Enum SuggestionMode
Represents the suggestion mode for ComboBox.
Namespace: Syncfusion.XForms.WPF.ComboBox
Assembly: Syncfusion.SfComboBox.XForms.WPF.dll
public enum SuggestionMode
Name | Description |
Contains | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string contains in the list which is culture sensitive. |
ContainsCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string contains in the list which is culture and case sensitive. |
ContainsOrdinal | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string contains in the list by using StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase. |
ContainsOrdinalCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string contains in the list by using StringComparer.Ordinal. |
Custom | Returns the suggestion based on the custom filter result. |
EndsWith | Returns the suggestions whether the ending of the string matches in the list which is culture sensitive. |
EndsWithCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the ending of the string matches in the list which is culture and case sensitive. |
EndsWithOrdinal | Returns the suggestions whether the ending of the string matches in the list by using StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase. |
EndsWithOrdinalCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the ending of the string matches in the list by using StringComparer.Ordinal. |
Equals | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string equals in the list which is culture sensitive. |
EqualsCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string equals in the list which is culture and case sensitive. |
EqualsOrdinal | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string equals in the list by using StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase. |
EqualsOrdinalCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string equals in the list by using StringComparer.Ordinal. |
None | Returns the all the ComboBoxSource collection as suggestions |
StartsWith | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string matches in the list which is culture sensitive. |
StartsWithCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string matches in the list which is culture and case sensitive. |
StartsWithOrdinal | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string matches in the list by using StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase. |
StartsWithOrdinalCaseSensitive | Returns the suggestions whether the beginning of the string matches in the list by using StringComparer.Ordinal. |