- Adding Notes to a Slide
- Adding Text into the Notes
- Adding a numbered list to Notes
- Removing Notes from a Slide
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Working with PowerPoint Notes
4 Feb 202516 minutes to read
Notes are the contents associated with each slide and are visible only to the presenter when monitors are shared in “Presenter View”. It shows hint for the speaker, so it is often called as “Speaker Notes”. The presenter can optionally add key points to notes. You can add and modify the notes in your slide using Essential® Presentation library.
Adding Notes to a Slide
The below code example demonstrates how to create a Notes in a PowerPoint Slide.
//Creates a Presentation without slides.
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Create();
//Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
//Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
INotesSlide notesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide();
//Adds text content into the Notes Slide.
notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("Notes content");
//Save the PowerPoint Presentation as stream
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create);
//Creates a Presentation without slides.
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Create();
//Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
//Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
INotesSlide notesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide();
//Adds text content into the Notes Slide.
notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("Notes content");
//Saves Presentation with specified file name with extension.
'Creates a Presentation without slides.
Dim pptxDoc As IPresentation = Presentation.Create()
'Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
Dim slide As ISlide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank)
'Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
Dim notesSlide As INotesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide()
'Adds text content into the Notes Slide.
notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("Notes content")
'Saves Presentation with specified file name with extension.
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.
Adding Text into the Notes
The following code example demonstrates how to add a text in a Notes.
//Creates a Presentation without slides.
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Create();
//Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
//Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
INotesSlide notesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide();
//Adds Paragraph into the text body.
IParagraph paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph();
//Adds text part into the Paragraph.
ITextPart textPart = paragraph.AddTextPart();
textPart.Text = "The notes slide represents the contents and key notes of the corresponding slide. It is more useful when we use Presenter View while presenting the seminars through SlideShow.";
//Sets Bold format for text content.
// Sets font style using font name.
textPart.Font.FontName = "Times New Roman";
// Sets text content size using FontSize property.
textPart.Font.FontSize = 20;
//Save the PowerPoint Presentation as stream
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create);
//Creates a Presentation without slides.
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Create();
//Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
//Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
INotesSlide notesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide();
//Adds Paragraph into the text body.
IParagraph paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph();
//Adds text part into the Paragraph.
ITextPart textPart = paragraph.AddTextPart();
textPart.Text = "The notes slide represents the contents and key notes of the corresponding slide. It is more useful when we use Presenter View while presenting the seminars through SlideShow.";
//Sets Bold format for text content.
// Sets font style using font name.
textPart.Font.FontName = "Times New Roman";
// Sets text content size using FontSize property.
textPart.Font.FontSize = 20;
//Saves Presentation with specified file name with extension.
'Creates a Presentation without slides.
Dim pptxDoc As IPresentation = Presentation.Create()
'Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
Dim slide As ISlide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank)
'Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
Dim notesSlide As INotesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide()
'Adds Paragraph into the text body.
Dim paragraph As IParagraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph()
'Adds text part into the Paragraph.
Dim textPart As ITextPart = paragraph.AddTextPart()
textPart.Text = "The notes slide represents the contents and key notes of the corresponding slide. It is more useful when we use Presenter View while presenting the seminars through SlideShow."
'Sets Bold format for text content.
textPart.Font.Bold = True
'Sets font style using font name.
textPart.Font.FontName = "Times New Roman"
'Sets text content size using FontSize property.
textPart.Font.FontSize = 20
'Saves Presentation with specified file name with extension.
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.
Adding a numbered list to Notes
The following code example demonstrates how to create simple numbered list as Notes.
//Creates a Presentation without slides.
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Create();
//Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
//Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
INotesSlide notesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide();
// Adds a new paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
IParagraph paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("The Northwind sample database (Northwind.mdb) is included with all versions of Access.");
//Sets the list type as Numbered
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered;
//Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod;
//Sets the starting value as 1
paragraph.ListFormat.StartValue = 1;
//Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1;
// Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20;
// Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100;
// Adds another paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("It provides data you can experiment with and database objects that demonstrate features you might want to implement in your own databases.");
//Sets the list type as bulleted
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered;
//Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod;
//Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1;
// Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20;
// Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100;
// Adds another paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("Using Northwind, you can become familiar with how a relational database is structured and how the database objects work together to help you enter, store, manipulate, and print your data.");
//Sets the list type as bulleted
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered;
//Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod;
//Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1;
// Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20;
// Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100;
//Save the PowerPoint Presentation as stream
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create);
//Closes the Presentation
//Creates a Presentation without slides.
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Create();
//Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
//Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
INotesSlide notesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide();
// Adds a new paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
IParagraph paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("The Northwind sample database (Northwind.mdb) is included with all versions of Access.");
//Sets the list type as Numbered
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered;
//Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod;
//Sets the starting value as 1
paragraph.ListFormat.StartValue = 1;
//Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1;
// Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20;
// Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100;
// Adds another paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("It provides data you can experiment with and database objects that demonstrate features you might want to implement in your own databases.");
//Sets the list type as bulleted
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered;
//Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod;
//Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1;
// Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20;
// Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100;
// Adds another paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("Using Northwind, you can become familiar with how a relational database is structured and how the database objects work together to help you enter, store, manipulate, and print your data.");
//Sets the list type as bulleted
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered;
//Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod;
//Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1;
// Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20;
// Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100;
//Saves the Presentation to the file system.
//Closes the Presentation
'Creates a Presentation without slides.
Dim pptxDoc As IPresentation = Presentation.Create()
'Adds new slide with blank slide layout type.
Dim slide As ISlide = pptxDoc.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank)
'Adds new notes slide in the specified slide.
Dim notesSlide As INotesSlide = slide.AddNotesSlide()
' Adds a new paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
Dim paragraph As IParagraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("The Northwind sample database (Northwind.mdb) is included with all versions of Access.")
'Sets the list type as Numbered
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered
'Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod
'Sets the starting value as 1
paragraph.ListFormat.StartValue = 1
'Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1
' Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20
' Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100
' Adds another paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("It provides data you can experiment with and database objects that demonstrate features you might want to implement in your own databases.")
'Sets the list type as bulleted
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered
'Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod
'Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1
' Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20
' Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100
' Adds another paragraph with the text in the left hand side textbox.
paragraph = notesSlide.NotesTextBody.AddParagraph("Using Northwind, you can become familiar with how a relational database is structured and how the database objects work together to help you enter, store, manipulate, and print your data.")
'Sets the list type as bulleted
paragraph.ListFormat.Type = ListType.Numbered
'Sets the numbered style (list numbering) as Arabic number following by period.
paragraph.ListFormat.NumberStyle = NumberedListStyle.ArabicPeriod
'Sets the list level as 1
paragraph.IndentLevelNumber = 1
' Sets the hanging value
paragraph.FirstLineIndent = -20
' Sets the bullet character size. Here, 100 means 100% of its text. Possible values can range from 25 to 400.
paragraph.ListFormat.Size = 100
'Saves the Presentation to the file system.
'Closes the Presentation
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.
Removing Notes from a Slide
The below code example demonstrates how to remove a Notes from a PowerPoint Slide.
//Loads or open an PowerPoint Presentation
FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(inputFileName,FileMode.Open);
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Open(inputStream);
//Gets instance of the first slide from the Presentation.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides[0] as ISlide;
//Removes Notes Slide from a corresponding slide.
//Save the PowerPoint Presentation as stream
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create);
//Opens an existing PowerPoint presentation.
IPresentation pptxDoc = Presentation.Open("Sample.pptx");
//Gets instance of the first slide from the Presentation.
ISlide slide = pptxDoc.Slides[0] as ISlide;
//Removes Notes Slide from a corresponding slide.
//Saves Presentation with specified file name with extension.
'Opens an existing PowerPoint presentation.
Dim pptxDoc As IPresentation = Presentation.Open("Sample.pptx")
'Gets instance of the first slide from the Presentation.
Dim slide As ISlide = TryCast(pptxDoc.Slides(0), ISlide)
'Removes Notes Slide from a corresponding slide.
'Saves Presentation with specified file name with extension.
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.