Save and load report

9 Mar 20184 minutes to read

Allows you to save the current report of pivot grid and render the control with saved report later.

Save report to local storage

To save the current report of pivot grid to the local storage, you should call the saveReport method in the pivot grid.

<div class="e-control">
	{{ej-pivotgrid id="PivotGrid" e-dataSource=model.dataSource e-saveReport=model.saveToLocal}}
    {{ej-button id="Export" e-text="Export" e-click=model.onSave }}
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
    return {
                onSave: function(args) {
                    var pGridObj = $('.e-pivotgrid').data("ejPivotGrid");
                    url = "",
                    name = "report",
                    storage = "local",
                    pGridObj.saveReport(name, storage, url);
                saveToLocal: function(args) {
                    localStorage.setItem("report", JSON.stringify(;

Load report from local storage

To load the stored report of pivot grid from the local storage, you should call the loadReport method in the pivot grid.

<div class="e-control">
	{{ej-pivotgrid id="PivotGrid" e-dataSource=model.dataSource e-loadReport=model.loadFromLocal}}
    {{ej-button id="Export" e-text="Export" e-click=model.onLoad }}
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
    return {
                onLoad: function(args) {
                    var pGridObj = $('.e-pivotgrid').data("ejPivotGrid");
                    url = "",
                    name = "report",
                    storage = "local",
                    pGridObj.loadReport(name, storage, url);
                loadFromLocal: function(args) {
                    args.targetControl.model.dataSource = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("report"));