Perform OCR in Linux

6 Dec 20243 minutes to read

The Syncfusion® .NET OCR library is used to extract text from scanned PDFs and images in the Linux application with the help of Google’s Tesseract Optical Character Recognition engine.


The following Linux dependencies should be installed where the conversion takes place.

  • C#
  • sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libgdiplus
    sudo apt-get install libc6-dev

    Steps to convert HTML to PDF in .NET Core application on Linux

    Step 1: Execute the following command in the Linux terminal to create a new .NET Core Console application.

  • C#
  • dotnet new console

    OCR Linux Step1

    Step 2: Install the Syncfusion.PDF.OCR.Net NuGet package as a reference to your .NET Core application

  • C#
  • dotnet add package Syncfusion.PDF.OCR.Net -v xx.x.x.xx -s

    OCR Linux Step2

    Step 3: Include the following namespaces in Program.cs file.

  • C#
  • using Syncfusion.OCRProcessor;
    using Syncfusion.Pdf;
    using Syncfusion.Pdf.Parsing;


    Beginning from version 21.1.x, the default configuration includes the addition of the TesseractBinaries and Tesseract language data folder paths, eliminating the requirement to explicitly provide these paths.

    Step 4: Add code sample to perform OCR on entire PDF document using PerformOCR method of the OCRProcessor class.

  • C#
  • string docPath = ("input.pdf");
    //Initialize the OCR processor
    using (OCRProcessor processor = new OCRProcessor())
        //Load the PDF document 
        FileStream stream = new FileStream(docPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        PdfLoadedDocument lDoc = new PdfLoadedDocument(stream);
        //Language to process the OCR
        processor.Settings.Language = Languages.English;
        //Process OCR by providing loaded PDF document, Data dictionary and language
        //Save the OCR processed PDF document in the disk
        MemoryStream streamData = new MemoryStream();
        File.WriteAllBytes("Output.pdf", streamData.ToArray());

    Step 5: Execute the following command to restore the NuGet packages.

  • C#
  • dotnet restore

    OCR Linux Step3

    Step 6: Execute the following command in the terminal to build the application.

  • C#
  • dotnet build

    OCR Linux Step4

    Step 7: Execute the following command in the terminal to run the application.

  • C#
  • dotnet run

    OCR Linux Step5

    By executing the program, you will get the PDF document as follows. The output will be saved in parallel to the program.cs file.
    OCR Linux Output

    A complete working sample can be downloaded from Github.