Class SFStackingBar100Series
Represents a 100% stacked bar chart. To render this chart, create an instance of this class and add it to Series collection property and set the required properties.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Syncfusion.MacOS.Charts.SfChart
Assembly: Syncfusion.SfChart.XForms.macOS.dll
public class SFStackingBar100Series : SFStackingBarSeries
SFStackingBar100Series is the transposed version of SFStackingColumn100Series. Unlike other cartesian chart types, to plot SFStackingBarSeries, x-axis will be rendered vertically and y-axis will be rendered horizontally. Hence, it is not possible to plot other chart types along with SFStackingBarSeries. Multiple SFStackingBarSeries can be added in a single SFChart. SFStackingBarSeries requiresItemsSource, XBindingPath and YBindingPath properties to be set to render the chart. This series also requires x-axis and y-axis to be explicitly set either using PrimaryAxis and SecondaryAxis or XAxis and YAxis.
public SFStackingBar100Series()