
Get a document from Couchbase Server via Key/Value access. The ID of the document to fetch may be supplied by setting the <Document Id> property. NOTE: if the Document Id property is not set, the contents of the FlowFile will be read to determine the Document Id, which means that the contents of the entire FlowFile will be buffered in memory.


nosql, couchbase, database, get


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the Expression Language Guide.

Name Default Value Allowable Values Description
Couchbase Cluster Controller Service Controller Service API:
A Couchbase Cluster Controller Service which manages connections to a Couchbase cluster.
Bucket Name default The name of bucket to access.
Document Type Json * Json
* Binary
The type of contents.
Document Id A static, fixed Couchbase document id, or an expression to construct the Couchbase document id.
Supports Expression Language: true


Name Description
original The original input file will be routed to this destination when it has been successfully processed.
retry All FlowFiles that cannot written to Couchbase Server but can be retried are routed to this relationship.
failure All FlowFiles that cannot written to Couchbase Server and can't be retried are routed to this relationship.
success All FlowFiles that are written to Couchbase Server are routed to this relationship.

Reads Attributes:

None specified.

Writes Attributes:

Name Description
couchbase.cluster Cluster where the document was retrieved from.
couchbase.bucket Bucket where the document was retrieved from. Id of the document.
couchbase.doc.cas CAS of the document.
couchbase.doc.expiry Expiration of the document.
couchbase.exception If Couchbase related error occurs the CouchbaseException class name will be captured here.

See Also:
