Linking URLs and Dashboards

You can link any URLs or Dashboards (external/internal) to a visualization widget by enabling the Enable Linking property. It provides three types of linking as follows:




The Enable Linking option is available in the Properties tab of the widgets.

Enable linking option

By default Enable Linking property will remain unchecked.

Default option

To enable linking select the Enable Linking checkbox and Dashboard linking option will be chosen as the default linking option.

Check the enable linking


Dashboard linking option allows you to link the dashboards published in the dashboard server to your widget.

Select the dashboard option and paste the published dashboard HTTP/HTTPS URL.


Refer here for getting the published dashboard link from the dashboard server.

Dashboard linking


For dashboard linking option you need to login to your dashboard server account in the dashboard designer. If you are not logged in already, the Login Window will be displayed once you entered the dashboard link in the text box.

You can provide the server credentials and click the Login.

server login

The list of tabs available in the linked dashboard will be listed in the Tab drop-down box. If the linked dashboard contains only a single tab it will be automatically chosen as the selected tab.

Now, the Set Parameters… option will get enable. You can click the Set Parameters....

Set parameter option

The Parameter Settings window will be displayed. You can change the source widget and source column as required and click OK.

If you need to reset changes to the source widget and source column selection, click the reset and select ok.

Parameter settings window


To find the examples of dashboard linking option, refer to this Knowledge base article.


URL linking allows you to link to the valid web URLs.

Select the URL option and enter the Web URL in the URL text box. If you click on the column names listed in the
Append Column Name list , it will be appended to the URL entered in the URL text box.

URL linking

For grid widget, you can get URL based on Row and Column. The dashboard linking property will be same as explained above.


Enter the Web URL in the URL text box. If you click on the column names listed in the
Append Column Name list , it will be appended to the URL entered in the URL text box.

Row linking

You can preview the linked URL using the URL preview option. If you click the preview URL link,it will be opened in a browser.


You can select the column and click the Url Settings.

Url settings option

The Url Settings wizard will be displayed.

Url settings window

Add the web Url to ShipName field and select the column name to append the column name to the link.

select fields in url settings

Now, the link will be added to the grid widget. You can select the URL link that you want to refer.

Current domain linking

Current domain linking option allows to link the reports within the same domain without mentioning the full domain name.

If you hosted a sub application in the server, you can provide the domain name in the URL by using the keyword ~currentdomain~.

For an example,

Actual URL:

Linking URL: ~currentdomain~/reports

Dashboard designer view:

In the FIFA world cup 2014 dashboard ,another dashboard URL is linked in the below shown widget using the current domain linking.

Current domain linking

Dashboard server view:

To verify the dashboard linking, preview the dashboard.

Preview dashboard

If the Country name “Germany” is selected in the linked widget, it will navigate to the Target dashboard with the filter applied for the selected Country name.

dashboard link


The “~currentdomain~” keyword is case insensitive. You can use like ~CurrentDomain~, ~CURRENTDOMAIN~, etc.,


If the Dashboard server user is not logged in the designer application, the current domain URL link will be considered as an invalid URL.


You can link to another tab of current dashboard using the Internal linking option. It will list out the dashboards other than the current active dashboard in the Tab drop-down list.

Internal linking

Now the set parameters option will be enabled. The Set Parameters... option will work as explained in ‘Dashboard(External)’ linking type.