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotTreeMap on drilling.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    drillInfo It contains the drilled information
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> DrillTreeMap(string action, string drillInfo, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return treemapHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, drillInfo);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/DrillGrid

    It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotGrid on drilling.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    cellPosition It holds the position of the cell drilled
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant
    headerInfo It contains the information about the drilled member
    layout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> DrillGrid(string action, string cellPosition, string currentReport, string clientReports, string headerInfo, string layout)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        if (DataManager.ConnectionString.ToLower().Replace(" ", String.Empty).Split(';', '=').Contains("localeidentifier"))
            DataManager.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(cultureIDInfoval);
            DataManager.OverrideDefaultFormatStrings = true;
        DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, cellPosition, headerInfo, layout);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/FilterElement

    It fetches the filtered data required to render the control after performing filtering.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    clientParams It contains the information about the filter action performed
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> FilterElement(string action, string clientParams, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, clientParams);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/RemoveSplitButton

    It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotChart on removing an item from report.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    clientParams It contains the information about the removed item
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> RemoveSplitButton(string action, string clientParams, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, clientParams);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/FetchMemberTreeNodes

    It fetches the details of the members to render the member editor dialog.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    dimensionName It contains the hierarchy name
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> FetchMemberTreeNodes(string action, string dimensionName, string olapReport)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, dimensionName);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/DropNode

    It fetches the data required to render the control after drag and drop action.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    dropType It tells whether the dropped item is a node or pivot button
    nodeInfo It contains the information about the dropped item
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> DropNode(string action, string dropType, string nodeInfo, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, dropType, nodeInfo);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/CubeChange

    It fetches the data required to render the control on changing the cube.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    cubeName It contains the cube name
    clientParams It contains the information of the cube selected

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> CubeChange(string action, string cubeName, string clientParams)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, cubeName, clientParams);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/MeasureGroup

    It fetches the data required to render the control on changing the measure group.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    measureGroupName It contains the measure group selected

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> MeasureGroup(string action, string measureGroupName)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, measureGroupName);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/ToolbarOperations

    It fetches the data required to render the control on performing toolbar operations.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    toolbarOperation It contains name of the operation performed
    clientInfo It contains the information about the operation performed
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> ToolbarOperations(string action, string toolbarOperation, string clientInfo, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olapReport))
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientReports))
            DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, toolbarOperation, clientInfo);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/ExpandMember

    It fetches the children nodes on expanding a node in Member Editor.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    checkedStatus It contains the checked status of the member in member editor
    parentNode It contains the name of member expanded
    tag It contains the information of the member expanded
    dimensionName It contains the hierarchy name
    cubeName It contains the cube name
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> ExpandMember(string action, bool checkedStatus, string parentNode, string tag, string dimensionName, string cubeName, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olapReport))
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientReports))
            DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, checkedStatus, parentNode, tag, dimensionName, cubeName);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/UpdateReport

    It updates the report in server side.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    clientParams It contains the information required to update the report
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> UpdateReport(string action, string clientParams, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, clientParams, olapReport, clientReports);


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/SaveReportToDB

    It saves the current report to database with the specified name.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    reportName It contains the name with which the report to be stored
    operationalMode It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side
    analysisMode It contains the analysis mode to indicate whether the bound data source is OLAP or Relational
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: None

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> SaveReportToDB(string reportName, string operationalMode, string analysisMode, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        reportName = reportName + "##" + operationalMode.ToLower() + "#>>#" + analysisMode.ToLower();
        bool isDuplicate = true;
        SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection() { ConnectionString = conStringforDB };
        SqlCeCommand cmd1 = null;
        foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
            if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(reportName))
                isDuplicate = false;
                cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("update ReportsTable set Report=@Reports where ReportName like @ReportName", con);
        if (isDuplicate)
            cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("insert into ReportsTable Values(@ReportName,@Reports)", con);
        cmd1.Parameters.Add("@ReportName", reportName);
        if (operationalMode.ToLower() == "servermode" && analysisMode == "olap")
            cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", OLAPUTILS.Utils.GetReportStream(clientReports).ToArray());
            cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(clientReports).ToArray());
        return null;


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/FetchReportListFromDB

    It fetches the list of names of reports stored in database.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    operationalMode It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side
    analysisMode It contains the analysis mode to indicate whether the bound data source is OLAP or Relational

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> FetchReportListFromDB(string operationalMode, string analysisMode)
        string reportNames = string.Empty;
        string currentRptName = string.Empty;
        foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
            currentRptName = (row.ItemArray[0] as string);
            if (currentRptName.IndexOf("##" + operationalMode + "#>>#" + analysisMode) >= 0)
                currentRptName = currentRptName.Replace("##" + operationalMode + "#>>#" + analysisMode, "");
                reportNames = reportNames == "" ? currentRptName : reportNames + "__" + currentRptName;
        Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        dictionary.Add("ReportNameList", reportNames);
        return dictionary;


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/LoadReportFromDB

    It loads the report with specified name from the database to the control.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    reportName It contains the name of the report to be loaded
    operationalMode It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side
    analysisMode It contains the analysis mode to indicate whether the bound data source is OLAP or Relational
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> LoadReportFromDB(string reportName, string operationalMode, string analysisMode, string olapReport, string clientReports)
        PivotReport report = new PivotReport();
        Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        string currentRptName = string.Empty;
        foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
            currentRptName = (row.ItemArray[0] as string).Replace("##" + operationalMode.ToLower() + "#>>#" + analysisMode.ToLower(), "");
            if (currentRptName.Equals(reportName))
                if (operationalMode.ToLower() == "servermode" && analysisMode == "olap")
                    var reportString = "";
                    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                    reportString = OLAPUTILS.Utils.CompressData(row.ItemArray[1] as byte[]);
                    DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(reportString);
                    return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData("toolbarOperation", DataManager, "Load Report", reportName);
                    byte[] reportString = new byte[2 * 1024];
                    reportString = (row.ItemArray[1] as byte[]);
                    if (analysisMode.ToLower() == "pivot" && operationalMode.ToLower() == "servermode")
                        dictionary = olapClientHelper.GetJsonData("LoadReport", ProductSales.GetSalesData(), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reportString));
                        dictionary.Add("report", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reportString));
        return dictionary;


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/GetMDXQuery

    It retrieves the MDX query formed to fetch the data at that instant.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public string GetMDXQuery(string olapReport)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return DataManager.GetMDXQuery();


    [POST] /WCF/PivotClient/ToggleAxis

    It fetches the data after interchanging the elements in row and column axes.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection at that instant

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> ToggleAxis(string action, string currentReport, string clientReports)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        DataManager.Reports = olapClientHelper.DeserializedReports(clientReports);
        return olapClientHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, clientReports);