How to get the RGB color value for the applied cell color?

2 Jul 20243 minutes to read

The following code example illustrates how to get the RGB color value for the applied cell color in an Excel document.

using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
    IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;

    //Create a workbook
    IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
    IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

    //Apply cell background color
    worksheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Custom50;

    //Get the RGB values of the cell color
    Color color = worksheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Color;
    byte red = color.R;
    byte green = color.G;
    byte blue = color.B;
    Console.WriteLine($"Red: {red}, Green: {green}, Blue: {blue}");
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
    IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;

    //Create a workbook
    IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
    IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

    //Apply cell background color
    worksheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Custom50;

    //Get the RGB values of the cell color
    Color color = worksheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Color;
    byte red = color.R;
    byte green = color.G;
    byte blue = color.B;
    Console.WriteLine($"Red: {red}, Green: {green}, Blue: {blue}");
Using excelEngine As New ExcelEngine()
    Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx

    'Create a workbook
    Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1)
    Dim worksheet As IWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)

    'Apply cell background color
    worksheet.Range("A1").CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Custom50

    'Get the RGB values of the cell color
    Dim color As Color = worksheet.Range("A1").CellStyle.Color
    Dim red As Byte = color.R
    Dim green As Byte = color.G
    Dim blue As Byte = color.B
    Console.WriteLine($"Red: {red}, Green: {green}, Blue: {blue}")
End Using