Class PdfRevocationCertificate
The PdfRevocationCertificate class represents a revocation certificate used in PDF signing operations. It contains information related to the revocation status of a signer's certificate.
Namespace: Syncfusion.Pdf.Security
Assembly: Syncfusion.Pdf.Portable.dll
public class PdfRevocationCertificate : Object
public PdfRevocationCertificate()
Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate.
public X509Certificate2[] Certificates { get; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[] |
//Loads an existing document.
PdfLoadedDocument document = new PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf");
//Gets the signature field.
PdfLoadedSignatureField signatureField = document.Form.Fields[0] as PdfLoadedSignatureField;
//Validates signature and gets the validation result.
PdfSignatureValidationResult result = signatureField.ValidateSignature();
//Gets signer certificates
PdfSignerCertificate[] certifcate = result.SignerCertificates;
foreach (PdfSignerCertificate cert in certifcate)
//Get the actual signer certificate.
X509Certificate2 actualCertificate = cert.Certificate;
//Get the OCSP certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate ocspCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate;
if (ocspCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isOcspEmbedded = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 ocsPCert = ocspCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidTo;
//Get the CRL certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate crlCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate;
if (crlCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isCrlEmbedded = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 crlCert = crlCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidTo;
//Close the document.
Dim document As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf")
Dim signatureField As PdfLoadedSignatureField = CType(document.Form.Fields(0),PdfLoadedSignatureField)
Dim result As PdfSignatureValidationResult = signatureField.ValidateSignature
Dim certifcate() As PdfSignerCertificate = result.SignerCertificates
For Each cert As PdfSignerCertificate In certifcate
'Get the actual signer certificate.
Dim actualCertificate As X509Certificate2 = cert.Certificate
'Get the OCSP certificate.
Dim ocspCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate
If (Not (ocspCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isOcspEmbedded As Boolean = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim ocsPCert As X509Certificate2 = ocspCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Get the CRL certificate.
Dim crlCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate
If (Not (crlCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isCrlEmbedded As Boolean = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim crlCert As X509Certificate2 = crlCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Close the document.
Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document.
public bool IsEmbedded { get; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
//Loads an existing document.
PdfLoadedDocument document = new PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf");
//Gets the signature field.
PdfLoadedSignatureField signatureField = document.Form.Fields[0] as PdfLoadedSignatureField;
//Validates signature and gets the validation result.
PdfSignatureValidationResult result = signatureField.ValidateSignature();
//Gets signer certificates
PdfSignerCertificate[] certifcate = result.SignerCertificates;
foreach (PdfSignerCertificate cert in certifcate)
//Get the actual signer certificate.
X509Certificate2 actualCertificate = cert.Certificate;
//Get the OCSP certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate ocspCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate;
if (ocspCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isOcspEmbedded = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 ocsPCert = ocspCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidTo;
//Get the CRL certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate crlCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate;
if (crlCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isCrlEmbedded = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 crlCert = crlCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidTo;
//Close the document.
Dim document As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf")
Dim signatureField As PdfLoadedSignatureField = CType(document.Form.Fields(0),PdfLoadedSignatureField)
Dim result As PdfSignatureValidationResult = signatureField.ValidateSignature
Dim certifcate() As PdfSignerCertificate = result.SignerCertificates
For Each cert As PdfSignerCertificate In certifcate
'Get the actual signer certificate.
Dim actualCertificate As X509Certificate2 = cert.Certificate
'Get the OCSP certificate.
Dim ocspCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate
If (Not (ocspCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isOcspEmbedded As Boolean = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim ocsPCert As X509Certificate2 = ocspCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Get the CRL certificate.
Dim crlCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate
If (Not (crlCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isCrlEmbedded As Boolean = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim crlCert As X509Certificate2 = crlCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Close the document.
Gets a value indicating whether the CRL certificate is revoked or not.
public bool IsRevokedCRL { get; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
//Loads an existing signed PDF document.
PdfLoadedDocument loadedDocument = new PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf");
//Gets the signature field.
PdfLoadedSignatureField signatureField = loadedDocument.Form.Fields[0] as PdfLoadedSignatureField;
//Validate signature and gets the validation result.
PdfSignatureValidationResult result = signatureField.ValidateSignature();
//Gets signer certificates.
PdfSignerCertificate[] signerCertificates = result.SignerCertificates;
foreach (PdfSignerCertificate signerCertificate in signerCertificates)
if (signerCertificate.CrlCertificate != null)
//Gets the value indicating whether the CRL certificated is revoked or not.
bool isRevoked = signerCertificate.CrlCertificate.IsRevokedCRL;
//Close the document.
'Gets the value indicating whether the CRL certificated is revoked or not.
Dim loadedDocument As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf")
'Gets the signature field.
Dim signatureField As PdfLoadedSignatureField = TryCast(loadedDocument.Form.Fields(0), PdfLoadedSignatureField)
'Validate signature and gets the validation result.
Dim result As PdfSignatureValidationResult = signatureField.ValidateSignature()
'Gets signer certificates.
Dim signerCertificates As PdfSignerCertificate() = result.SignerCertificates
For Each signerCertificate As PdfSignerCertificate In signerCertificates
If signerCertificate.CrlCertificate IsNot Nothing Then
'Gets the value indicating whether the CRL certificated is revoked or not.
Dim isRevoked As Boolean = signerCertificate.CrlCertificate.IsRevokedCRL
End If
'Close the document.
Retrieve the list of revoked certificates from every Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
public RevokedCertificate[] RevokedCertificates { get; }
Property Value
Type |
RevokedCertificate[] |
//Loads an existing signed PDF document.
PdfLoadedDocument loadedDocument = new PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf");
//Gets the signature field.
PdfLoadedSignatureField signatureField = loadedDocument.Form.Fields[0] as PdfLoadedSignatureField;
Validate signature and gets the validation result.
PdfSignatureValidationResult result = signatureField.ValidateSignature();
//Gets signer certificates.
PdfSignerCertificate[] signerCertificates = result.SignerCertificates;
foreach (PdfSignerCertificate signerCertificate in signerCertificates)
if (signerCertificate.CrlCertificate != null)
//Gets the list of revoked certficates.
RevokedCertificate[] revokedCertificates = signerCertificate.CrlCertificate.RevokedCertificates;
if (revokedCertificates != null)
//Gets a serial number of the revoked certificate.
string serialNumber = revokedCertificates[0].SerialNumber;
//Gets a revoked date of the specific revoked certificate.
DateTime revokedDate = revokedCertificates[0].ValidTo;
//Close the document.
'Loads an existing signed PDF document.
Dim loadedDocument As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf")
'Gets the signature field.
Dim signatureField As PdfLoadedSignatureField = TryCast(loadedDocument.Form.Fields(0), PdfLoadedSignatureField)
'Validate signature and gets the validation result.
Dim result As PdfSignatureValidationResult = signatureField.ValidateSignature()
'Gets signer certificates.
Dim signerCertificates As PdfSignerCertificate() = result.SignerCertificates
For Each signerCertificate As PdfSignerCertificate In signerCertificates
If signerCertificate.CrlCertificate IsNot Nothing Then
'Gets the list of revoked certficates.
Dim revokedCertificates As RevokedCertificate() = signerCertificate.CrlCertificate.RevokedCertificates
If revokedCertificates IsNot Nothing Then
'Gets a serial number of the revoked certificate.
Dim serialNumber As String = revokedCertificates(0).SerialNumber
'Gets a revoked date of the specific revoked certificate.
Dim revokedDate As DateTime = revokedCertificates(0).ValidTo
End If
End If
'Close the document.
Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid.
public DateTime ValidFrom { get; }
Property Value
Type |
System.DateTime |
//Loads an existing document.
PdfLoadedDocument document = new PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf");
//Gets the signature field.
PdfLoadedSignatureField signatureField = document.Form.Fields[0] as PdfLoadedSignatureField;
//Validates signature and gets the validation result.
PdfSignatureValidationResult result = signatureField.ValidateSignature();
//Gets signer certificates
PdfSignerCertificate[] certifcate = result.SignerCertificates;
foreach (PdfSignerCertificate cert in certifcate)
//Get the actual signer certificate.
X509Certificate2 actualCertificate = cert.Certificate;
//Get the OCSP certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate ocspCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate;
if (ocspCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isOcspEmbedded = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 ocsPCert = ocspCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidTo;
//Get the CRL certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate crlCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate;
if (crlCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isCrlEmbedded = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 crlCert = crlCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidTo;
//Close the document.
Dim document As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf")
Dim signatureField As PdfLoadedSignatureField = CType(document.Form.Fields(0),PdfLoadedSignatureField)
Dim result As PdfSignatureValidationResult = signatureField.ValidateSignature
Dim certifcate() As PdfSignerCertificate = result.SignerCertificates
For Each cert As PdfSignerCertificate In certifcate
'Get the actual signer certificate.
Dim actualCertificate As X509Certificate2 = cert.Certificate
'Get the OCSP certificate.
Dim ocspCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate
If (Not (ocspCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isOcspEmbedded As Boolean = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim ocsPCert As X509Certificate2 = ocspCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Get the CRL certificate.
Dim crlCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate
If (Not (crlCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isCrlEmbedded As Boolean = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim crlCert As X509Certificate2 = crlCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Close the document.
Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires.
public DateTime ValidTo { get; }
Property Value
Type |
System.DateTime |
//Loads an existing document.
PdfLoadedDocument document = new PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf");
//Gets the signature field.
PdfLoadedSignatureField signatureField = document.Form.Fields[0] as PdfLoadedSignatureField;
//Validates signature and gets the validation result.
PdfSignatureValidationResult result = signatureField.ValidateSignature();
//Gets signer certificates
PdfSignerCertificate[] certifcate = result.SignerCertificates;
foreach (PdfSignerCertificate cert in certifcate)
//Get the actual signer certificate.
X509Certificate2 actualCertificate = cert.Certificate;
//Get the OCSP certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate ocspCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate;
if (ocspCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isOcspEmbedded = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 ocsPCert = ocspCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = ocspCertificate.ValidTo;
//Get the CRL certificate.
PdfRevocationCertificate crlCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate;
if (crlCertificate != null)
//Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
bool isCrlEmbedded = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded;
//Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
X509Certificate2 crlCert = crlCertificate.Certificates[0];
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
DateTime currentUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidFrom;
//Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
DateTime nextUpdate = crlCertificate.ValidTo;
//Close the document.
Dim document As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("Input.pdf")
Dim signatureField As PdfLoadedSignatureField = CType(document.Form.Fields(0),PdfLoadedSignatureField)
Dim result As PdfSignatureValidationResult = signatureField.ValidateSignature
Dim certifcate() As PdfSignerCertificate = result.SignerCertificates
For Each cert As PdfSignerCertificate In certifcate
'Get the actual signer certificate.
Dim actualCertificate As X509Certificate2 = cert.Certificate
'Get the OCSP certificate.
Dim ocspCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.OcspCertificate
If (Not (ocspCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isOcspEmbedded As Boolean = ocspCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim ocsPCert As X509Certificate2 = ocspCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = ocspCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Get the CRL certificate.
Dim crlCertificate As PdfRevocationCertificate = cert.CrlCertificate
If (Not (crlCertificate) Is Nothing) Then
'Gets a value indicating whether the revocation certificate is embedded within the PDF document
Dim isCrlEmbedded As Boolean = crlCertificate.IsEmbedded
'Gets the certificate associated with the revocation certificate
Dim crlCert As X509Certificate2 = crlCertificate.Certificates(0)
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate becomes valid
Dim currentUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidFrom
'Gets the date and time when the revocation certificate expires
Dim nextUpdate As DateTime = crlCertificate.ValidTo
End If
'Close the document.